hgext3rd: move 'drophack' as 'evolve.hack.drophack'
Yet another extension migrating. Ideally we would implement stripping
obsolescence marker in code soon and be able to dispose of this extensions
directly. In the mean time this goes into the "hack" namespace.
VERSION=$(shell python setup.py --version)
@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
@echo ' deb-prepare - prepare the build of a debian package'
all: help
python setup.py sdist --dist-dir ..
mv -f ../hg-evolve-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
tar xf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
rm -rf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
mv hg-evolve-$(VERSION) ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
cp -r debian/ ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig/
@cd ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig && echo 'debian build directory ready at' `pwd`