evolve: abort when trying to move a node on top of itself
This provides a clearer error message when evolve misstakenly tries
to move a changeset on top of itself. Before we got an abort with a
cryptic message about trying to rebase a merge changeset.
A proper fix to make sure that evolve never tries to move a node on
top of itself will come in later patches.
Initial setup
$ . $TESTDIR/_exc-util.sh
=== A.4 Push in the middle of the obsolescence chain ===
.. (Where we show that we should not push the marker without the successors)
.. {{{
.. B ◔
.. |
.. A⇠ø⇠○ A'
.. |/
.. ● O
.. }}}
.. Marker exist from:
.. * `Aø⇠○ A'`
.. * chain from A
.. Command run:
.. * hg push -r B
.. Expected exchange:
.. * Chain from A
.. Expected Exclude:
.. * `Aø⇠○ A'`
$ setuprepos A.4
creating test repo for test case A.4
- pulldest
- main
- pushdest
cd into `main` and proceed with env setup
$ cd main
$ mkcommit A0
$ mkcommit B
$ hg update 0
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit A1
created new head
$ hg debugobsolete aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa `getid 'desc(A0)'`
$ hg debugobsolete `getid 'desc(A0)'` `getid 'desc(A1)'`
$ hg log -G --hidden
@ e5ea8f9c7314 (draft): A1
| o 06055a7959d4 (draft): B
| |
| x 28b51eb45704 (draft): A0
o a9bdc8b26820 (public): O
$ hg debugobsolete
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f e5ea8f9c73143125d36658e90ef70c6d2027a5b7 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
Actual Test for first version (changeset unknown remotly)
$ dotest A.4 B -f
## Running testcase A.4
# testing echange of "B" (06055a7959d4)
## initial state
# obstore: main
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f e5ea8f9c73143125d36658e90ef70c6d2027a5b7 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
# obstore: pulldest
## pushing "B" from main to pushdest
pushing to pushdest
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
OBSEXC: computing relevant nodes
OBSEXC: computing markers relevant to 3 nodes
OBSEXC: encoding 1 markers
OBSEXC: sending 1 pushkey payload (78 bytes)
## post push state
# obstore: main
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f e5ea8f9c73143125d36658e90ef70c6d2027a5b7 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pulldest
## pulling "06055a7959d4" from main into pulldest
pulling from main
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
OBSEXC: pull obsolescence markers
OBSEXC: merging obsolescence markers (62 bytes)
OBSEXC: 1 markers added
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
## post pull state
# obstore: main
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f e5ea8f9c73143125d36658e90ef70c6d2027a5b7 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pulldest
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}