inhibit: fix devel warning
_inhibitmarkers was taking a transaction without the proper lock. Adding the
lock removes the warnings.
# Copyright 2011 Peter Arrenbrecht <>
# Logilab SA <>
# Pierre-Yves David <>
# Patrick Mezard <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
'''extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
This extension provides several commands to mutate history and deal with
issues it may raise.
It also:
- enables the "Changeset Obsolescence" feature of mercurial,
- alters core commands and extensions that rewrite history to use
this feature,
- improves some aspect of the early implementation in Mercurial core
__version__ = '5.1.4'
testedwith = '3.3.3 3.4-rc'
buglink = ''
import sys, os
import random
from StringIO import StringIO
import struct
import re
sha1re = re.compile(r'\b[0-9a-f]{6,40}\b')
import mercurial
from mercurial import util
from mercurial import obsolete
if not obsolete._enabled:
obsolete._enabled = True
from mercurial import wireproto
gboptslist = getattr(wireproto, 'gboptslist', None)
gboptsmap = getattr(wireproto, 'gboptsmap', None)
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
gboptslist = gboptsmap = None
# Flags for enabling optional parts of evolve
commandopt = 'allnewcommands'
from mercurial import base85
from mercurial import bookmarks
from mercurial import cmdutil
from mercurial import commands
from mercurial import context
from mercurial import copies
from mercurial import error
from mercurial import exchange
from mercurial import extensions
from mercurial import httppeer
from mercurial import hg
from mercurial import lock as lockmod
from mercurial import merge
from mercurial import node
from mercurial import phases
from mercurial import patch
from mercurial import pushkey
from mercurial import revset
from mercurial import scmutil
from mercurial import templatekw
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial.commands import walkopts, commitopts, commitopts2, mergetoolopts
from mercurial.node import nullid
from mercurial import wireproto
from mercurial import localrepo
from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb_mod
from mercurial import bundle2
cmdtable = {}
command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
_pack = struct.pack
if gboptsmap is not None:
memfilectx = context.memfilectx
elif gboptslist is not None:
oldmemfilectx = context.memfilectx
def memfilectx(repo, *args, **kwargs):
return oldmemfilectx(*args, **kwargs)
raise ImportError('evolve needs version %s or above' % min(testedwith.split()))
# This extension contains the following code
# - Extension Helper code
# - Obsolescence cache
# - ...
# - Older format compat
### Extension helper ###
class exthelper(object):
"""Helper for modular extension setup
A single helper should be instanciated for each extension. Helper
methods are then used as decorator for various purpose.
All decorators return the original function and may be chained.
def __init__(self):
self._uicallables = []
self._extcallables = []
self._repocallables = []
self._revsetsymbols = []
self._templatekws = []
self._commandwrappers = []
self._extcommandwrappers = []
self._functionwrappers = []
self._duckpunchers = []
def final_uisetup(self, ui):
"""Method to be used as the extension uisetup
The following operations belong here:
- Changes to ui.__class__ . The ui object that will be used to run the
command has not yet been created. Changes made here will affect ui
objects created after this, and in particular the ui that will be
passed to runcommand
- Command wraps (extensions.wrapcommand)
- Changes that need to be visible to other extensions: because
initialization occurs in phases (all extensions run uisetup, then all
run extsetup), a change made here will be visible to other extensions
during extsetup
- Monkeypatch or wrap function (extensions.wrapfunction) of dispatch
module members
- Setup of pre-* and post-* hooks
- pushkey setup
for cont, funcname, func in self._duckpunchers:
setattr(cont, funcname, func)
for command, wrapper, opts in self._commandwrappers:
entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, command, wrapper)
if opts:
for short, long, val, msg in opts:
entry[1].append((short, long, val, msg))
for cont, funcname, wrapper in self._functionwrappers:
extensions.wrapfunction(cont, funcname, wrapper)
for c in self._uicallables:
def final_extsetup(self, ui):
"""Method to be used as a the extension extsetup
The following operations belong here:
- Changes depending on the status of other extensions. (if
- Add a global option to all commands
- Register revset functions
knownexts = {}
for name, symbol in self._revsetsymbols:
revset.symbols[name] = symbol
for name, kw in self._templatekws:
templatekw.keywords[name] = kw
for ext, command, wrapper, opts in self._extcommandwrappers:
if ext not in knownexts:
e = extensions.find(ext)
except KeyError:
# Extension isn't enabled, so don't bother trying to wrap
# it.
knownexts[ext] = e.cmdtable
entry = extensions.wrapcommand(knownexts[ext], command, wrapper)
if opts:
for short, long, val, msg in opts:
entry[1].append((short, long, val, msg))
for c in self._extcallables:
def final_reposetup(self, ui, repo):
"""Method to be used as a the extension reposetup
The following operations belong here:
- All hooks but pre-* and post-*
- Modify configuration variables
- Changes to repo.__class__, repo.dirstate.__class__
for c in self._repocallables:
c(ui, repo)
def uisetup(self, call):
"""Decorated function will be executed during uisetup
def setupbabar(ui):
print 'this is uisetup!'
return call
def extsetup(self, call):
"""Decorated function will be executed during extsetup
def setupcelestine(ui):
print 'this is extsetup!'
return call
def reposetup(self, call):
"""Decorated function will be executed during reposetup
def setupzephir(ui, repo):
print 'this is reposetup!'
return call
def revset(self, symbolname):
"""Decorated function is a revset symbol
The name of the symbol must be given as the decorator argument.
The symbol is added during `extsetup`.
def revsetbabar(repo, subset, x):
args = revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, 'babar accept no argument')
return [r for r in subset if 'babar' in repo[r].description()]
def dec(symbol):
self._revsetsymbols.append((symbolname, symbol))
return symbol
return dec
def templatekw(self, keywordname):
"""Decorated function is a revset keyword
The name of the keyword must be given as the decorator argument.
The symbol is added during `extsetup`.
def kwbabar(ctx):
return 'babar'
def dec(keyword):
self._templatekws.append((keywordname, keyword))
return keyword
return dec
def wrapcommand(self, command, extension=None, opts=[]):
"""Decorated function is a command wrapper
The name of the command must be given as the decorator argument.
The wrapping is installed during `uisetup`.
If the second option `extension` argument is provided, the wrapping
will be applied in the extension commandtable. This argument must be a
string that will be searched using `extension.find` if not found and
Abort error is raised. If the wrapping applies to an extension, it is
installed during `extsetup`
def wrapsummary(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
The `opts` argument allows specifying additional arguments for the
def dec(wrapper):
if extension is None:
self._commandwrappers.append((command, wrapper, opts))
self._extcommandwrappers.append((extension, command, wrapper,
return wrapper
return dec
def wrapfunction(self, container, funcname):
"""Decorated function is a function wrapper
This function takes two arguments, the container and the name of the
function to wrap. The wrapping is performed during `uisetup`.
(there is no extension support)
@eh.function(discovery, 'checkheads')
def wrapfunction(orig, *args, **kwargs):
ui.note('His head smashed in and his heart cut out')
return orig(*args, **kwargs)
def dec(wrapper):
self._functionwrappers.append((container, funcname, wrapper))
return wrapper
return dec
def addattr(self, container, funcname):
"""Decorated function is to be added to the container
This function takes two arguments, the container and the name of the
function to wrap. The wrapping is performed during `uisetup`.
