qsync: add a warning file in qsync changeset.
Safe Mutable History
Here are various Materials on planned improvement to mercurial regarding
rewriting history.
The effort splits in two parts:
* The **obsolete marker** concept aims to provide and alternative to ``strip``
to get ride of changesets.
* The **evolve** mercurial extension to rewrite history using *obsolete marker*
under the hood.
The first and most important step is by far the **obsolete marker**. However
most user will never be directly exposed to the concept. For this reason
document about changeset evolution are put first.
Evolve: A robust alternative to MQ
Evolve is an experimental history rewriting extensions that use obsolete
markers. It is inspired from MQ and pbranch but have multiple advantage over
* sticks to "Work where you are" philosophy (I'll need better wording
for that)
* Handle **non-linear history with branches and merges**
* Use **robust merge** mechanism of mercurial.
simple conflict are handled by real merge tools using appropriate ancestor.
Conflict are much rarer and much more user friendly.
* Mutable history **fully available all the time**.
You are do not need to unapply and apply patche to access various part of you
* Use **plain changeset** only. Evole create and exchange real changeset only.
Mutable history can be used in all usual operation 'pull, push, log, diff …)
* Allow **sharing and collaboration** mutable history without fear of duplicate.
(thanks to obsolete marker).
* Cover all mq usage but guard.
.. warning:: The evolve extention and the obsolete marker are at an experimental
stage. While using obsolet you'll likely be exposed to complexe
implication of the **obsolete marker** concept. I do not recommend
non power user to test this at this stage.
Production ready version should hide such details to normal user.
To enable the evolve extension use::
$ hg clone http://hg-dev.octopoid.net/hgwebdir.cgi/mutable-history/
$ mutable-history/enable.sh >> ~/.hgrc
You will probably want to use the associated version of hgview (QT viewer
only). ::
$ hg clone http://hg-dev.octopoid.net/hgwebdir.cgi/hgview/
$ cd hgview
$ python setup.py install --user
For more information see documents below
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Smart changeset deletion: Obsolete Marker
Obsolete marker is a powerful concept that allow mercurial to safely handle
history rewriting operations. It is a new type of relation between Mercurial
changesets that track the result of history rewriting operations.
This concept is simple to define and provides a very solid base to:
- Very fast history rewriting operations,
- auditable and reversible history rewritting process,
- clean final history,
- share and collaborate on mutable part of the history,
- gracefully handle history rewriting conflict,
- allows various history rewriting UI to collaborate with a underlying common API.
For more information see documents below
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Know canveas
Here is a list of know issue that will be fixed later:
* Unstable changeset turns secret.
* ``hg stabilize`` does not handle conflict.
* Mercurial think you are pushing additional heads even when the new head
obsolete another one. You have to use hg push -f more than necessary.
* ``hg update`` can move an obsolete parent
* you need to provideto graft --continue -O if you started you graft using -O.
* hg graphlog show extinct changeset
* hg heads show extinct changeset
* hg merge considered extinct head as valid target. requiring you to manually
specify target all the time.
* obsolete relation exchange crash (as in traceback) on static http repo.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1