[state] Update doc on the mutable property of state (and the way it's implemented)
Mutable History For Mercurial
This repository holds three experimental extensions that introduce concepts
related to history rewriting in mercurial.
Introduce a state concept. It allows to track which changesets have been
made public and immutable and which you want to keep local.
Introduce an ``obsolete`` concept that tracks new versions of rewritten
A collection of commands to rewrite the mutable part of the history.
**These extensions are experimental and are not meant for production.**
See each extension documentation for details
Obsolete Extension
state: in progress
This extension introduces the *obsolete* concept. It adds a new *obsolete*
relation between two changesets. A relation ``<changeset B> obsolete <changeset
A>`` is set to denote that ``<changeset B>`` is new version of ``<changeset
The *obsolete* relation act as a **perpendicular history** to the standard
changeset history. Standard changeset history versions files. The *obsolete*
relation versions changesets.
Usage and Feature
obsolete changesets are hidden.
a ``debugobsolete`` command has been added.
To Do
* do not exchange them
* handle non-obsolete children
* exchange the obsolete information
* refuse to obsolete published changesets
* handle split
* handle conflict
* handle out of sync
rewrite Extension
state: To be written