author Alain Leufroy
Fri, 08 Sep 2017 12:10:21 +0200
changeset 2957 586c9ace20b3
parent 2929 06844693bb21
child 3000 bd7e8be29542
permissions -rw-r--r--
obslog: simplify formatter keys The formatter field keys are all prefixed with `debugobshistory.'. This is annoyingly useless as they are already in the `debughistory` topic. This patch simplify these keys. For examle, on this repository `hg obslog -Tdebug -r 31cbace4c0f1` : ``` debugobshistory = [ { 'node':'31cbace4c0f1', 'shortdescription':'topics: make sure we have some restrictions on topic names', 'rev':2904, 'markers':[ ] }, { 'node':'d439a6087434', 'markers':[ { 'date':(1504176329.83902, -7200 ), 'verb':'rewritten', 'succnodes':[ '31cbace4c0f1' ], 'effect':[ 'parent' ], 'user':'Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>' } ] }, { 'node':'1e1f651704d4', 'markers':[ { 'date':(1504175088.811924, -7200 ), 'verb':'rewritten', 'succnodes':[ 'd439a6087434' ], 'effect':[ 'parent' ], 'user':'Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>' } ] }, { 'node':'eb6495cf6cb1', 'markers':[ { 'date':(1504015275.001643, -19800 ), 'verb':'rewritten', 'succnodes':[ '1e1f651704d4' ], 'effect':[ 'parent', 'content' ], 'user':'Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>' } ] }, { 'node':'761e446e0112', 'markers':[ { 'date':(1504015201.780276, -19800 ), 'verb':'rewritten', 'succnodes':[ 'eb6495cf6cb1' ], 'effect':[ 'content' ], 'user':'Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>' } ] }, { 'node':'531a626950bd', 'markers':[ { 'date':(1504015017.897054, -19800 ), 'verb':'rewritten', 'succnodes':[ '761e446e0112' ], 'effect':[ 'meta', 'parent', 'content' ], 'user':'Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>' } ] }, { 'node':'c2f9ba7329ea', 'markers':[ { 'date':(1504014136.876537, -19800 ), 'verb':'rewritten', 'succnodes':[ '531a626950bd' ], 'effect':[ 'meta' ], 'user':'Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit@gmail.com>' } ] }, ] ``` We now able to ask `hg obslog -r 78debdfb3e4d -T '{label("log.summary", shortdescription)}\n{if(markers, markers % " {date|age} {user|person}\n")}'` ``` doc: simplify the reference to in-core features 9 days ago Pierre-Yves David 9 days ago Pierre-Yves David 9 days ago Pierre-Yves David 9 days ago Pierre-Yves David 9 days ago Philippe Pepiot 9 days ago Philippe Pepiot ```

  $ . ${TESTDIR}/testlib/pythonpath.sh

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [defaults]
  > amend=-d "0 0"
  > [web]
  > push_ssl = false
  > allow_push = *
  > [phases]
  > publish = False
  > [experimental]
  > bundle2-exp=False # < Mercurial-4.0
  > [devel]
  > legacy.exchange=bundle1
  > [extensions]
  > EOF

  $ mkcommit() {
  >    echo "$1" > "$1"
  >    hg add "$1"
  >    hg ci -m "add $1"
  > }

  $ hg init server

Try the multiple ways to setup the extension

  $ hg -R server log --config 'extensions.evolve.serveronly='
  $ hg -R server log --config "extensions.evolve.serveronly=${SRCDIR}/hgext3rd/evolve/serveronly.py"
  $ PYTHONPATH=$HGTEST_ORIG_PYTHONPATH hg -R server log --config "extensions.evolve.serveronly=${SRCDIR}/hgext3rd/evolve/serveronly.py"

setup repo

  $ echo "[extensions]" >> ./server/.hg/hgrc
  $ echo "evolve.serveronly=" >> ./server/.hg/hgrc
  $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log --traceback
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT/ client
  no changes found
  updating to branch default
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cat ./errors.log
  $ echo "[extensions]" >> ./client/.hg/hgrc
  $ echo "evolve=" >> ./client/.hg/hgrc
  $ cp -r client other

Smoke testing

  $ cd client
  $ mkcommit 0
  $ mkcommit a
  $ hg push
  pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  remote: adding changesets
  remote: adding manifests
  remote: adding file changes
  remote: added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
  $ hg pull
  pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  $ cat ../errors.log
  $ hg pull -R ../other
  pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
  pull obsolescence markers
  the remote repository use years old versions of Mercurial and evolve
  pulling obsmarker using legacy method
  (please upgrade your server)
  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
  $ cat ../errors.log
  $ hg push -R ../other
  pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  $ cat ../errors.log

Capacity testing

  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=hello
  capabilities: _evoext_getbundle_obscommon _evoext_obshash_0 _evoext_obshash_1 _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0 _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 batch * (glob)
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities
  _evoext_getbundle_obscommon _evoext_obshash_0 _evoext_obshash_1 _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0 _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 batch * (no-eol) (glob)

  $ curl -s "http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=listkeys&namespace=namespaces" | sort


  $ echo 'A' > a
  $ hg amend
  $ hg push
  pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  remote: adding changesets
  remote: adding manifests
  remote: adding file changes
  remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
  the remote repository use years old versions of Mercurial and evolve
  pushing obsmarker using legacy method
  (please upgrade your server)
  pushing 1 obsolescence markers (* bytes) (glob)
  remote: 1 obsolescence markers added
  remote: obsoleted 1 changesets
  $ cat ../errors.log
  $ hg push
  pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  $ cat ../errors.log


  $ hg -R ../other pull
  pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to [12] files \(\+1 heads\) (re)
  pull obsolescence markers
  the remote repository use years old versions of Mercurial and evolve
  pulling obsmarker using legacy method
  (please upgrade your server)
  1 obsolescence markers added
  obsoleted 1 changesets
  (run 'hg heads' to see heads)
  $ cat ../errors.log
  $ hg -R ../other pull
  pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  $ cat ../errors.log

  $ cd ..

Test disabling obsolete advertisement
(used by bitbucket to select which repo use evolve)

  $ curl -s "http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=listkeys&namespace=namespaces" | sort
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=hello
  capabilities: _evoext_getbundle_obscommon _evoext_obshash_0 _evoext_obshash_1 _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0 _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 batch * (glob)
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities
  _evoext_getbundle_obscommon _evoext_obshash_0 _evoext_obshash_1 _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0 _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 batch * (no-eol) (glob)

  $ echo '[experimental]' >> server/.hg/hgrc
  $ echo 'evolution=!' >> server/.hg/hgrc
  $ $RUNTESTDIR/killdaemons.py $DAEMON_PIDS
  $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

  $ curl -s "http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=listkeys&namespace=namespaces" | sort
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=hello | grep _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities | grep _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0

  $ echo 'evolution=' >> server/.hg/hgrc
  $ $RUNTESTDIR/killdaemons.py $DAEMON_PIDS
  $ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

  $ curl -s "http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=listkeys&namespace=namespaces" | sort
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=hello
  capabilities: _evoext_getbundle_obscommon _evoext_obshash_0 _evoext_obshash_1 _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0 _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 batch * (glob)
  $ curl -s http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities
  _evoext_getbundle_obscommon _evoext_obshash_0 _evoext_obshash_1 _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0 _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0 batch * (no-eol) (glob)