rewind: make sure merge commits include files from p1 and p2
Otherwise rewinding a merge commit makes it lose all changes.
This fix populates `updates` argument of rewriteutil.rewrite() with parent
changesets. That argument is normally used for folding multiple changesets, but
in this case it's simply used to include files from p1 and p2. Usually,
rewrite() works fine using ctx.files(), but that function can return an empty
list when ctx is a merge commit.
Test for `hg debugconvertbookmark` added by topics
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/"
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> drawdag=$RUNTESTDIR/
> [ui]
> logtemplate = [{rev}:{node|short}] {desc|firstline}\n\
> {if(bookmarks, " bookmark: {join(bookmarks,"\n bookmark:")}\n")}\
> {if(topics, " topic: {topics}\n")}
Setting up the things
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > a
$ hg commit -Aqm "First commit"
$ echo "Hello" > b
$ hg commit -Aqm "Second commit"
$ hg bookmark "hellos"
$ hg up 0 -q
$ echo "Fix 1" > l
$ hg commit -Aqm "Fixing first"
$ echo "Fix 2" > m
$ hg commit -Aqm "Fixing second"
$ hg bookmark "secondfix"
$ hg log -G
@ [4:ec0e17135a94] Fixing second
| bookmark: secondfix
o [3:e05947b88d69] Fixing first
| o [2:f53d1144f925] Second commit
| | bookmark: hellos
| o [1:df1fd5e18154] First commit
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Generic tests
Help for the command
$ hg help debugconvertbookmark
hg debugcb [-b BOOKMARK] [--all]
aliases: debugconvertbookmark
Converts a bookmark to a topic with the same name.
-b --bookmark VALUE bookmark to convert to topic
--all convert all bookmarks to topics
(some details hidden, use --verbose to show complete help)
Running without any argument
$ hg debugconvertbookmark
abort: you must specify either '--all' or '-b'
Changing a particular bookmark to topic
$ hg debugconvertbookmark -b hellos
changed topic to "hellos" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| topic: hellos
o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
| topic: hellos
| @ [4:ec0e17135a94] Fixing second
| | bookmark: secondfix
| o [3:e05947b88d69] Fixing first
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Changing all bookmarks to topic
Simple test
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
switching to topic secondfix
changed topic to "secondfix" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
| topic: secondfix
o [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
| topic: secondfix
| o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| | topic: hellos
| o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
|/ topic: hellos
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Trying with multiple bookmarks on a single changeset
$ echo "multiple bookmarks" >> m
$ hg commit -Aqm "Trying multiple bookmarks"
$ hg bookmark book1
$ hg bookmark book2
$ hg log -G
@ [9:4ad3e7d421d4] Trying multiple bookmarks
| bookmark: book1
| bookmark:book2
| topic: secondfix
o [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
| topic: secondfix
o [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
| topic: secondfix
| o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| | topic: hellos
| o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
|/ topic: hellos
o [0:249055fcca50] root
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
skipping '9' as it has multiple bookmarks on it
$ hg log -G
@ [9:4ad3e7d421d4] Trying multiple bookmarks
| bookmark: book1
| bookmark:book2
| topic: secondfix
o [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
| topic: secondfix
o [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
| topic: secondfix
| o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| | topic: hellos
| o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
|/ topic: hellos
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Two bookmarks on two different topological branches
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf repo
$ hg init setup1
$ cd setup1
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > A
$ hg commit -Aqm "A"
$ echo "Hello" > B
$ hg commit -Aqm "B"
$ echo "Hello" > C
$ hg commit -Aqm "C"
$ echo "Hello" > D
$ hg commit -Aqm "D"
$ hg up 'desc(B)'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo "Hello" > E
$ hg commit -Aqm "E"
$ echo "Hello" > F
$ hg commit -Aqm "F"
$ hg bookmark -r 'desc(D)' bar
$ hg bookmark -r 'desc(F)' foo
$ hg log -G
@ [6:32f4660df717] F
| bookmark: foo
o [5:d4608d9df75e] E
| o [4:4963af405f62] D
| | bookmark: bar
| o [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
changed topic to "bar" on 2 revisions
switching to topic foo
changed topic to "foo" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [10:f0b5f2a5f31a] F
| topic: foo
o [9:7affa1350ff0] E
| topic: foo
| o [8:a1bb64d88f0e] D
| | topic: bar
| o [7:71827f564e9e] C
|/ topic: bar
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Two bookmarks on top of each other
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf setup1
$ hg init setup2
$ cd setup2
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > A
$ hg commit -Aqm "A"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > B
$ hg commit -Aqm "B"
$ echo "Hello" > C
$ hg commit -Aqm "C"
$ hg bookmark -r . bar
$ echo "Hello" > D
$ hg commit -Aqm "D"
$ echo "Hello" > E
$ hg commit -Aqm "E"
$ hg bookmark -r . foo
$ hg log -G
@ [5:c633aa1ad270] E
| bookmark: foo
o [4:4963af405f62] D
o [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
| bookmark: bar
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
XXX: this should avoid create orphan changesets.
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
changed topic to "bar" on 2 revisions
switching to topic foo
changed topic to "foo" on 2 revisions
2 new orphan changesets
$ hg log -G
@ [9:b14d13efcfa7] E
| topic: foo
* [8:c89ca6e70978] D
| topic: foo
| o [7:a3ea0dfe6a10] C
| | topic: bar
| o [6:db1bc6aab480] B
| | topic: bar
x | [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
| |
x | [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Check that phase are properly take in account
(we reuse above test, taking advantage of a small bug regarding stacked bookmarks. we can fuse the two tests once that bug is fixed)
$ cd ..
$ hg init setup-phases
$ cd setup-phases
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > A
$ hg commit -Aqm "A"
$ echo "Hello" > B
$ hg commit -Aqm "B"
$ echo "Hello" > C
$ hg commit -Aqm "C"
$ hg bookmark -r . bar
$ hg log -G
@ [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
| bookmark: bar
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
switching to topic bar
changed topic to "bar" on 3 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [6:863c43a7951c] C
| topic: bar
o [5:ac7f12ac947f] B
| topic: bar
o [4:fc82c8c14b4c] A
| topic: bar
o [0:249055fcca50] root