@eh.function(context.changectx, 'babar')
def babar(ctx):
return 'babar' in ctx.description
def dec(func):
self._duckpunchers.append((container, funcname, func))
return func
return dec
eh = exthelper()
uisetup = eh.final_uisetup
extsetup = eh.final_extsetup
reposetup = eh.final_reposetup
### Option configuration ###
@eh.reposetup # must be the first of its kin.
def _configureoptions(ui, repo):
# If no capabilities are specified, enable everything.
# This is so existing evolve users don't need to change their config.
evolveopts = ui.configlist('experimental', 'evolution')
if not evolveopts:
evolveopts = ['all']
ui.setconfig('experimental', 'evolution', evolveopts)
def _configurecmdoptions(ui):
# Unregister evolve commands if the command capability is not specified.
# This must be in the same function as the option configuration above to
# guarantee it happens after the above configuration, but before the
# extsetup functions.
evolveopts = ui.configlist('experimental', 'evolution')
if evolveopts and (commandopt not in evolveopts and
'all' not in evolveopts):
### experimental behavior ###
commitopts3 = [
('D', 'current-date', None,
_('record the current date as commit date')),
('U', 'current-user', None,
_('record the current user as committer')),
def _resolveoptions(ui, opts):
"""modify commit options dict to handle related options
For now, all it does is figure out the commit date: respect -D unless
-d was supplied.
# N.B. this is extremely similar to setupheaderopts() in
if not opts.get('date') and opts.get('current_date'):
opts['date'] = '%d %d' % util.makedate()
if not opts.get('user') and opts.get('current_user'):
opts['user'] = ui.username()
getrevs = obsolete.getrevs
### Additional Utilities ###
# This section contains a lot of small utility function and method
# - Function to create markers
# - useful alias pstatus and pdiff (should probably go in evolve)
# - "troubles" method on changectx
# - function to travel throught the obsolescence graph
# - function to find useful changeset to stabilize
### Useful alias
def _installalias(ui):
if ui.config('alias', 'pstatus', None) is None:
ui.setconfig('alias', 'pstatus', 'status --rev .^')
if ui.config('alias', 'pdiff', None) is None:
ui.setconfig('alias', 'pdiff', 'diff --rev .^')
if ui.config('alias', 'olog', None) is None:
ui.setconfig('alias', 'olog', "log -r 'precursors(.)' --hidden")
if ui.config('alias', 'odiff', None) is None:
ui.setconfig('alias', 'odiff',
"diff --hidden --rev 'limit(precursors(.),1)' --rev .")
if ui.config('alias', 'grab', None) is None:
if == 'nt':
ui.setconfig('alias', 'grab',
"! " + util.hgexecutable() + " rebase --dest . --rev $@ && "
+ util.hgexecutable() + " up tip")
ui.setconfig('alias', 'grab',
"! $HG rebase --dest . --rev $@ && $HG up tip")
### Troubled revset symbol
def revsettroubled(repo, subset, x):
Changesets with troubles.
revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, 'troubled takes no arguments')
return repo.revs('%ld and (unstable() + bumped() + divergent())',
### Obsolescence graph
def _precursors(repo, s):
"""Precursor of a changeset"""
cs = set()
nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
markerbysubj = repo.obsstore.precursors
for r in s:
for p in markerbysubj.get(repo[r].node(), ()):
pr = nm.get(p[0])
if pr is not None:
return cs
def _allprecursors(repo, s): # XXX we need a better naming
"""transitive precursors of a subset"""
toproceed = [repo[r].node() for r in s]
seen = set()
allsubjects = repo.obsstore.precursors
while toproceed:
nc = toproceed.pop()
for mark in allsubjects.get(nc, ()):
np = mark[0]
if np not in seen:
nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
cs = set()
for p in seen:
pr = nm.get(p)
if pr is not None:
return cs
def _successors(repo, s):
"""Successors of a changeset"""
cs = set()
nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
markerbyobj = repo.obsstore.successors
for r in s:
for p in markerbyobj.get(repo[r].node(), ()):
for sub in p[1]:
sr = nm.get(sub)
if sr is not None:
return cs
def _allsuccessors(repo, s, haltonflags=0): # XXX we need a better naming
"""transitive successors of a subset
haltonflags allows to provide flags which prevent the evaluation of a
marker. """
toproceed = [repo[r].node() for r in s]
seen = set()
allobjects = repo.obsstore.successors
while toproceed:
nc = toproceed.pop()
for mark in allobjects.get(nc, ()):
if mark[2] & haltonflags:
for sub in mark[1]:
if sub == nullid:
continue # should not be here!
if sub not in seen:
nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
cs = set()
for s in seen:
sr = nm.get(s)
if sr is not None:
return cs
### Extending revset and template ###
# this section add several useful revset symbol not yet in core.
# they are subject to changes
### XXX I'm not sure this revset is useful
def revsetsuspended(repo, subset, x):
Obsolete changesets with non-obsolete descendants.
args = revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, 'suspended takes no arguments')
suspended = getrevs(repo, 'suspended')
return [r for r in subset if r in suspended]
def revsetprecursors(repo, subset, x):
Immediate precursors of changesets in set.
s = revset.getset(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), x)
cs = _precursors(repo, s)
return [r for r in subset if r in cs]
def revsetallprecursors(repo, subset, x):
Transitive precursors of changesets in set.
s = revset.getset(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), x)
cs = _allprecursors(repo, s)
return [r for r in subset if r in cs]
def revsetsuccessors(repo, subset, x):
Immediate successors of changesets in set.
s = revset.getset(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), x)
cs = _successors(repo, s)
return [r for r in subset if r in cs]
def revsetallsuccessors(repo, subset, x):
Transitive successors of changesets in set.
s = revset.getset(repo, revset.fullreposet(repo), x)
cs = _allsuccessors(repo, s)
return [r for r in subset if r in cs]
### template keywords
# XXX it does not handle troubles well :-/
def obsoletekw(repo, ctx, templ, **args):
""":obsolete: String. The obsolescence level of the node, could be
``stable``, ``unstable``, ``suspended`` or ``extinct``.
rev = ctx.rev()
if ctx.obsolete():
if ctx.extinct():
return 'extinct'
return 'suspended'
elif ctx.unstable():
return 'unstable'
return 'stable'
def showtroubles(repo, ctx, **args):
""":troubles: List of strings. Evolution troubles affecting the changeset
(zero or more of "unstable", "divergent" or "bumped")."""
return templatekw.showlist('trouble', ctx.troubles(), plural='troubles',
### Various trouble warning ###
# This section take care of issue warning to the user when troubles appear
def wrapmayobsoletewc(origfn, ui, repo, *args, **opts):
"""Warn that the working directory parent is an obsolete changeset"""
res = origfn(ui, repo, *args, **opts)
if repo['.'].obsolete():
ui.warn(_('working directory parent is obsolete!\n'))
return res
# XXX this could wrap transaction code
# XXX (but this is a bit a layer violation)
def warnobserrors(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
"""display warning is the command resulted in more instable changeset"""
