tests: add test for --stop flag when resolving multiparents content-div
This patch adds a test for --stop flag when we are in an interrupted
content-divergent resolution which have multiple parents. Conflicts happen we
merge the divergent changesets after relocation. The test shows that we
need to strip the relocated changeset.
testing topic with shelve extension
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/topic_setup.sh"
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ cat <<EOF >>.hg/hgrc
> [extensions]
> shelve=
$ touch a
$ echo "Hello" >> a
$ hg topic "testing-shelve"
marked working directory as topic: testing-shelve
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (0 changesets)
$ hg ci -m "First commit" -A
adding a
active topic 'testing-shelve' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (1 changesets)
$ echo " World" >> a
$ hg stack
### topic: testing-shelve
### target: default (branch)
t1@ First commit (current)
shelve test
$ hg shelve
shelved as default
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (1 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: testing-shelve
### target: default (branch)
t1@ First commit (current)
unshelve test
$ hg unshelve
unshelving change 'default'
$ hg topic
* testing-shelve (1 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: testing-shelve
### target: default (branch)
t1@ First commit (current)