author Anton Shestakov <>
Sun, 29 Mar 2020 16:00:57 +0700
changeset 5216 8c131b97e197
parent 3376 aad37ffd7d58
permissions -rw-r--r--
obshistory: give a more correct name to a variable This variable holds a list of predecessors, which obslog presents to graphmod as parents so the latter could understand the data without the need to introduce another graph edge type specifically for predecessors. Also remove debug comments.

$(document).ready(function () {
    /*  uk-nav-parent-icon */
    $(".menu-begin ul:first-child").addClass('uk-nav uk-nav-side');
    $(".menu-begin ul:first-child").data('uk-nav', '{multiple:false}');
    $(".menu-begin ul:first-child").attr('data-uk-nav', '{multiple:false}');
    // Parent click
    $(".uk-parent > a").on('click', function (event) {
        $(".uk-parent > a").parent().removeClass('uk-active');

        var hash = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];

        // scroll.To(hash);
        // $('body').scrollTo(hash);
        // $('body').scrollTo(hash,{duration:'slow', offsetTop : '50'});
        $('a[href="' + hash + '"]').addClass('uk-active');

function scrollTo(hash) {
    location.hash = "#" + hash;

function setStickyMenu () {
    var options = {
        bottoming: false,
        inner_scrolling: false
    var sticky = ".uk-overflow-container";
    var width = $(window).width();
    if (width >= 768) {
        $(".uk-nav > li").addClass('uk-parent');
        $(".menu-begin ul > li > ul").addClass('uk-nav-sub');
        $('.uk-parent div').addClass('uk-hidden');


    } else {

        $('.uk-parent div').removeClass('uk-hidden');
        $('.uk-parent div').removeAttr('style');
        $('.uk-nav li').removeClass('uk-parent');

            $(".pager").wrapInner( '<ul class="uk-pagination-left uk-pagination"></ul>' );        
            $(".pager a").wrap( '<li></li>' );
            $(".pager b").wrap( '<li class="uk-active"></li>' );
            $(".pager b").wrapInner( '<span></span>' );
            $(".pager b span").unwrap( );

            // Normalize tables without style
            $( "table" ).addClass( "uk-table" );

            // Normalize tables without style
            $( "form" ).addClass( "uk-form" );

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(window).on('resize', function () {

$(document).ready(function () {
    $( 'table' ).addClass( "table" );

var scroll = (function() {

    var elementPosition = function(a) {
        return function() {
            return a.getBoundingClientRect().top;

    var scrolling = function( elementID ) {

        var el = document.getElementById( elementID ),
            elPos = elementPosition( el ),
            duration = 400,
            increment = Math.round( Math.abs( elPos() )/40 ),
            time = Math.round( duration/increment ),
            prev = 0,

        function scroller() {
            E = elPos();

            if (E === prev) {
            } else {
                prev = E;

            increment = (E > -20 && E < 20) ? ((E > - 5 && E < 5) ? 1 : 5) : increment;

            if (E > 1 || E < -1) {

                if (E < 0) {
                    window.scrollBy( 0,-increment );
                } else {
                    window.scrollBy( 0,increment );

                setTimeout(scroller, time);

            } else {

                el.scrollTo( 0,0 );



    return {
        To: scrolling
