evolve: fix confusion in branch heads checking logic when topic in play
To provide some context, when topics are in play the branchmap cache
we store contains the branch info of a rev as "branch:topic" format IIUC.
Assuming that is right, now in present code we don't actually cover
this part that "when looking for branch heads where we also have active
topic we should look for branch='branch_name:topic' instead".
And we get wrong branch heads as a result.
This patch make sure that we pass right candidate to find branch heads
using branchmap.branchheads() by overriding the localrepo.branchheads()
Changes in test file reflect the fixed behavior.
Test for "orphan" type instability
This file gather test case around the "orphan" changeset instability. This
instability happens when a changesets has obsolete ancestors.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [defaults]
> amend=-d "0 0"
> fold=-d "0 0"
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow_push = *
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [diff]
> git = 1
> unified = 0
> [ui]
> logtemplate = {rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({phase}) {desc|firstline}\n
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ mkcommit() {
> echo "$1" > "$1"
> hg add "$1"
> hg ci -m "add $1"
> }
$ mkstack() {
> # Creates a stack of commit based on $1 with messages from $2, $3 ..
> hg update "$1" -C
> shift
> mkcommits $*
> }
$ mkcommits() {
> for i in $@; do mkcommit $i ; done
> }
orphan parent is obsolete with a single successor
Test orphan resolution for a changeset orphan because its parent is obsolete
with one successor.
$ hg init test1
$ cd test1
$ mkcommits _a _b _c
$ hg up "desc(_b)"
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg amend -m "bprime"
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg log -G
@ 3:36050226a9b9@default(draft) bprime
| * 2:102002290587@default(draft) add _c
| |
| x 1:37445b16603b@default(draft) add _b
o 0:135f39f4bd78@default(draft) add _a
$ hg evo --all --any --orphan
move:[2] add _c
atop:[3] bprime
$ hg log -G
o 4:fdcf3523a74d@default(draft) add _c
@ 3:36050226a9b9@default(draft) bprime
o 0:135f39f4bd78@default(draft) add _a
$ cd ..
orphan parent is obsolete with a multiple successors (reversed order)
Test orphan resolution for a changeset orphan because its parent is obsolete
with multiple successors on the same branch but in reverse order (cross-split).
$ hg init test5
$ cd test5
$ mkcommits _a _b _c
$ hg up "desc(_a)"
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommits bprimesplit1 bprimesplit2
created new head
$ hg prune "desc(_b)" -s "desc(bprimesplit1) + desc(bprimesplit2)" --split
1 changesets pruned
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg up "desc(_a)"
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommits bsecondsplit1 bsecondsplit2
created new head
$ hg prune "desc(bprimesplit1)" -s "desc(bsecondsplit2)"
1 changesets pruned
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg prune "desc(bprimesplit2)" -s "desc(bsecondsplit1)"
1 changesets pruned
$ hg log -G
@ 6:59b942dbda14@default(draft) add bsecondsplit2
o 5:8ffdae67d696@default(draft) add bsecondsplit1
| * 2:102002290587@default(draft) add _c
| |
| x 1:37445b16603b@default(draft) add _b
o 0:135f39f4bd78@default(draft) add _a
$ hg evo --all --any --orphan
move:[2] add _c
atop:[6] add bsecondsplit2
$ hg log -G
o 7:98e3f21461ff@default(draft) add _c
@ 6:59b942dbda14@default(draft) add bsecondsplit2
o 5:8ffdae67d696@default(draft) add bsecondsplit1
o 0:135f39f4bd78@default(draft) add _a
$ cd ..