# part of the troubled stuff may be filtered (stash ?)
# This needs a better implementation but will probably wait for core.
filtered = repo.changelog.filteredrevs
priorunstables = len(set(getrevs(repo, 'unstable')) - filtered)
priorbumpeds = len(set(getrevs(repo, 'bumped')) - filtered)
priordivergents = len(set(getrevs(repo, 'divergent')) - filtered)
ret = orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
# workaround phase stupidity
#phases._filterunknown(ui, repo.changelog, repo._phasecache.phaseroots)
filtered = repo.changelog.filteredrevs
newunstables = \
len(set(getrevs(repo, 'unstable')) - filtered) - priorunstables
newbumpeds = \
len(set(getrevs(repo, 'bumped')) - filtered) - priorbumpeds
newdivergents = \
len(set(getrevs(repo, 'divergent')) - filtered) - priordivergents
if newunstables > 0:
ui.warn(_('%i new unstable changesets\n') % newunstables)
if newbumpeds > 0:
ui.warn(_('%i new bumped changesets\n') % newbumpeds)
if newdivergents > 0:
ui.warn(_('%i new divergent changesets\n') % newdivergents)
return ret
@eh.wrapfunction(, 'push')
def push(orig, repo, *args, **opts):
"""Add a hint for "hg evolve" when troubles make push fails
return orig(repo, *args, **opts)
except util.Abort, ex:
hint = _("use 'hg evolve' to get a stable history "
"or --force to ignore warnings")
if (len(ex.args) >= 1
and ex.args[0].startswith('push includes ')
and ex.hint is None):
ex.hint = hint
return result
def summaryhook(ui, repo):
def write(fmt, count):
s = fmt % count
if count:
nbunstable = len(getrevs(repo, 'unstable'))
nbbumped = len(getrevs(repo, 'bumped'))
nbdivergent = len(getrevs(repo, 'divergent'))
write('unstable: %i changesets\n', nbunstable)
write('bumped: %i changesets\n', nbbumped)
write('divergent: %i changesets\n', nbdivergent)
def obssummarysetup(ui):
cmdutil.summaryhooks.add('evolve', summaryhook)
### Core Other extension compat ###
def _rebasewrapping(ui):
# warning about more obsolete
rebase = extensions.find('rebase')
if rebase:
extensions.wrapcommand(rebase.cmdtable, 'rebase', warnobserrors)
except KeyError:
pass # rebase not found
histedit = extensions.find('histedit')
if histedit:
extensions.wrapcommand(histedit.cmdtable, 'histedit', warnobserrors)
except KeyError:
pass # rebase not found
### Old Evolve extension content ###
# XXX need clean up and proper sorting in other section
### util function
### changeset rewriting logic
def rewrite(repo, old, updates, head, newbases, commitopts):
"""Return (nodeid, created) where nodeid is the identifier of the
changeset generated by the rewrite process, and created is True if
nodeid was actually created. If created is False, nodeid
references a changeset existing before the rewrite call.
if len(old.parents()) > 1: #XXX remove this unecessary limitation.
raise error.Abort(_('cannot amend merge changesets'))
base = old.p1()
updatebookmarks = _bookmarksupdater(repo, old.node())
# commit a new version of the old changeset, including the update
# collect all files which might be affected
files = set(old.files())
for u in updates:
# Recompute copies (avoid recording a -> b -> a)
copied = copies.pathcopies(base, head)
# prune files which were reverted by the updates
def samefile(f):
if f in head.manifest():
a = head.filectx(f)
if f in base.manifest():
b = base.filectx(f)
return ( ==
and a.flags() == b.flags())
return False
return f not in base.manifest()
files = [f for f in files if not samefile(f)]
# commit version of these files as defined by head
headmf = head.manifest()
def filectxfn(repo, ctx, path):
if path in headmf:
fctx = head[path]
flags = fctx.flags()
mctx = memfilectx(repo, fctx.path(),,
islink='l' in flags,
isexec='x' in flags,
return mctx
return None
message = cmdutil.logmessage(repo.ui, commitopts)
if not message:
message = old.description()
user = commitopts.get('user') or old.user()
date = commitopts.get('date') or None #
extra = dict(commitopts.get('extra', {}))
extra['branch'] = head.branch()
new = context.memctx(repo,
if commitopts.get('edit'):
new._text = cmdutil.commitforceeditor(repo, new, [])
revcount = len(repo)
newid = repo.commitctx(new)
new = repo[newid]
created = len(repo) != revcount
return newid, created
class MergeFailure(util.Abort):
def relocate(repo, orig, dest, keepbranch=False):
"""rewrite <rev> on dest"""
if orig.rev() == dest.rev():
raise util.Abort(_('tried to relocate a node on top of itself'),
hint=_("This shouldn't happen. If you still "
"need to move changesets, please do so "
"manually with nothing to rebase - working "
"directory parent is also destination"))
if not orig.p2().rev() == node.nullrev:
raise util.Abort(
'no support for evolving merge changesets yet',
hint="Redo the merge and use `hg prune <old> --succ <new>` to obsolete the old one")
destbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(dest.node())
nodesrc = orig.node()
destphase = repo[nodesrc].phase()
commitmsg = orig.description()
cache = {}
sha1s = re.findall(sha1re, commitmsg)
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
for sha1 in sha1s:
ctx = None
ctx = unfi[sha1]
except error.RepoLookupError:
if not ctx.obsolete():
successors = obsolete.successorssets(repo, ctx.node(), cache)
# We can't make any assumptions about how to update the hash if the
# cset in question was split or diverged.
if len(successors) == 1 and len(successors[0]) == 1:
newsha1 = node.hex(successors[0][0])
commitmsg = commitmsg.replace(sha1, newsha1[:len(sha1)])
repo.ui.note(_('The stale commit message reference to %s could '
'not be updated\n') % sha1)
tr = repo.transaction('relocate')
if repo['.'].rev() != dest.rev():
merge.update(repo, dest, False, True, False)
if repo._bookmarkcurrent:
repo.ui.status(_("(leaving bookmark %s)\n") %
if keepbranch:
r = merge.graft(repo, orig, orig.p1(), ['local', 'graft'])
if r[-1]: #some conflict
raise util.Abort(
'unresolved merge conflicts (see hg help resolve)')
if commitmsg is None:
commitmsg = orig.description()
extra = {'rebase_source': orig.hex()}
backup = repo.ui.backupconfig('phases', 'new-commit')
targetphase = max(orig.phase(), phases.draft)
repo.ui.setconfig('phases', 'new-commit', targetphase, 'rebase')
# Commit might fail if unresolved files exist
nodenew = repo.commit(text=commitmsg, user=orig.user(),, extra=extra)
except util.Abort, exc:
repo.setparents(repo['.'].node(), nullid)
# fix up dirstate for copies and renames
copies.duplicatecopies(repo, dest.rev(), orig.p1().rev())
class LocalMergeFailure(MergeFailure, exc.__class__):
exc.__class__ = LocalMergeFailure
oldbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(nodesrc)
if nodenew is not None:
phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, destphase, [nodenew])
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(repo[nodesrc], (repo[nodenew],))])
for book in oldbookmarks:
repo._bookmarks[book] = nodenew
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(repo[nodesrc], ())])
# Behave like rebase, move bookmarks to dest
for book in oldbookmarks:
repo._bookmarks[book] = dest.node()
for book in destbookmarks: # restore bookmark that rebase move
repo._bookmarks[book] = dest.node()
if oldbookmarks or destbookmarks:
return nodenew
def _bookmarksupdater(repo, oldid):
"""Return a callable update(newid) updating the current bookmark
and bookmarks bound to oldid to newid.
bm = bookmarks.readcurrent(repo)
def updatebookmarks(newid):
dirty = False
if bm:
repo._bookmarks[bm] = newid
dirty = True
oldbookmarks = repo.nodebookmarks(oldid)
if oldbookmarks:
for b in oldbookmarks:
repo._bookmarks[b] = newid
dirty = True
if dirty:
return updatebookmarks
### new command
metadataopts = [
('d', 'date', '',
_('record the specified date in metadata'), _('DATE')),
('u', 'user', '',
_('record the specified user in metadata'), _('USER')),
def _installimportobsolete(ui):
entry = cmdutil.findcmd('import', commands.table)[1]
entry[1].append(('', 'obsolete', False,
_('mark the old node as obsoleted by '
'the created commit')))
@eh.wrapfunction(mercurial.cmdutil, 'tryimportone')
def tryimportone(orig, ui, repo, hunk, parents, opts, *args, **kwargs):
extracted = patch.extract(ui, hunk)
expected = extracted[5]
if expected is not None:
expected = node.bin(expected)
oldextract = patch.extract
patch.extract = lambda ui, hunk: extracted
ret = orig(ui, repo, hunk, parents, opts, *args, **kwargs)
patch.extract = oldextract
created = ret[1]
if (opts['obsolete'] and None not in (created, expected)
and created != expected):
tr = repo.transaction('import-obs')
metadata = {'user': ui.username()}
repo.obsstore.create(tr, expected, (created,),
return ret
def _deprecatealias(oldalias, newalias):
'''Deprecates an alias for a command in favour of another
Creates a new entry in the command table for the old alias. It creates a
wrapper that has its synopsis set to show that is has been deprecated.
