evolve: compat patch for recordfilter change in mercurial
This patch fix the broken things because of upstream changes in
recordfilter() which is being used to select the hunks interactively.
It fixes the test-uncommit-interactive.t by adding the compat layer.
But for test-split.t I had to fix the tests manually. To make it more
clear: splitting broke at evolve side because after that upstream change
now interactive mode doesn't prompt "examine change to foo" if foo is
mentioned explicitly using cli; and directly jumps to hunks selection
prompt (well, only if there is any changes at hunks level)
And the main issue is when file which is explicitly mentioned has no changes
at hunk level (for e.g copy, rename, mode change, empty new file), because in
that case you don't have any control on selection of that file and it would
be included automatically in first cycle of interactive selection.
And this "no changes at hunks level" was the reason for test-split.t breakage
as now it didn't prompt for those files which are passed on cli.
To fix this I have included some content in those files to make sure that
tests still demonstrate the same behaviour as they were doing before breakage.
Also, I replaced some "n" with "s" as it make more sense to skip all the
changes to that file in one go instead of hitting "n" multiple times
(if there were multiple hunks)
Tests for the --abort flag for `hg evolve` command while phase-divergence resolution
The `--abort` flag aborts the interuppted evolve by undoing all the work which
was done during resolution i.e. stripping new changesets created, moving
bookmarks back, moving working directory back.
This test contains cases when `hg evolve` is doing phase-divergence resolution.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [alias]
> glog = log -GT "{rev}:{node|short} {desc}\n ({bookmarks}) {phase}"
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ hg init abortrepo
$ cd abortrepo
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
$ for ch in a b c d; do echo foo > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -qm "added "$ch; done;
$ hg glog
@ 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| () draft
o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
Creating phase divergence, resolution of which will lead to conflicts
$ hg up .^^^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg pick -r .~-3
picking 4:c41c793e0ef1 "added d"
$ echo foobar > c
$ hg add c
$ hg amend
$ hg glog --hidden
@ 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
| () draft
| x 5:cfe30edc6125 added d
|/ () draft
| x 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () draft
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () draft
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg phase -r c41c793e0ef1 --public --hidden
1 new phase-divergent changesets
$ hg glog
@ 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
| () draft
| o 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () public
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () public
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () public
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () public
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() public
$ hg evolve --phase-divergent
recreate:[6] added d
atop:[4] added d
rebasing to destination parent: ca1b80f7960a
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
testing that interrupted evolve shows up in morestatus
$ hg status -v
M c
A d
# The repository is in an unfinished *evolve* state.
# Unresolved merge conflicts:
# c
# To mark files as resolved: hg resolve --mark FILE
# To continue: hg evolve --continue
# To abort: hg evolve --abort
# To stop: hg evolve --stop
# (also see `hg help evolve.interrupted`)
$ hg parents
changeset: 3:ca1b80f7960a
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: added c
changeset: 6:ddba58020bc0
tag: tip
parent: 1:c7586e2a9264
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
instability: phase-divergent
summary: added d
$ hg evolve --abort
evolve aborted
working directory is now at ddba58020bc0
$ hg glog
@ 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
| () draft
| o 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () public
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () public
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () public
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () public
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() public
When there are multiple phase-divergent changes, resolution of last one resulted
in conflicts
$ echo foo > c
$ hg amend
$ hg phase -r ca1b80f --draft --force
$ hg prev
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[1] added a
$ hg pick -r ca1b80f
picking 3:ca1b80f7960a "added c"
$ echo foobar > b
$ hg add b
$ hg amend
$ hg phase -r c41c793e0ef1 --public --hidden
2 new phase-divergent changesets
$ hg evolve --list
e44ebefe4f54: added d
phase-divergent: c41c793e0ef1 (immutable precursor)
28cd06b3f801: added c
phase-divergent: ca1b80f7960a (immutable precursor)
$ hg evolve --dry-run --all --phase-divergent
recreate:[7] added d
atop:[4] added d
hg rebase --rev e44ebefe4f54 --dest ca1b80f7960a;
hg update c41c793e0ef1;
hg revert --all --rev e44ebefe4f54;
hg commit --msg "phase-divergent update to e44ebefe4f54"
recreate:[9] added c
atop:[3] added c
hg rebase --rev 28cd06b3f801 --dest b1661037fa25;
hg update ca1b80f7960a;
hg revert --all --rev 28cd06b3f801;
hg commit --msg "phase-divergent update to 28cd06b3f801"
$ hg glog --hidden
@ 9:28cd06b3f801 added c
| () draft
| x 8:9ff8adbe8a24 added c
|/ () draft
| * 7:e44ebefe4f54 added d
|/ () draft
| x 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
|/ () draft
| x 5:cfe30edc6125 added d
|/ () draft
| o 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () public
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () public
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () public
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () public
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() public
$ hg evolve --phase-divergent --all
recreate:[7] added d
atop:[4] added d
rebasing to destination parent: ca1b80f7960a
no changes to commit
recreate:[9] added c
atop:[3] added c
rebasing to destination parent: b1661037fa25
merging b
warning: conflicts while merging b! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg evolve --abort
1 new phase-divergent changesets
evolve aborted
working directory is now at 28cd06b3f801
$ hg glog --hidden
@ 9:28cd06b3f801 added c
| () draft
| x 8:9ff8adbe8a24 added c
|/ () draft
| * 7:e44ebefe4f54 added d
|/ () draft
| x 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
|/ () draft
| x 5:cfe30edc6125 added d
|/ () draft
| o 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () public
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () public
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () public
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () public
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() public
When there are multiple conflicted phase-divergence resolution and we abort
after resolving one of them
$ hg up e44ebefe4f54
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo foobar > c
$ hg amend
$ hg glog --hidden
@ 10:ef9b72b9b42c added d
| () draft
| * 9:28cd06b3f801 added c
|/ () draft
| x 8:9ff8adbe8a24 added c
|/ () draft
| x 7:e44ebefe4f54 added d
|/ () draft
| x 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
|/ () draft
| x 5:cfe30edc6125 added d
|/ () draft
| o 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () public
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () public
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () public
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () public
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() public
$ hg evolve --phase-divergent --all
recreate:[9] added c
atop:[3] added c
rebasing to destination parent: b1661037fa25
merging b
warning: conflicts while merging b! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ echo watwat > c
$ hg resolve -m
(no more unresolved files)
continue: hg evolve --continue
$ hg evolve --continue
evolving 9:28cd06b3f801 "added c"
committed as 95d746965290
recreate:[10] added d
atop:[4] added d
rebasing to destination parent: ca1b80f7960a
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg evolve --abort
1 new phase-divergent changesets
evolve aborted
working directory is now at ef9b72b9b42c
$ hg glog --hidden
@ 10:ef9b72b9b42c added d
| () draft
| * 9:28cd06b3f801 added c
|/ () draft
| x 8:9ff8adbe8a24 added c
|/ () draft
| x 7:e44ebefe4f54 added d
|/ () draft
| x 6:ddba58020bc0 added d
|/ () draft
| x 5:cfe30edc6125 added d
|/ () draft
| o 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () public
| o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| | () public
| o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
|/ () public
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () public
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() public