author Kyle Lippincott <>
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 12:44:38 -0700
changeset 4848 535ab2609e45
parent 2270 b53343c8d692
permissions -rw-r--r--
cmdstate: introduce a "saver" contextmanager and use it in place of save() Previously, the state was only saved in some paths out of these functions. This can be problematic, if the user ctrl-c's (or `kill -9`'s) the process, or we exit out of `relocate` for anything besides the "expected" reason, we won't record that we were in the middle of an evolve. One of our users has discovered that this leaves hg in a weird state; the user did something like this: ``` $ hg evolve <something goes wrong with the merge tool, hits ctrl-c> <deals with the merge conflicts> $ hg evolve --continue abort: no interrupted evolve to continue $ hg evolve abort: uncommitted changes # Note: commands.status.verbose=True is set. $ hg status M foo # The repository is in an unfinished *update* state. # No unresolved merge conflicts # To continue: hg update ``` The user did an `hg update`, but it didn't actually do anything besides take it out of the unfinished update state (the files were still dirty in the working directory).

VERSION=$(shell python --version)


all: help

	python sdist --dist-dir ..
	mv -f ../hg-evolve-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
	tar xf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
	rm -rf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
	mv hg-evolve-$(VERSION) ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
	cp -r debian/ ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig/
	@cd ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig && echo 'debian build directory ready at' `pwd`

	$(PYTHON) install --home="$(HOME)" --prefix="" --force

# test targets
TESTFLAGS ?= $(shell echo $$HGTESTFLAGS)


	@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
	@echo '  deb-prepare        - prepare the build of a debian package'
	@echo '  tests              - run all tests in the automatic test suite'
	@echo '  all-version-tests - run all tests against many hg versions'
	@echo '  tests-%s           - run all tests in the specified hg version'

all: help

ifeq ($(HGROOT),)
	$(error HGROOT is not set to the root of the hg source tree)

tests: _check_hgroot
	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/ $(TESTFLAGS)

# /!\ run outside of the compatibility branch output test will likely fails

test-%: _check_hgroot
	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/ $(TESTFLAGS) $@

tests-%: _check_hgroot
	hg -R $(HGROOT) checkout $$(echo $@ | sed s/tests-//) && \
	(cd $(HGROOT) ; $(MAKE) clean ) && \
	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/ $(TESTFLAGS)

# build a script to extract declared version
all-version-tests: tests-@

.PHONY: tests all-version-tests