The documentation will be replace with a pointer to the new alias.
If a user invokes the command a deprecation warning will be printed and
the command of the *new* alias will be invoked.
This function is loosely based on the extensions.wrapcommand function.
aliases, entry = cmdutil.findcmd(newalias, cmdtable)
except error.UnknownCommand:
# Commands may be disabled
for alias, e in cmdtable.iteritems():
if e is entry:
synopsis = '(DEPRECATED)'
if len(entry) > 2:
fn, opts, _syn = entry
fn, opts, = entry
deprecationwarning = _('%s have been deprecated in favor of %s\n' % (
oldalias, newalias))
def newfn(*args, **kwargs):
ui = args[0]
util.checksignature(fn)(*args, **kwargs)
newfn.__doc__ = deprecationwarning
cmdwrapper = command(oldalias, opts, synopsis)
def deprecatealiases(ui):
_deprecatealias('gup', 'next')
_deprecatealias('gdown', 'previous')
@command('debugrecordpruneparents', [], '')
def cmddebugrecordpruneparents(ui, repo):
"""add parents data to prune markers when possible
This commands search the repo for prune markers without parent information.
If the pruned node is locally known, a new markers with parent data is
pgop = 'reading markers'
# lock from the beginning to prevent race
wlock = lock = tr = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
tr = repo.transaction('recordpruneparents')
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
nm = unfi.changelog.nodemap
store = repo.obsstore
pgtotal = len(store._all)
for idx, mark in enumerate(list(store._all)):
if not mark[1]:
rev = nm.get(mark[0])
if rev is not None:
ctx = unfi[rev]
meta = obsolete.decodemeta(mark[3])
for i, p in enumerate(ctx.parents(), 1):
meta['p%i' % i] = p.hex()
before = len(store._all)
store.create(tr, mark[0], mark[1], mark[2], metadata=meta)
if len(store._all) - before:
ui.write('created new markers for %i\n' % rev)
ui.progress(pgop, idx, total=pgtotal)
ui.progress(pgop, None)
lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
@command('debugobsstorestat', [], '')
def cmddebugobsstorestat(ui, repo):
"""print statistic about obsolescence markers in the repo"""
store = repo.obsstore
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
nm = unfi.changelog.nodemap
ui.write('markers total: %9i\n' % len(store._all))
sucscount = [0, 0 , 0, 0]
known = 0
parentsdata = 0
metakeys = {}
# node -> cluster mapping
# a cluster is a (set(nodes), set(markers)) tuple
clustersmap = {}
# same data using parent information
pclustersmap= {}
for mark in store:
if mark[0] in nm:
known += 1
nbsucs = len(mark[1])
sucscount[min(nbsucs, 3)] += 1
meta = mark[3]
for key, value in meta:
metakeys.setdefault(key, 0)
metakeys[key] += 1
meta = dict(meta)
parents = [meta.get('p1'), meta.get('p2')]
parents = [node.bin(p) for p in parents if p is not None]
if parents:
parentsdata += 1
# cluster handling
nodes = set()
c = (set(nodes), set([mark]))
toproceed = set(nodes)
while toproceed:
n = toproceed.pop()
other = clustersmap.get(n)
if (other is not None
and other is not c):
for on in c[0]:
if on in toproceed:
clustersmap[on] = other
c = other
clustersmap[n] = c
# same with parent data
c = (set(nodes), set([mark]))
toproceed = set(nodes)
while toproceed:
n = toproceed.pop()
other = pclustersmap.get(n)
if (other is not None
and other is not c):
for on in c[0]:
if on in toproceed:
pclustersmap[on] = other
c = other
pclustersmap[n] = c
# freezing the result
for c in clustersmap.values():
fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
for n in fc[0]:
clustersmap[n] = fc
# same with parent data
for c in pclustersmap.values():
fc = (frozenset(c[0]), frozenset(c[1]))
for n in fc[0]:
pclustersmap[n] = fc
ui.write(' for known precursors: %9i\n' % known)
ui.write(' with parents data: %9i\n' % parentsdata)
# successors data
ui.write('markers with no successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[0])
ui.write(' 1 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[1])
ui.write(' 2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[2])
ui.write(' more than 2 successors: %9i\n' % sucscount[3])
# meta data info
ui.write(' available keys:\n')
for key in sorted(metakeys):
ui.write(' %15s: %9i\n' % (key, metakeys[key]))
allclusters = list(set(clustersmap.values()))
allclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
ui.write('disconnected clusters: %9i\n' % len(allclusters))
ui.write(' any known node: %9i\n'
% len([c for c in allclusters
if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
if allclusters:
nbcluster = len(allclusters)
ui.write(' smallest length: %9i\n' % len(allclusters[0][1]))
ui.write(' longer length: %9i\n' % len(allclusters[-1][1]))
median = len(allclusters[nbcluster//2][1])
ui.write(' median length: %9i\n' % median)
mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allclusters) // nbcluster
ui.write(' mean length: %9i\n' % mean)
allpclusters = list(set(pclustersmap.values()))
allpclusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
ui.write(' using parents data: %9i\n' % len(allpclusters))
ui.write(' any known node: %9i\n'
% len([c for c in allclusters
if [n for n in c[0] if nm.get(n) is not None]]))
if allpclusters:
nbcluster = len(allpclusters)
ui.write(' smallest length: %9i\n' % len(allpclusters[0][1]))
ui.write(' longer length: %9i\n' % len(allpclusters[-1][1]))
median = len(allpclusters[nbcluster//2][1])
ui.write(' median length: %9i\n' % median)
mean = sum(len(x[1]) for x in allpclusters) // nbcluster
ui.write(' mean length: %9i\n' % mean)
[('n', 'dry-run', False,
'do not perform actions, just print what would be done'),
('', 'confirm', False,
'ask for confirmation before performing the action'),
('A', 'any', False, 'also consider troubled changesets unrelated to current working directory'),
('a', 'all', False, 'evolve all troubled changesets in the repo '
'(implies any)'),
('c', 'continue', False, 'continue an interrupted evolution'),
] + mergetoolopts,
def evolve(ui, repo, **opts):
"""solve trouble in your repository
- rebase unstable changesets to make them stable again,
- create proper diffs from bumped changesets,
- merge divergent changesets,
- update to a successor if the working directory parent is
By default a single changeset is evolved for each invocation and only
troubled changesets that would evolve as a descendant of the current
working directory will be considered. See --all and --any options to change
this behavior.
- For unstable, this means taking the first which could be rebased as a
child of the working directory parent revision or one of its descendants
and rebasing it.
- For divergent, this means taking "." if applicable.
With --any, evolve picks any troubled changeset to repair.
