author Laurent Charignon <lcharignon@fb.com>
Fri, 04 Dec 2015 14:01:36 -0800
changeset 1543 54394d2aaf5e
parent 1453 8ca31deb8db7
child 1607 3c7f98753e37
child 1806 9f42f819267b
permissions -rw-r--r--
evolve: fix test-tutorial.t to match new extra computation in core Recent patches changed the way we compute extras for rebase and graft. This changes the hashes in evolve's tests. This patch fixes the test test-tutorial.t

  $ hg init public
  $ cd public
  $ echo a > a
  $ mkcommit() {
  >    echo "$1" > "$1"
  >    hg add "$1"
  >    hg ci -m "add $1"
  > }
  $ hg commit -A -m init
  adding a
  $ cd ..

  $ evolvepath=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/evolve.py
  $ hg clone -U public private
  $ cd private
  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > evolve = $evolvepath
  > [ui]
  > logtemplate = {rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({phase}) {desc|firstline}\n
  > [phases]
  > publish = false
  > EOF
  $ cd ..

  $ cp -a private alice
  $ cp -a private bob

  $ cd alice
  $ hg update
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg commit -u alice -m 'modify a'
  $ hg push ../private
  pushing to ../private
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  $ hg log -r 'draft()'
  1:4d1169d82e47@default(draft) modify a

  $ cd ../bob
  $ hg pull ../private
  pulling from ../private
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
  $ hg log -r 'draft()'
  1:4d1169d82e47@default(draft) modify a
  $ hg push ../public
  pushing to ../public
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  $ hg log -r 'draft()'

  $ cd ../alice
  $ hg amend -m 'tweak a'
  $ hg pull ../public
  pulling from ../public
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  1 new bumped changesets

  $ hg evolve -a -A --bumped
  recreate:[2] tweak a
  atop:[1] modify a
  computing new diff
  committed as 4d1169d82e47
  working directory is now at 4d1169d82e47

Bumped Merge changeset:

We currently cannot automatically solve bumped changeset that is the
product of a merge, we add a test for it.

  $ mkcommit _a
  $ hg up .^
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ mkcommit _b
  created new head
  $ mkcommit _c
  $ hg log -G
  @  5:eeaf70969381@default(draft) add _c
  o  4:6612fc0ddeb6@default(draft) add _b
  | o  3:154ad198ff4a@default(draft) add _a
  o  1:4d1169d82e47@default(public) modify a
  o  0:d3873e73d99e@default(public) init
  $ hg merge 3
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
  $ hg commit -m "merge"
  $ hg commit --amend -m "New message"
  $ hg phase --public 551127da2a8a --hidden
  1 new bumped changesets
  $ hg log -G
  @    7:b28e84916d8c@default(draft) New message
  +---o  6:551127da2a8a@default(public) merge
  | |/
  | o  5:eeaf70969381@default(public) add _c
  | |
  | o  4:6612fc0ddeb6@default(public) add _b
  | |
  o |  3:154ad198ff4a@default(public) add _a
  o  1:4d1169d82e47@default(public) modify a
  o  0:d3873e73d99e@default(public) init
  $ hg evolve --all --bumped
  skipping b28e84916d8c : we do not handle merge yet