doc: make paragraphs before example code end with "::" for reST syntax
This prevents lines in an example code from being treated as a part of
normal paragraph. For issue example, lines are folded into one
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/"
Initial setup
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> [ui]
> logtemplate = {rev} {branch} \{{get(namespaces, "topics")}} {phase} {desc|firstline}\n
> [experimental]
> evolution=createmarkers,exchange,allowunstable
$ hg init main
$ cd main
$ hg branch other
marked working directory as branch other
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
$ echo aaa > aaa
$ hg add aaa
$ hg commit -m c_a
$ echo aaa > bbb
$ hg add bbb
$ hg commit -m c_b
$ hg branch foo
marked working directory as branch foo
$ echo aaa > ccc
$ hg add ccc
$ hg commit -m c_c
$ echo aaa > ddd
$ hg add ddd
$ hg commit -m c_d
$ echo aaa > eee
$ hg add eee
$ hg commit -m c_e
$ echo aaa > fff
$ hg add fff
$ hg commit -m c_f
$ hg log -G
@ 5 foo {} draft c_f
o 4 foo {} draft c_e
o 3 foo {} draft c_d
o 2 foo {} draft c_c
o 1 other {} draft c_b
o 0 other {} draft c_a
Check that topic without any parent does not crash --list
$ hg up other
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg stack
### branch: other
b2@ c_b (current)
b1: c_a
$ hg phase --public 'branch("other")'
$ hg up foo
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Simple test
'hg stack' list all changeset in the topic
$ hg branch
$ hg stack
### branch: foo
b4@ c_f (current)
b3: c_e
b2: c_d
b1: c_c
b0^ c_b (base)
$ hg stack -v
### branch: foo
b4(913c298d8b0a)@ c_f (current)
b3(4f2a69f6d380): c_e
b2(f61adbacd17a): c_d
b1(3e9313bc4b71): c_c
b0(4a04f1104a27)^ c_b (base)
Test "t#" reference
$ hg up b2
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg up foo
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg up b42
abort: cannot resolve "b42": branch "foo" has only 4 changesets
$ hg up b2
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg summary
parent: 3:f61adbacd17a
branch: foo
commit: (clean)
update: 2 new changesets (update)
phases: 4 draft
Case with some of the branch unstable
$ echo bbb > ddd
$ hg commit --amend
$ hg log -G
@ 7 foo {} draft c_d
| o 5 foo {} draft c_f
| |
| o 4 foo {} draft c_e
| |
| x 3 foo {} draft c_d
o 2 foo {} draft c_c
o 1 other {} public c_b
o 0 other {} public c_a
$ hg stack
### branch: foo
b4$ c_f (unstable)
b3$ c_e (unstable)
b2@ c_d (current)
b1: c_c
b0^ c_b (base)
$ hg up b3
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg stack
### branch: foo
b4$ c_f (unstable)
b3$ c_e (current unstable)
b2: c_d
b1: c_c
b0^ c_b (base)
$ hg up b2
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Also test the revset:
$ hg log -r 'stack()'
2 foo {} draft c_c
7 foo {} draft c_d
4 foo {} draft c_e
5 foo {} draft c_f
Case with multiple heads on the topic
Make things linear again
$ hg rebase -s 'desc(c_e)' -d 'desc(c_d) - obsolete()'
rebasing 4:4f2a69f6d380 "c_e"
rebasing 5:913c298d8b0a "c_f"
$ hg log -G
o 9 foo {} draft c_f
o 8 foo {} draft c_e
@ 7 foo {} draft c_d
o 2 foo {} draft c_c
o 1 other {} public c_b
o 0 other {} public c_a
Create the second branch
$ hg up 'desc(c_d)'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo aaa > ggg
$ hg add ggg
$ hg commit -m c_g
created new head
$ echo aaa > hhh
$ hg add hhh
$ hg commit -m c_h
$ hg log -G
@ 11 foo {} draft c_h
o 10 foo {} draft c_g
| o 9 foo {} draft c_f
| |
| o 8 foo {} draft c_e
o 7 foo {} draft c_d
o 2 foo {} draft c_c
o 1 other {} public c_b
o 0 other {} public c_a
Test output
$ hg stack
### branch: foo (2 heads)
b6: c_f
b5: c_e
b2^ c_d (base)
b4@ c_h (current)
b3: c_g
b2: c_d
b1: c_c
b0^ c_b (base)
Case with multiple heads on the topic with unstability involved
We amend the message to make sure the display base pick the right changeset
$ hg up 'desc(c_d)'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo ccc > ddd
$ hg commit --amend -m 'c_D'
$ hg rebase -d . -s 'desc(c_g)'
rebasing 10:2ebb6e48ab8a "c_g"
rebasing 11:634f38e27a1d "c_h"
$ hg log -G
o 15 foo {} draft c_h
o 14 foo {} draft c_g
@ 13 foo {} draft c_D
| o 9 foo {} draft c_f
| |
| o 8 foo {} draft c_e
| |
| x 7 foo {} draft c_d
o 2 foo {} draft c_c
o 1 other {} public c_b
o 0 other {} public c_a
$ hg stack
### branch: foo (2 heads)
b6$ c_f (unstable)
b5$ c_e (unstable)
b2^ c_D (base)
b4: c_h
b3: c_g
b2@ c_D (current)
b1: c_c
b0^ c_b (base)
Check that stack doesn't show draft changesets on a branch
$ hg log --graph
o 15 foo {} draft c_h
o 14 foo {} draft c_g
@ 13 foo {} draft c_D
| o 9 foo {} draft c_f
| |
| o 8 foo {} draft c_e
| |
| x 7 foo {} draft c_d
o 2 foo {} draft c_c
o 1 other {} public c_b
o 0 other {} public c_a
$ hg stack
### branch: foo (2 heads)
b6$ c_f (unstable)
b5$ c_e (unstable)
b2^ c_D (base)
b4: c_h
b3: c_g
b2@ c_D (current)
b1: c_c
b0^ c_b (base)
$ hg phase --public b1
$ hg stack
### branch: foo (2 heads)
b5$ c_f (unstable)
b4$ c_e (unstable)
b1^ c_D (base)
b3: c_h
b2: c_g
b1@ c_D (current)
b0^ c_c (base)
Check that stack doesn't show changeset with a topic
$ hg topic --rev b4::b5 sometopic
changed topic on 2 changes
$ hg stack
### branch: foo
b3: c_h
b2: c_g
b1@ c_D (current)
b0^ c_c (base)