The working directory is updated to the newly created revision.
contopt = opts['continue']
anyopt = opts['any']
allopt = opts['all']
dryrunopt = opts['dry_run']
confirmopt = opts['confirm']
ui.setconfig('ui', 'forcemerge', opts.get('tool', ''), 'evolve')
startnode = repo['.']
if contopt:
if anyopt:
raise util.Abort('cannot specify both "--any" and "--continue"')
if allopt:
raise util.Abort('cannot specify both "--all" and "--continue"')
graftcmd = commands.table['graft'][0]
return graftcmd(ui, repo, old_obsolete=True, **{'continue': True})
tro = _picknexttroubled(ui, repo, anyopt or allopt)
if tro is None:
if repo['.'].obsolete():
displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(
ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
successors = set()
for successorsset in obsolete.successorssets(repo, repo['.'].node()):
for nodeid in successorsset:
if not successors:
ui.warn(_('parent is obsolete without successors; ' +
'likely killed\n'))
return 2
elif len(successors) > 1:
ui.warn(_('parent is obsolete with multiple successors:\n'))
for ctx in sorted(successors, key=lambda ctx: ctx.rev()):
return 2
ctx = successors.pop()
if not ui.quiet:
if dryrunopt:
return 0
res = hg.update(repo, ctx.rev())
if ctx != startnode:
ui.status(_('working directory is now at %s\n') % ctx)
return res
troubled = repo.revs('troubled()')
if troubled:
ui.write_err(_('nothing to evolve here\n'))
ui.status(_('(%i troubled changesets, do you want --any ?)\n')
% len(troubled))
return 2
ui.write_err(_('no troubled changesets\n'))
return 1
def progresscb():
if allopt:
ui.progress('evolve', seen, unit='changesets', total=count)
seen = 1
count = allopt and _counttroubled(ui, repo) or 1
while tro is not None:
wlock = lock = tr = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
tr = repo.transaction("evolve")
result = _evolveany(ui, repo, tro, dryrunopt, confirmopt,
lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
seen += 1
if not allopt:
if repo['.'] != startnode:
ui.status(_('working directory is now at %s\n') % repo['.'])
return result
tro = _picknexttroubled(ui, repo, anyopt or allopt)
if allopt:
ui.progress('evolve', None)
if repo['.'] != startnode:
ui.status(_('working directory is now at %s\n') % repo['.'])
def _evolveany(ui, repo, tro, dryrunopt, confirmopt, progresscb):
repo = repo.unfiltered()
tro = repo[tro.rev()]
troubles = tro.troubles()
if 'unstable' in troubles:
return _solveunstable(ui, repo, tro, dryrunopt, confirmopt, progresscb)
elif 'bumped' in troubles:
return _solvebumped(ui, repo, tro, dryrunopt, confirmopt, progresscb)
elif 'divergent' in troubles:
repo = repo.unfiltered()
tro = repo[tro.rev()]
return _solvedivergent(ui, repo, tro, dryrunopt, confirmopt,
assert False # WHAT? unknown troubles
def _counttroubled(ui, repo):
"""Count the amount of troubled changesets"""
troubled = set()
troubled.update(getrevs(repo, 'unstable'))
troubled.update(getrevs(repo, 'bumped'))
troubled.update(getrevs(repo, 'divergent'))
return len(troubled)
def _picknexttroubled(ui, repo, pickany=False, progresscb=None):
"""Pick a the next trouble changeset to solve"""
if progresscb: progresscb()
tro = _stabilizableunstable(repo, repo['.'])
if tro is None:
wdp = repo['.']
if 'divergent' in wdp.troubles():
tro = wdp
if tro is None and pickany:
troubled = list(repo.set('unstable()'))
if not troubled:
troubled = list(repo.set('bumped()'))
if not troubled:
troubled = list(repo.set('divergent()'))
if troubled:
tro = troubled[0]
return tro
def _stabilizableunstable(repo, pctx):
"""Return a changectx for an unstable changeset which can be
stabilized on top of pctx or one of its descendants. None if none
can be found.
def selfanddescendants(repo, pctx):
yield pctx
for prec in repo.set('allprecursors(%d)', pctx):
yield prec
for ctx in pctx.descendants():
yield ctx
for prec in repo.set('allprecursors(%d)', ctx):
yield prec
# Look for an unstable which can be stabilized as a child of
# node. The unstable must be a child of one of node predecessors.
directdesc = set([pctx.rev()])
for ctx in selfanddescendants(repo, pctx):
for child in ctx.children():
if ctx.rev() in directdesc and not child.obsolete():
elif child.unstable():
return child
return None
def _solveunstable(ui, repo, orig, dryrun=False, confirm=False,
"""Stabilize a unstable changeset"""
obs = orig.parents()[0]
if not obs.obsolete():
obs = orig.parents()[1] # second parent is obsolete ?
assert obs.obsolete()
newer = obsolete.successorssets(repo, obs.node())
# search of a parent which is not killed
while not newer or newer == [()]:
ui.debug("stabilize target %s is plain dead,"
" trying to stabilize on its parent\n" %
obs = obs.parents()[0]
newer = obsolete.successorssets(repo, obs.node())
if len(newer) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_("conflict rewriting. can't choose destination\n"))
targets = newer[0]
assert targets
if len(targets) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_("does not handle split parents yet\n"))
return 2
target = targets[0]
displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
target = repo[target]
if not ui.quiet or confirm:
if confirm and ui.prompt('perform evolve? [Ny]') != 'y':
raise util.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
if progresscb: progresscb()
todo = 'hg rebase -r %s -d %s\n' % (orig, target)
if dryrun:
if progresscb: progresscb()
keepbranch = orig.p1().branch() != orig.branch()
relocate(repo, orig, target, keepbranch)
except MergeFailure:
repo.opener.write('graftstate', orig.hex() + '\n')
repo.ui.write_err(_('evolve failed!\n'))
_('fix conflict and run "hg evolve --continue"\n'))
def _solvebumped(ui, repo, bumped, dryrun=False, confirm=False,
"""Stabilize a bumped changeset"""
# For now we deny bumped merge
if len(bumped.parents()) > 1:
raise util.Abort('late comer stabilization is confused by bumped'
' %s being a merge' % bumped)
prec = repo.set('last(allprecursors(%d) and public())', bumped).next()
# For now we deny target merge
if len(prec.parents()) > 1:
raise util.Abort('late comer evolution is confused by precursors'
' %s being a merge' % prec)
displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
if not ui.quiet or confirm:
if confirm and ui.prompt('perform evolve? [Ny]') != 'y':
raise util.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
if dryrun:
todo = 'hg rebase --rev %s --dest %s;\n' % (bumped, prec.p1())
repo.ui.write('hg update %s;\n' % prec)
repo.ui.write('hg revert --all --rev %s;\n' % bumped)
repo.ui.write('hg commit --msg "bumped update to %s"')
return 0
if progresscb: progresscb()
newid = tmpctx = None
tmpctx = bumped
bmupdate = _bookmarksupdater(repo, bumped.node())
# Basic check for common parent. Far too complicated and fragile
tr = repo.transaction('bumped-stabilize')
if not list(repo.set('parents(%d) and parents(%d)', bumped, prec)):
# Need to rebase the changeset at the right place
_('rebasing to destination parent: %s\n') % prec.p1())
tmpid = relocate(repo, bumped, prec.p1())
if tmpid is not None:
tmpctx = repo[tmpid]
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(bumped, (tmpctx,))])
except MergeFailure:
repo.opener.write('graftstate', bumped.hex() + '\n')
repo.ui.write_err(_('evolution failed!\n'))
_('fix conflict and run "hg evolve --continue"\n'))
# Create the new commit context
repo.ui.status(_('computing new diff\n'))
files = set()
copied = copies.pathcopies(prec, bumped)
precmanifest = prec.manifest()
# 3.3.2 needs a list.
# future 3.4 don't detect the size change during iteration
# this is fishy
for key, val in list(bumped.manifest().iteritems()):
precvalue = precmanifest.get(key, None)
if precvalue is not None:
del precmanifest[key]
if precvalue != val:
files.update(precmanifest) # add missing files
# commit it
if files: # something to commit!
