obshistory: give a more correct name to a variable
This variable holds a list of predecessors, which obslog presents to graphmod
as parents so the latter could understand the data without the need to
introduce another graph edge type specifically for predecessors.
Also remove debug comments.
#require test-repo
$ checkflake8() {
> if ! (which flake8 > /dev/null); then
> echo skipped: missing tool: flake8;
> exit 80;
> fi;
> };
$ checkflake8
Copied from Mercurial core (60ee2593a270)
$ cd "`dirname "$TESTDIR"`"
run flake8 if it exists; if it doesn't, then just skip
$ hg files -0 'set:(**.py or grep("^#!.*python")) - removed()' \
> -X hgext3rd/evolve/thirdparty \
> 2>/dev/null \
> | xargs -0 flake8