evolve: yield to relevant markers handling in core
The handling of obsolescence marker is now performed in core. If we detect a
mercurial with such power we skip the wrapping from evolve.
This changeset also suffer from massive diff from the change in display of
obsolescence marker with parent information introduced at the same time in core.
Initial setup
$ . $TESTDIR/_exc-util.sh
=== D.2 missing prune target (prune in "pushed set") ===
Marker exist from:
* A' succeed to A
* A' (prune)
Command run:
* hg push
Expected exchange:
* `A ø⇠o A'`
* A' (prune)
$ setuprepos D.2
creating test repo for test case D.2
- pulldest
- main
- pushdest
cd into `main` and proceed with env setup
$ cd main
$ mkcommit A0
$ hg up -q 0
$ mkcommit B
created new head
$ mkcommit A1
$ hg debugobsolete `getid 'desc(A0)'` `getid 'desc(A1)'`
$ hg prune -d '0 0' .
1 changesets pruned
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory now at 35b183996678
$ hg strip --hidden -q 'desc(A1)'
$ hg log -G --hidden
@ 35b183996678 (draft): B
| x 28b51eb45704 (draft): A0
o a9bdc8b26820 (public): O
$ hg debugobsolete
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 {35b1839966785d5703a01607229eea932db42f87} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
Actual Test
$ dotest D.2 O
## Running testcase D.2
# testing echange of "O" (a9bdc8b26820)
## initial state
# obstore: main
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 {35b1839966785d5703a01607229eea932db42f87} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
# obstore: pulldest
## pushing "O" from main to pushdest
pushing to pushdest
searching for changes
no changes found
OBSEXC: computing relevant nodes
OBSEXC: computing markers relevant to 1 nodes
OBSEXC: no marker to push
## post push state
# obstore: main
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 {35b1839966785d5703a01607229eea932db42f87} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
# obstore: pulldest
## pulling "a9bdc8b26820" from main into pulldest
pulling from main
no changes found
OBSEXC: pull obsolescence markers
OBSEXC: no unknown remote markers
## post pull state
# obstore: main
28b51eb45704506b5c603decd6bf7ac5e0f6a52f 6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
6aa67a7b4baa6fb41b06aed38d5b1201436546e2 0 {35b1839966785d5703a01607229eea932db42f87} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
# obstore: pulldest