def filectxfn(repo, ctx, path):
if path in bumped:
fctx = bumped[path]
flags = fctx.flags()
mctx = memfilectx(repo, fctx.path(),,
islink='l' in flags,
isexec='x' in flags,
return mctx
return None
text = 'bumped update to %s:\n\n' % prec
text += bumped.description()
new = context.memctx(repo,
parents=[prec.node(), node.nullid],
newid = repo.commitctx(new)
if newid is None:
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(tmpctx, ())])
newid = prec.node()
phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, bumped.phase(), [newid])
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(tmpctx, (repo[newid],))],
repo.ui.status(_('committed as %s\n') % node.short(newid))
# reroute the working copy parent to the new changeset
repo.dirstate.setparents(newid, node.nullid)
def _solvedivergent(ui, repo, divergent, dryrun=False, confirm=False,
base, others = divergentdata(divergent)
if len(others) > 1:
othersstr = "[%s]" % (','.join([str(i) for i in others]))
hint = ("changeset %d is divergent with a changeset that got splitted "
"| into multiple ones:\n[%s]\n"
"| This is not handled by automatic evolution yet\n"
"| You have to fallback to manual handling with commands "
"such as:\n"
"| - hg touch -D\n"
"| - hg prune\n"
"| \n"
"| You should contact your local evolution Guru for help.\n"
% (divergent, othersstr))
raise util.Abort("we do not handle divergence with split yet",
other = others[0]
if divergent.phase() <= phases.public:
raise util.Abort("we can't resolve this conflict from the public side",
hint="%s is public, try from %s" % (divergent, other))
if len(other.parents()) > 1:
raise util.Abort("divergent changeset can't be a merge (yet)",
hint="You have to fallback to solving this by hand...\n"
"| This probably means redoing the merge and using "
"| `hg prune` to kill older version.")
if other.p1() not in divergent.parents():
raise util.Abort("parents are not common (not handled yet)",
hint="| %(d)s, %(o)s are not based on the same changeset.\n"
"| With the current state of its implementation, \n"
"| evolve does not work in that case.\n"
"| rebase one of them next to the other and run \n"
"| this command again.\n"
"| - either: hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(d)s)' -r %(o)s\n"
"| - or: hg rebase --dest 'p1(%(o)s)' -r %(d)s"
% {'d': divergent, 'o': other})
displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
if not ui.quiet or confirm:
ui.write(_('with: '))
ui.write(_('base: '))
if confirm and ui.prompt('perform evolve? [Ny]') != 'y':
raise util.Abort(_('evolve aborted by user'))
if dryrun:
ui.write('hg update -c %s &&\n' % divergent)
ui.write('hg merge %s &&\n' % other)
ui.write('hg commit -m "auto merge resolving conflict between '
'%s and %s"&&\n' % (divergent, other))
ui.write('hg up -C %s &&\n' % base)
ui.write('hg revert --all --rev tip &&\n')
ui.write('hg commit -m "`hg log -r %s --template={desc}`";\n'
% divergent)
if divergent not in repo[None].parents():
repo.ui.status(_('updating to "local" conflict\n'))
hg.update(repo, divergent.rev())
repo.ui.note(_('merging divergent changeset\n'))
if progresscb: progresscb()
stats = merge.update(repo,
hg._showstats(repo, stats)
if stats[3]:
repo.ui.status(_("use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges "
"or 'hg update -C .' to abandon\n"))
if stats[3] > 0:
raise util.Abort('merge conflict between several amendments '
'(this is not automated yet)',
hint="""/!\ You can try:
/!\ * manual merge + resolve => new cset X
/!\ * hg up to the parent of the amended changeset (which are named W and Z)
/!\ * hg revert --all -r X
/!\ * hg ci -m "same message as the amended changeset" => new cset Y
/!\ * hg kill -n Y W Z
if progresscb: progresscb()
tr = repo.transaction('stabilize-divergent')
repo.dirstate.setparents(divergent.node(), node.nullid)
oldlen = len(repo)
amend(ui, repo, message='', logfile='')
if oldlen == len(repo):
new = divergent
# no changes
new = repo['.']
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(other, (new,))])
phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, other.phase(), [new.node()])
def divergentdata(ctx):
"""return base, other part of a conflict
This only return the first one.
XXX this woobly function won't survive XXX
for base in ctx._repo.set('reverse(precursors(%d))', ctx):
newer = obsolete.successorssets(ctx._repo, base.node())
# drop filter and solution including the original ctx
newer = [n for n in newer if n and ctx.node() not in n]
if newer:
return base, tuple(ctx._repo[o] for o in newer[0])
raise util.Abort("base of divergent changeset %s not found" % ctx,
hint='this case is not yet handled')
shorttemplate = '[{rev}] {desc|firstline}\n'
[('B', 'move-bookmark', False,
_('Move current active bookmark after update'))],
def cmdprevious(ui, repo, **opts):
"""update to parent and display summary lines"""
wkctx = repo[None]
wparents = wkctx.parents()
if len(wparents) != 1:
raise util.Abort('merge in progress')
parents = wparents[0].parents()
displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
if len(parents) == 1:
p = parents[0]
bm = bookmarks.readcurrent(repo)
shouldmove = opts.get('move_bookmark') and bm is not None
ret = hg.update(repo, p.rev())
if not ret:
if shouldmove:
repo._bookmarks[bm] = p.node()
return 0
for p in parents:
ui.warn(_('multiple parents, explicitly update to one\n'))
return 1
[('B', 'move-bookmark', False,
_('Move current active bookmark after update'))],
def cmdnext(ui, repo, **opts):
"""update to child and display summary lines"""
wkctx = repo[None]
wparents = wkctx.parents()
if len(wparents) != 1:
raise util.Abort('merge in progress')
children = [ctx for ctx in wparents[0].children() if not ctx.obsolete()]
displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, {'template': shorttemplate})
if not children:
ui.warn(_('no non-obsolete children\n'))
return 1
if len(children) == 1:
c = children[0]
bm = bookmarks.readcurrent(repo)
shouldmove = opts.get('move_bookmark') and bm is not None
ret = hg.update(repo, c.rev())
if not ret:
if shouldmove:
repo._bookmarks[bm] = c.node()
return 0
for c in children:
ui.warn(_('multiple non-obsolete children, '
'explicitly update to one of them\n'))
return 1
def _reachablefrombookmark(repo, revs, mark):
"""filter revisions and bookmarks reachable from the given bookmark
yoinked from
marks = repo._bookmarks
if mark not in marks:
raise util.Abort(_("bookmark '%s' not found") % mark)
# If the requested bookmark is not the only one pointing to a
# a revision we have to only delete the bookmark and not strip
# anything. revsets cannot detect that case.
uniquebm = True
for m, n in marks.iteritems():
if m != mark and n == repo[mark].node():
uniquebm = False
if uniquebm:
rsrevs = repo.revs("ancestors(bookmark(%s)) - "
"ancestors(head() and not bookmark(%s)) - "
"ancestors(bookmark() and not bookmark(%s)) - "
mark, mark, mark)
revs = set(revs)
revs = sorted(revs)
return marks, revs
def _deletebookmark(ui, marks, mark):
del marks[mark]
ui.write(_("bookmark '%s' deleted\n") % mark)
def _getmetadata(**opts):
metadata = {}
date = opts.get('date')
user = opts.get('user')
if date:
metadata['date'] = '%i %i' % util.parsedate(date)
if user:
metadata['user'] = user
return metadata
[('n', 'new', [], _("successor changeset (DEPRECATED)")),
('s', 'succ', [], _("successor changeset")),
('r', 'rev', [], _("revisions to prune")),
('k', 'keep', None, _("does not modify working copy during prune")),
('', 'biject', False, _("do a 1-1 map between rev and successor ranges")),
('B', 'bookmark', '', _("remove revs only reachable from given"
" bookmark"))] + metadataopts,
_('[OPTION] [-r] REV...'))
