evolve: make sure div resolution don't replace the initial author (issue6113)
Before this patch, divergence resolution logic taking the current user who
is running the resolution command as the author of commit that will
be created after merging the two divergent csets.
This patch make sure that we preserve the initial author.
Changes in test file reflect the fixed behaviour.
all: tutorials/tutorial.rst tutorials/topic-tutorial.rst static/logo-evolve.ico
sphinx-build . ../html/
tutorials/tutorial.rst: tutorials/tutorial.t test2rst.py
python test2rst.py tutorials/
tutorials/topic-tutorial.rst: tutorials/topic-tutorial.t test2rst.py
python test2rst.py tutorials/
static/logo-evolve.ico: static/logo-evolve.svg
convert -resize 36x36 static/logo-evolve.svg static/logo-evolve.ico