evolve: prompt user for branch selection while resolving content-divergence
When resolving content-divergence, there can be case when both the
content-divergent changesets are on different named branches. In that case, we
are not sure which branch should the resolution commit should be on.
This patch adds logic to prompt user to choose the branch which the resolution
commit should be on and then creates the new resolution commit on that branch.
This also adds a new test file which have tests for the branch selection feature
we have added.
** Test for handling of content divergent changesets by `hg evolve` **
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [alias]
> glog = log -GT "{rev}:{node|short} {desc|firstline}\n ({bookmarks}) [{branch}] {phase}"
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ hg init cdiv
$ cd cdiv
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
$ for ch in a b c d; do echo foo > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -qm "added "$ch; done;
$ hg glog
@ 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| () [default] draft
o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| () [default] draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () [default] draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () [default] draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() [default] draft
Creating content-divergence with branch change
$ hg branch -r . foobar
changed branch on 1 changesets
$ hg up c41c793e0ef1 --hidden
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
updated to hidden changeset c41c793e0ef1
(hidden revision 'c41c793e0ef1' was rewritten as: 9e5dffcb3d48)
working directory parent is obsolete! (c41c793e0ef1)
(use 'hg evolve' to update to its successor: 9e5dffcb3d48)
$ echo bar > d
$ hg branch watwat
marked working directory as branch watwat
$ hg amend
2 new content-divergent changesets
$ hg glog
@ 6:264b04f771fb added d
| () [watwat] draft
| * 5:9e5dffcb3d48 added d
|/ () [foobar] draft
o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| () [default] draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () [default] draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () [default] draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() [default] draft
$ hg evolve --content-divergent --config ui.interactive=True<<EOF
> c
merge:[6] added d
with: [5] added d
base: [4] added d
merging "other" content-divergent changeset '9e5dffcb3d48'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
content divergent changesets on different branches.
choose branch for the resolution changeset. (a) default or (b) watwat or (c) foobar? c
working directory is now at 23a4467c278e
$ hg glog
@ 7:23a4467c278e added d
| () [foobar] draft
o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| () [default] draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () [default] draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () [default] draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() [default] draft