# -U --noupdate option to prevent wc update and or bookmarks update ?
def cmdprune(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
"""hide changesets by marking them obsolete
Obsolete changesets becomes invisible to all commands.
Unpruned descendants of pruned changesets becomes "unstable". Use the
:hg:`evolve` to handle such situation.
When the working directory parent is pruned, the repository is updated to a
non-obsolete parent.
You can use the ``--succ`` option to inform mercurial that a newer version
of the pruned changeset exists.
You can use the ``--biject`` option to specify a 1-1 (bijection) between
revisions to prune and successor changesets. This option may be removed in
a future release (with the functionality absorbed automatically).
revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, list(revs) + opts.get('rev'))
succs = opts['new'] + opts['succ']
bookmark = opts.get('bookmark')
metadata = _getmetadata(**opts)
biject = opts.get('biject')
if bookmark:
marks,revs = _reachablefrombookmark(repo, revs, bookmark)
if not revs:
# no revisions to prune - delete bookmark immediately
_deletebookmark(ui, marks, bookmark)
if not revs:
raise util.Abort(_('nothing to prune'))
wlock = lock = tr = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
tr = repo.transaction('prune')
# defines pruned changesets
precs = []
for p in revs:
cp = repo[p]
if not cp.mutable():
# note: createmarkers() would have raised something anyway
raise util.Abort('cannot prune immutable changeset: %s' % cp,
hint='see "hg help phases" for details')
if not precs:
raise util.Abort('nothing to prune')
# defines successors changesets
sucs = scmutil.revrange(repo, succs)
sucs = tuple(repo[n] for n in sucs)
if not biject and len(sucs) > 1 and len(precs) > 1:
msg = "Can't use multiple successors for multiple precursors"
raise util.Abort(msg)
if biject and len(sucs) != len(precs):
msg = "Can't use %d successors for %d precursors" \
% (len(sucs), len(precs))
raise util.Abort(msg)
relations = [(p, sucs) for p in precs]
if biject:
relations = [(p, (s,)) for p, s in zip(precs, sucs)]
wdp = repo['.']
if len(sucs) == 1 and len(precs) == 1 and wdp in precs:
# '.' killed, so update to the successor
newnode = sucs[0]
# update to an unkilled parent
newnode = wdp
while newnode in precs or newnode.obsolete():
newnode = newnode.parents()[0]
if newnode.node() != wdp.node():
if opts.get('keep', False):
# This is largely the same as the implementation in
# strip.stripcmd(). We might want to refactor this somewhere
# common at some point.
# only reset the dirstate for files that would actually change
# between the working context and uctx
descendantrevs = repo.revs("%d::." % newnode.rev())
changedfiles = []
for rev in descendantrevs:
# blindly reset the files, regardless of what actually changed
# reset files that only changed in the dirstate too
dirstate = repo.dirstate
dirchanges = [f for f in dirstate if dirstate[f] != 'n']
repo.dirstate.rebuild(newnode.node(), newnode.manifest(), changedfiles)
commands.update(ui, repo, newnode.rev())
ui.status(_('working directory now at %s\n') % newnode)
# update bookmarks
if bookmark:
_deletebookmark(ui, marks, bookmark)
# create markers
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, relations, metadata=metadata)
# informs that changeset have been pruned
ui.status(_('%i changesets pruned\n') % len(precs))
for ctx in repo.unfiltered().set('bookmark() and %ld', precs):
# used to be:
# ldest = list(repo.set('max((::%d) - obsolete())', ctx))
# if ldest:
# c = ldest[0]
# but then revset took a lazy arrow in the knee and became much
# slower. The new forms makes as much sense and a much faster.
for dest in ctx.ancestors():
if not dest.obsolete():
updatebookmarks = _bookmarksupdater(repo, ctx.node())
lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
[('A', 'addremove', None,
_('mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing')),
('e', 'edit', False, _('invoke editor on commit messages')),
('', 'close-branch', None,
_('mark a branch as closed, hiding it from the branch list')),
('s', 'secret', None, _('use the secret phase for committing')),
] + walkopts + commitopts + commitopts2 + commitopts3,
_('[OPTION]... [FILE]...'))
def amend(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""combine a changeset with updates and replace it with a new one
Commits a new changeset incorporating both the changes to the given files
and all the changes from the current parent changeset into the repository.
See :hg:`commit` for details about committing changes.
If you don't specify -m, the parent's message will be reused.
Behind the scenes, Mercurial first commits the update as a regular child
of the current parent. Then it creates a new commit on the parent's parents
with the updated contents. Then it changes the working copy parent to this
new combined changeset. Finally, the old changeset and its update are hidden
from :hg:`log` (unless you use --hidden with log).
Returns 0 on success, 1 if nothing changed.
opts = opts.copy()
edit = opts.pop('edit', False)
log = opts.get('logfile')
opts['amend'] = True
if not (edit or opts['message'] or log):
opts['message'] = repo['.'].description()
_resolveoptions(ui, opts)
_alias, commitcmd = cmdutil.findcmd('commit', commands.table)
return commitcmd[0](ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
def _touchedbetween(repo, source, dest, match=None):
touched = set()
for files in repo.status(source, dest, match=match)[:3]:
return touched
def _commitfiltered(repo, ctx, match, target=None):
"""Recommit ctx with changed files not in match. Return the new
node identifier, or None if nothing changed.
base = ctx.p1()
if target is None:
target = base
# ctx
initialfiles = _touchedbetween(repo, base, ctx)
if base == target:
affected = set(f for f in initialfiles if match(f))
newcontent = set()
affected = _touchedbetween(repo, target, ctx, match=match)
newcontent = _touchedbetween(repo, target, base, match=match)
# The commit touchs all existing files
# + all file that needs a new content
# - the file affected bny uncommit with the same content than base.
files = (initialfiles - affected) | newcontent
if not newcontent and files == initialfiles:
return None
# Filter copies
copied = copies.pathcopies(target, ctx)
copied = dict((src, dst) for src, dst in copied.iteritems()
if dst in files)
def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path, contentctx=ctx, redirect=newcontent):
if path in redirect:
return filectxfn(repo, memctx, path, contentctx=target, redirect=())
if path not in contentctx:
return None
fctx = contentctx[path]
flags = fctx.flags()
mctx = memfilectx(repo, fctx.path(),,
islink='l' in flags,
isexec='x' in flags,
return mctx
new = context.memctx(repo,
parents=[base.node(), node.nullid],
# commitctx always create a new revision, no need to check
newid = repo.commitctx(new)
return newid
def _uncommitdirstate(repo, oldctx, match):
"""Fix the dirstate after switching the working directory from
oldctx to a copy of oldctx not containing changed files matched by
ctx = repo['.']
ds = repo.dirstate
copies = dict(ds.copies())
m, a, r = repo.status(oldctx.p1(), oldctx, match=match)[:3]
for f in m:
if ds[f] == 'r':
# modified + removed -> removed
for f in a:
if ds[f] == 'r':
# added + removed -> unknown
elif ds[f] != 'a':
for f in r:
if ds[f] == 'a':
# removed + added -> normal
elif ds[f] != 'r':
# Merge old parent and old working dir copies
oldcopies = {}
for f in (m + a):
src = oldctx[f].renamed()
if src:
oldcopies[f] = src[0]
copies = dict((dst, oldcopies.get(src, src))
for dst, src in oldcopies.iteritems())
# Adjust the dirstate copies
for dst, src in copies.iteritems():
if (src not in ctx or dst in ctx or ds[dst] != 'a'):
src = None
ds.copy(src, dst)
[('a', 'all', None, _('uncommit all changes when no arguments given')),
('r', 'rev', '', _('revert commit content to REV instead')),
] + commands.walkopts,
_('[OPTION]... [NAME]'))
def uncommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""move changes from parent revision to working directory
Changes to selected files in the checked out revision appear again as
uncommitted changed in the working directory. A new revision
without the selected changes is created, becomes the checked out
revision, and obsoletes the previous one.
