packaging: mark as development version
This help avoid confusion when installing non tagged version.
Test for `hg debugconvertbookmark` added by topics
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/"
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> drawdag=$RUNTESTDIR/
> [ui]
> logtemplate = [{rev}:{node|short}] {desc|firstline}\n\
> {if(bookmarks, " bookmark: {join(bookmarks,"\n bookmark:")}\n")}\
> {if(topics, " topic: {topics}\n")}
Setting up the things
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > a
$ hg commit -Aqm "First commit"
$ echo "Hello" > b
$ hg commit -Aqm "Second commit"
$ hg bookmark "hellos"
$ hg up 0 -q
$ echo "Fix 1" > l
$ hg commit -Aqm "Fixing first"
$ echo "Fix 2" > m
$ hg commit -Aqm "Fixing second"
$ hg bookmark "secondfix"
$ hg log -G
@ [4:ec0e17135a94] Fixing second
| bookmark: secondfix
o [3:e05947b88d69] Fixing first
| o [2:f53d1144f925] Second commit
| | bookmark: hellos
| o [1:df1fd5e18154] First commit
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Generic tests
Help for the command
$ hg help debugconvertbookmark
hg debugcb [-b BOOKMARK] [--all]
aliases: debugconvertbookmark
Converts a bookmark to a topic with the same name.
-b --bookmark VALUE bookmark to convert to topic
--all convert all bookmarks to topics
(some details hidden, use --verbose to show complete help)
Running without any argument
$ hg debugconvertbookmark
abort: you must specify either '--all' or '-b'
Changing a particular bookmark to topic
$ hg debugconvertbookmark -b hellos
changed topic to "hellos" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| topic: hellos
o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
| topic: hellos
| @ [4:ec0e17135a94] Fixing second
| | bookmark: secondfix
| o [3:e05947b88d69] Fixing first
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Changing all bookmarks to topic
Simple test
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
switching to topic secondfix
changed topic to "secondfix" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
| topic: secondfix
o [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
| topic: secondfix
| o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| | topic: hellos
| o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
|/ topic: hellos
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Trying with multiple bookmarks on a single changeset
$ echo "multiple bookmarks" >> m
$ hg commit -Aqm "Trying multiple bookmarks"
$ hg bookmark book1
$ hg bookmark book2
$ hg log -G
@ [9:4ad3e7d421d4] Trying multiple bookmarks
| bookmark: book1
| bookmark:book2
| topic: secondfix
o [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
| topic: secondfix
o [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
| topic: secondfix
| o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| | topic: hellos
| o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
|/ topic: hellos
o [0:249055fcca50] root
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
skipping '9' as it has multiple bookmarks on it
$ hg log -G
@ [9:4ad3e7d421d4] Trying multiple bookmarks
| bookmark: book1
| bookmark:book2
| topic: secondfix
o [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
| topic: secondfix
o [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
| topic: secondfix
| o [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
| | topic: hellos
| o [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
|/ topic: hellos
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Two bookmarks on two different topological branches
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf repo
$ hg init setup1
$ cd setup1
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > A
$ hg commit -Aqm "A"
$ echo "Hello" > B
$ hg commit -Aqm "B"
$ echo "Hello" > C
$ hg commit -Aqm "C"
$ echo "Hello" > D
$ hg commit -Aqm "D"
$ hg up 'desc(B)'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo "Hello" > E
$ hg commit -Aqm "E"
$ echo "Hello" > F
$ hg commit -Aqm "F"
$ hg bookmark -r 'desc(D)' bar
$ hg bookmark -r 'desc(F)' foo
$ hg log -G
@ [6:32f4660df717] F
| bookmark: foo
o [5:d4608d9df75e] E
| o [4:4963af405f62] D
| | bookmark: bar
| o [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
changed topic to "bar" on 2 revisions
switching to topic foo
changed topic to "foo" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [10:f0b5f2a5f31a] F
| topic: foo
o [9:7affa1350ff0] E
| topic: foo
| o [8:a1bb64d88f0e] D
| | topic: bar
| o [7:71827f564e9e] C
|/ topic: bar
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Two bookmarks on top of each other
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf setup1
$ hg init setup2
$ cd setup2
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > A
$ hg commit -Aqm "A"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > B
$ hg commit -Aqm "B"
$ echo "Hello" > C
$ hg commit -Aqm "C"
$ hg bookmark -r . bar
$ echo "Hello" > D
$ hg commit -Aqm "D"
$ echo "Hello" > E
$ hg commit -Aqm "E"
$ hg bookmark -r . foo
$ hg log -G
@ [5:c633aa1ad270] E
| bookmark: foo
o [4:4963af405f62] D
o [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
| bookmark: bar
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
XXX: this should avoid create orphan changesets.
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
changed topic to "bar" on 2 revisions
switching to topic foo
changed topic to "foo" on 2 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [9:b14d13efcfa7] E
| topic: foo
o [8:c89ca6e70978] D
| topic: foo
| o [7:a3ea0dfe6a10] C
| | topic: bar
| o [6:db1bc6aab480] B
| | topic: bar
x | [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
| |
x | [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
Check that phase are properly take in account
(we reuse above test, taking advantage of a small bug regarding stacked bookmarks. we can fuse the two tests once that bug is fixed)
$ cd ..
$ hg init setup-phases
$ cd setup-phases
$ echo "Hello" > root
$ hg commit -Aqm "root"
$ hg phase --public .
$ echo "Hello" > A
$ hg commit -Aqm "A"
$ echo "Hello" > B
$ hg commit -Aqm "B"
$ echo "Hello" > C
$ hg commit -Aqm "C"
$ hg bookmark -r . bar
$ hg log -G
@ [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
| bookmark: bar
o [2:10f317d09e78] B
o [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
o [0:249055fcca50] root
$ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
switching to topic bar
changed topic to "bar" on 3 revisions
$ hg log -G
@ [6:863c43a7951c] C
| topic: bar
o [5:ac7f12ac947f] B
| topic: bar
o [4:fc82c8c14b4c] A
| topic: bar
o [0:249055fcca50] root