topic: use more protective code to access current topic
There are some code path where the operation is not properly initialized and
lack the new attributes. While the lack of initialization, is suspicious and
I've not be able to pin point case where this happens.
Currently the code crash when it encounter this situation. So we make the code
more resistant to this case to prevent bad user experience.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from mercurial import (
from mercurial.i18n import _
def enforcesinglehead(repo, tr):
for name, heads in repo.filtered('visible').branchmap().iteritems():
if len(heads) > 1:
hexs = [node.short(n) for n in heads]
raise error.Abort(_('%d heads on "%s"') % (len(heads), name),
hint=(', '.join(hexs)))
def publishbarebranch(repo, tr):
"""Publish changeset without topic"""
if 'node' not in tr.hookargs: # no new node
startnode = node.bin(tr.hookargs['node'])
topublish = repo.revs('not public() and (%n:) - hidden() - topic()', startnode)
if topublish:
cl = repo.changelog
nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in topublish]
repo._phasecache.advanceboundary(repo, tr, phases.public, nodes)
def wrappush(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
"""interpret the --publish flag and pass it to the push operation"""
newargs = kwargs.copy()
if kwargs.pop('publish', False):
opargs = kwargs.get('opargs')
if opargs is None:
opargs = {}
newargs['opargs'] = opargs.copy()
newargs['opargs']['publish'] = True
return orig(repo, remote, *args, **newargs)
def extendpushoperation(orig, self, *args, **kwargs):
publish = kwargs.pop('publish', False)
orig(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.publish = publish
def wrapphasediscovery(orig, pushop):
if getattr(pushop, 'publish', False):
if not util.safehasattr(pushop, 'remotephases'):
msg = _('--publish flag only supported from Mercurial 4.4 and higher')
raise error.Abort(msg)
if not pushop.remotephases.publishing:
unfi = pushop.repo.unfiltered()
droots = pushop.remotephases.draftroots
revset = '%ln and (not public() or %ln::)'
future = list(unfi.set(revset, pushop.futureheads, droots))
pushop.outdatedphases = future
def installpushflag(ui):
entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'push', wrappush)
entry[1].append(('', 'publish', False,
_('push the changeset as public')))
extensions.wrapfunction(exchange.pushoperation, '__init__',
extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryphase', wrapphasediscovery)
exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['phase'] = exchange._pushdiscoveryphase