author Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>
Mon, 09 Oct 2017 19:39:13 +0530
changeset 3055 774b4ea6ca58
parent 2116 39d84b395343
permissions -rw-r--r--
obslog: remove the word "yet" from "No patch available yet" "yet" was a bit confusing as it let me think that patch is currently not available but can be available sometimes later. This is true for cases when it says "context not local" but we have more messages like "no successors", "too many successors", "changesets rebased" where we can't have a patch.

#require test-repo

  $ checkcm() {
  >   if ! (which check-manifest > /dev/null); then
  >     echo skipped: missing tool: check-manifest;
  >     exit 80;
  >   fi;
  > };
  $ checkcm
  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [experimental]
  > evolution=all
  > EOF

Run check manifest:

  $ cd $TESTDIR/..
  $ check-manifest
  lists of files in version control and sdist match