author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Tue, 05 Dec 2017 13:53:04 +0100
changeset 3227 873d2f1949e1
parent 3186 9d9ff55d1bb1
child 3678 d725fe3e3989
permissions -rw-r--r--
topic: use more protective code to access current topic There are some code path where the operation is not properly initialized and lack the new attributes. While the lack of initialization, is suspicious and I've not be able to pin point case where this happens. Currently the code crash when it encounter this situation. So we make the code more resistant to this case to prevent bad user experience.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import weakref

from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import (

def _headssummary(orig, *args):
    # In mercurial < 4.2, we receive repo, remote and outgoing as arguments
    pushop = None
    if len(args) == 3:
        pushoparg = False
        repo, remote, outgoing = args

    # In mercurial > 4.3, we receive the pushop as arguments
    elif len(args) == 1:
        pushoparg = True
        pushop = args[0]
        repo = pushop.repo.unfiltered()
        remote = pushop.remote
        msg = 'topic-ext _headssummary() takes 1 or 3 arguments (%d given)'
        raise TypeError(msg % len(args))

    publishing = ('phases' not in remote.listkeys('namespaces')
                  or bool(remote.listkeys('phases').get('publishing', False)))
    if ((publishing or not remote.capable('topics'))
            and not getattr(pushop, 'publish', False)):
        return orig(*args)

    publishedset = ()
    remotebranchmap = None
    origremotebranchmap = remote.branchmap
    # < hg-4.4 do not have a --publish flag anyway
    if pushoparg and util.safehasattr(pushop, 'remotephases'):
        publishednode = [c.node() for c in pushop.outdatedphases]
        publishedset = repo.revs('ancestors(%ln + %ln)',

        rev = repo.unfiltered().changelog.nodemap.get

        def remotebranchmap():
            # drop topic information from changeset about to be published
            result = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for branch, heads in origremotebranchmap().iteritems():
                if ':' not in branch:
                    namedbranch = branch.split(':', 1)[0]
                    for h in heads:
                        r = rev(h)
                        if r is not None and r in publishedset:
            for heads in result.itervalues():
            return result

    class repocls(repo.__class__):
        # awful hack to see branch as "branch:topic"
        def __getitem__(self, key):
            ctx = super(repocls, self).__getitem__(key)
            oldbranch = ctx.branch
            rev = ctx.rev()

            def branch():
                branch = oldbranch()
                if rev in publishedset:
                    return branch
                topic = ctx.topic()
                if topic:
                    branch = "%s:%s" % (branch, topic)
                return branch

            ctx.branch = branch
            return ctx

        def revbranchcache(self):
            rbc = super(repocls, self).revbranchcache()
            changelog = self.changelog

            def branchinfo(rev):
                branch, close = changelog.branchinfo(rev)
                if rev in publishedset:
                    return branch, close
                topic = repo[rev].topic()
                if topic:
                    branch = "%s:%s" % (branch, topic)
                return branch, close

            rbc.branchinfo = branchinfo
            return rbc

    oldrepocls = repo.__class__
        repo.__class__ = repocls
        if remotebranchmap is not None:
            remote.branchmap = remotebranchmap
        unxx = repo.filtered('unfiltered-topic')
        repo.unfiltered = lambda: unxx
        if pushoparg:
            pushop.repo = repo
            summary = orig(pushop)
            summary = orig(repo, remote, outgoing)
        for key, value in summary.iteritems():
            if ':' in key: # This is a topic
                if value[0] is None and value[1]:
                    summary[key] = ([value[1][0]], ) + value[1:]
        return summary
        if 'unfiltered' in vars(repo):
            del repo.unfiltered
        repo.__class__ = oldrepocls
        if remotebranchmap is not None:
            remote.branchmap = origremotebranchmap

def wireprotobranchmap(orig, repo, proto):
    oldrepo = repo.__class__
        class repocls(repo.__class__):
            def branchmap(self):
                usetopic = not self.publishing()
                return super(repocls, self).branchmap(topic=usetopic)
        repo.__class__ = repocls
        return orig(repo, proto)
        repo.__class__ = oldrepo

# Discovery have deficiency around phases, branch can get new heads with pure
# phases change. This happened with a changeset was allowed to be pushed
# because it had a topic, but it later become public and create a new branch
# head.
# Handle this by doing an extra check for new head creation server side
def _nbheads(repo):
    data = {}
    for b in repo.branchmap().iterbranches():
        if ':' in b[0]:
        data[b[0]] = len(b[1])
    return data

def handlecheckheads(orig, op, inpart):
    """This is used to check for new heads when publishing changeset"""
    orig(op, inpart)
    if op.repo.publishing():
    tr = op.gettransaction()
    if tr.hookargs['source'] not in ('push', 'serve'): # not a push
    tr._prepushheads = _nbheads(op.repo)
    reporef = weakref.ref(op.repo)
    oldvalidator = tr.validator

    def validator(tr):
        repo = reporef()
        if repo is not None:
            finalheads = _nbheads(repo)
            for branch, oldnb in tr._prepushheads.iteritems():
                newnb = finalheads.pop(branch, 0)
                if oldnb < newnb:
                    msg = _('push create a new head on branch "%s"' % branch)
                    raise error.Abort(msg)
            for branch, newnb in finalheads.iteritems():
                if 1 < newnb:
                    msg = _('push create more than 1 head on new branch "%s"'
                            % branch)
                    raise error.Abort(msg)
        return oldvalidator(tr)
    tr.validator = validator
handlecheckheads.params = frozenset()

def _pushb2phases(orig, pushop, bundler):
    checktypes = ('check:heads', 'check:updated-heads')
    hascheck = any(p.type in checktypes for p in bundler._parts)
    if not hascheck and pushop.outdatedphases:
        exchange._pushb2ctxcheckheads(pushop, bundler)
    return orig(pushop, bundler)

def wireprotocaps(orig, repo, proto):
    caps = orig(repo, proto)
    if repo.peer().capable('topics'):
    return caps

def modsetup(ui):
    """run at uisetup time to install all destinations wrapping"""
    extensions.wrapfunction(discovery, '_headssummary', _headssummary)
    extensions.wrapfunction(wireproto, 'branchmap', wireprotobranchmap)
    extensions.wrapfunction(wireproto, '_capabilities', wireprotocaps)
    # we need a proper wrap b2 part stuff
    extensions.wrapfunction(bundle2, 'handlecheckheads', handlecheckheads)
    bundle2.handlecheckheads.params = frozenset()
    bundle2.parthandlermapping['check:heads'] = bundle2.handlecheckheads
    if util.safehasattr(bundle2, 'handlecheckupdatedheads'):
        # we still need a proper wrap b2 part stuff
        extensions.wrapfunction(bundle2, 'handlecheckupdatedheads', handlecheckheads)
        bundle2.handlecheckupdatedheads.params = frozenset()
        bundle2.parthandlermapping['check:updated-heads'] = bundle2.handlecheckupdatedheads
    extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushb2phases', _pushb2phases)
    exchange.b2partsgenmapping['phase'] = exchange._pushb2phases