obscache: Only access the new obsmarkers for marker update
Since we know what what is the part of the file with "new" markers we can just
access these.
If the cache was up to date before the transaction, we'll re-parse data we just
wrote. See the inline comment for details. This is good enough for now.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [defaults]
> amend=-d "0 0"
> [extensions]
> hgext.graphlog=
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ template='{rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({separate("/", obsolete, phase)}) {desc|firstline}\n'
$ glog() {
> hg glog --template "$template" "$@"
> }
Test outgoing, common A is suspended, B unstable and C secret, remote
has A and B, neither A or C should be in outgoing.
$ hg init source
$ cd source
$ echo a > a
$ hg ci -qAm A a
$ echo b > b
$ hg ci -qAm B b
$ hg up 0
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo c > c
$ hg ci -qAm C c
$ hg phase --secret --force .
$ hg prune 0 1
2 changesets pruned
1 new unstable changesets
$ glog --hidden
@ 2:244232c2222a@default(secret) C
| x 1:6c81ed0049f8@default(obsolete/draft) B
x 0:1994f17a630e@default(obsolete/draft) A
$ hg init ../clone
$ cat > ../clone/.hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [phases]
> publish = false
$ hg outgoing ../clone --template "$template"
comparing with ../clone
searching for changes
0:1994f17a630e@default(obsolete/draft) A
$ cd ..
Test options to prevent implicite publishing of changesets
$ hg clone source strict-publish-client --pull
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
1 new obsolescence markers
updating to branch default
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cd strict-publish-client
$ echo c > c
$ hg ci -qAm C c
abort behavior
$ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<eof
> [experimental]
> auto-publish = abort
> eof
$ hg push -r .
pushing to $TESTTMP/source
abort: push would publish 1 changesets
(behavior controlled by 'experimental.auto-publish' config)
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/source
abort: push would publish 1 changesets
(behavior controlled by 'experimental.auto-publish' config)
warning behavior
$ echo 'auto-publish = warn' >> .hg/hgrc
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/source
1 changesets about to be published
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 0 changesets with 0 changes to 1 files