doc: big update of terms and summary of the concept
This is intended to be sent to the mailing list for discussion.
Terminology of the obsolete concept
Obsolete marker them self
The mutable concept is based on the creation of **obsolete marker**. An obsolete
marker register a relation between the old obsoleted changeset and its newer
The old changesets is called **precursors**. Its newer version are called
*successors*. A marker always register a single *precursors* but can refer
- No *successors* at all if the *precursors* if just discarded.
- One *successor* at all if the *precursors* have been rewritten
- Multiple *successors* if the *precursors* have been splitted in myltiple
The **precursors** and **successors** terms can be used on changeset directy:
:precursors: of a changeset `A` are changesets used as *precursors* by
obsolete marker using changeset `A` as *successors*
:successors: of a changeset `B` are changesets used as *successors* by
obsolete marker using changeset `B` as *precursors*
*Precursors* and *successors* directly related within the same marker are called
**direct precursors** and **direct successors** in ambiguous situation.
The set of all *obsolete markers* create a direct acyclic graph the same way
standard *parent* and *children* relation do. In this graph we have:
:any precursors: of a `A` are transitive precursors of `A`. (*direct
precursors* of `A` and *precursors* of *precursors*)
:any successors: of a `A` are transitive successors of `A`. (*direct
successors* of `A` and *precursors* of *precursors*)
Obsolete markers may revert to changesets that are not known locally. *Direct
precursors* of a changeset may be unknown locally. This is why we usually focus
on the **first known precursors** of changeset
(The same apply for successors)
Item in *Any successors* which are not *obsolete* are called **newest
.. note:: I'm not very happy with this naming scheme and I'm looking for a
better distinction between direct-successors, any-successors.
Possible changesets "type"
The following table describe name and behavior of changesets affected by
obsolete marker. Left column describe generic category and right column are
about sub-category.
| **mutable** | **obsolete** | **extinct** |
| | | |
| Changeset in either | Obsolete changesets are | Extinct changesets are |
| *draft* or *secret* | mutable changeset used | obsolete one with obsolete |
| phases. | as a precursors. | only descendants. |
| | | |
| | A changeset is used as | They can be safely: |
| | a precursors when at | |
| | least one obsolete | - hidden in the UI, |
| | refer to it in the | - silently excluded from pp |
| | precursors field. | pull and push,t operation |
| | | - ignored by most operation |
| | | - garbage collected. |
| | | |
| | +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| | | **suspended** |
| | | |
| | | Suspended changesets are |
| | | obsolete one with at least |
| | | one non-obsolete descendant |
| | | |
| | | Thoses descendants prevent |
| | | properties of extincts |
| | | changesets to apply. But |
| | | they will refuse to be |
| | | pushed without --force. |
| | | |
| +--------------------------+-----------------------------+
| | | |
| | **troublesome** | **unstable** |
| | | |
| | Troublesome commit have | Unstable changesets are |
| | unresolved issue caused | changesets with obsolete |
| | by obsolete relations. | ancestors. |
| | | |
| | Possible issues are | They must be rebased on a |
| | listed in the next | better base to solve the |
| | column. It is possible | situation. |
| | for troublesome | |
| | changeset to combine | (possible alternative name: |
| | multiple issue at once. | precarious) |
| | (eg: conflicting and | |
| | unstable) +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| | (possible alternative | **latecomer** |
| | name: unsettled, | |
| | troubled) | Latecomer changesets are |
| | | changesets that try to |
| | | be successors of public |
| | | changesets. |
| | | |
| | | Public changeset can't |
| | | be obsolete. Latecomer |
| | | changeset need to be |
| | | rewritten as an overlay |
| | | to this public changeset. |
| | | |
| | | (possible alternative names |
| | | mislead, naive, unaware, |
| | | mindless, disenchanting) |
| | | |
| | +-----------------------------+
| | | **conflicting** |
| | | |
| | | Conflicting changesets |
| | | happen when multiple |
| | | changesets are successors |
| | | of the same obsolete |
| | | changeset. |
| | | |
| | | Conflicting changesets are |
| | | resolve through a three |
| | | ways merging between the |
| | | two conflicting changesets, |
| | | using the last "obsolete- |
| | | -common-ancestor" as the |
| | | base. |
| | | |
| | | (Changeset splitting is |
| | | properly not detected as a |
| | | conflict) |
| | | |
| +--------------------------+-----------------------------+
| | |
| | Mutable changesets which are neither *obsolete* or |
| | *troublesome* are *"ok"*. |
| | |
| | Do we really need a name for it ? *"ok"* is a pretty |
| | crappy name :-/ other possibilities are: |
| | |
| | - stable (confusing with stable branch) |
| | - sane |
| | - healthy |
| | |
| |
| **immutable** |
| |
| Changesets in the *public* phases. |
| |
| Rewriting operation refuse to work on immutable changeset. |
| |
| Obsolete markers that refer an immutable changeset as precursors have |
| no effect on the precussors changeset (but may have effect on the |
| successors) |
| |
| When a mutable changeset becomes immutable its is just *immutable* and loose |
| any property of it's former state. |
| |
| By phase property, once a changeset becomes a public immutable changeset, |
| you can expect it to remain as such forever. |
| |
.. note:: I'm not very happy with the naming of:
- "ok" changeset
- latecomer
- troublesome
Any better idea are welcome.
Command and operation name
Existing terms
Mercurial already use the following terms:
:amend: rewrite a changeset
:graft: copy a changeset
:rebase: move a changeset
remove files from a commit (and leave them as dirty in the working directory)
The evolve extension have an `uncommit` command that aims to replace most
`rollback` usage.
Collapse multiple changeset into one
The evolve extensions *will* have a `fold` commands
Make a changeset obsolete without successors.
This an important operation as it should replace strip in 95% of the case.
alternative name:
- kill: nice name for effect when you forget the "hg" in front on "hg kill".
- obsolete: too vague, long and generic.
Automatically resolve troublesome changesets
(unstable, latecomer and conflicting)
This is an important name as hg pull/pussh will suggest it the same way it
suggest merging when you add heads.
I do not like stabilize much.
alternative name:
- solve (too generic ?)
- evolve (too vague)
.. note:: I'm not very happy with the naming of:
- "ok" changeset
- latecomer
- troublesome
Any better idea are welcome.