The --include option specifies patterns to uncommit.
The --exclude option specifies patterns to keep in the commit.
The --rev argument let you change the commit file to a content of another
revision. It still does not change the content of your file in the working
Return 0 if changed files are uncommitted.
wlock = lock = tr = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
wctx = repo[None]
if len(wctx.parents()) <= 0:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit null changeset"))
if len(wctx.parents()) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit while merging"))
old = repo['.']
if old.phase() == phases.public:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot rewrite immutable changeset"))
if len(old.parents()) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit merge changeset"))
oldphase = old.phase()
updatebookmarks = _bookmarksupdater(repo, old.node())
rev = None
if opts.get('rev'):
rev = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'))
ctx = repo[None]
if ctx.p1() == rev or ctx.p2() == rev:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot uncommit to parent changeset"))
# Recommit the filtered changeset
tr = repo.transaction('uncommit')
newid = None
if (pats or opts.get('include') or opts.get('exclude')
or opts.get('all')):
match = scmutil.match(old, pats, opts)
newid = _commitfiltered(repo, old, match, target=rev)
if newid is None:
raise util.Abort(_('nothing to uncommit'),
hint=_("use --all to uncommit all files"))
# Move local changes on filtered changeset
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(old, (repo[newid],))])
phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, oldphase, [newid])
repo.dirstate.setparents(newid, node.nullid)
_uncommitdirstate(repo, old, match)
if not repo[newid].files():
ui.warn(_("new changeset is empty\n"))
ui.status(_('(use "hg prune ." to remove it)\n'))
lockmod.release(tr, lock, wlock)
def commitwrapper(orig, ui, repo, *arg, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('amend', False):
wlock = lock = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
obsoleted = kwargs.get('obsolete', [])
if obsoleted:
obsoleted = repo.set('%lr', obsoleted)
result = orig(ui, repo, *arg, **kwargs)
if not result: # commit successed
new = repo['-1']
oldbookmarks = []
markers = []
for old in obsoleted:
markers.append((old, (new,)))
if markers:
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, markers)
for book in oldbookmarks:
repo._bookmarks[book] = new.node()
if oldbookmarks:
return result
if lock is not None:
if wlock is not None:
@eh.wrapcommand('strip', extension='strip', opts=[
('', 'bundle', None, _("delete the commit entirely and move it to a "
"backup bundle")),
def stripwrapper(orig, ui, repo, *revs, **kwargs):
if (not ui.configbool('experimental', 'prunestrip') or
kwargs.get('bundle', False)):
return orig(ui, repo, *revs, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('force'):
ui.warn(_("warning: --force has no effect during strip with evolve "
if kwargs.get('no_backup', False):
ui.warn(_("warning: --no-backup has no effect during strips with "
"evolve enabled\n"))
revs = list(revs) + kwargs.pop('rev', [])
revs = set(scmutil.revrange(repo, revs))
revs = repo.revs("(%ld)::", revs)
kwargs['rev'] = []
kwargs['new'] = []
kwargs['succ'] = []
kwargs['biject'] = False
return cmdprune(ui, repo, *revs, **kwargs)
[('r', 'rev', [], 'revision to update'),
('D', 'duplicate', False,
'do not mark the new revision as successor of the old one')],
# allow to choose the seed ?
_('[-r] revs'))
def touch(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
"""create successors that are identical to their predecessors except for the changeset ID
This is used to "resurrect" changesets
duplicate = opts['duplicate']
revs = list(revs)
if not revs:
revs = ['.']
revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revs)
if not revs:
ui.write_err('no revision to touch\n')
return 1
if not duplicate and repo.revs('public() and %ld', revs):
raise util.Abort("can't touch public revision")
wlock = lock = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
tr = repo.transaction('touch')
revs.sort() # ensure parent are run first
newmapping = {}
for r in revs:
ctx = repo[r]
extra = ctx.extra().copy()
extra['__touch-noise__'] = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
# search for touched parent
p1 = ctx.p1().node()
p2 = ctx.p2().node()
p1 = newmapping.get(p1, p1)
p2 = newmapping.get(p2, p2)
new, unusedvariable = rewrite(repo, ctx, [], ctx,
[p1, p2],
commitopts={'extra': extra})
# store touched version to help potential children
newmapping[ctx.node()] = new
if not duplicate:
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(ctx, (repo[new],))])
phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, ctx.phase(), [new])
if ctx in repo[None].parents():
repo.dirstate.setparents(new, node.nullid)
lockmod.release(lock, wlock)
[('r', 'rev', [], _("revision to fold")),
('', 'exact', None, _("only fold specified revisions"))
] + commitopts + commitopts2,
_('hg fold [OPTION]... [-r] REV'))
def fold(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
"""fold multiple revisions into a single one
Folds a set of revisions with the parent of the working directory.
All revisions linearly between the given revisions and the parent
of the working directory will also be folded.
Use --exact for folding only the specified revisions while ignoring the
parent of the working directory. In this case, the given revisions must
form a linear unbroken chain.
.. container:: verbose
Some examples:
- Fold the current revision with its parent::
hg fold .^
- Fold all draft revisions with working directory parent::
hg fold 'draft()'
See :hg:`help phases` for more about draft revisions and
:hg:`help revsets` for more about the `draft()` keyword
- Fold revisions 3, 4, 5, and 6 with the working directory parent::
hg fold 3:6
- Only fold revisions linearly between foo and @::
hg fold foo::@ --exact
revs = list(revs)
if not revs:
raise util.Abort(_('no revisions specified'))
revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revs)
if not opts['exact']:
# Try to extend given revision starting from the working directory
extrevs = repo.revs('(%ld::.) or (.::%ld)', revs, revs)
discardedrevs = [r for r in revs if r not in extrevs]
if discardedrevs:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions"),
hint=_("given revisions are unrelated to parent "
"of working directory"))
revs = extrevs
if len(revs) == 1:
ui.write_err(_('single revision specified, nothing to fold\n'))
return 1
roots = repo.revs('roots(%ld)', revs)
if len(roots) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions "
"(multiple roots given)"))
root = repo[roots.first()]
if root.phase() <= phases.public:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold public revisions"))
heads = repo.revs('heads(%ld)', revs)
if len(heads) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_("cannot fold non-linear revisions "
"(multiple heads given)"))
head = repo[heads.first()]
wlock = lock = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
tr = repo.transaction('touch')
commitopts = opts.copy()
allctx = [repo[r] for r in revs]
targetphase = max(c.phase() for c in allctx)
if commitopts.get('message') or commitopts.get('logfile'):
commitopts['edit'] = False
msgs = ["HG: This is a fold of %d changesets." % len(allctx)]
msgs += ["HG: Commit message of changeset %s.\n\n%s\n" %
(c.rev(), c.description()) for c in allctx]
commitopts['message'] = "\n".join(msgs)
commitopts['edit'] = True
newid, unusedvariable = rewrite(repo, root, allctx, head,
[root.p1().node(), root.p2().node()],
phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, targetphase, [newid])
obsolete.createmarkers(repo, [(ctx, (repo[newid],))
for ctx in allctx])
ui.status('%i changesets folded\n' % len(revs))
if repo['.'].rev() in revs:
hg.update(repo, newid)
lockmod.release(lock, wlock)
def graftwrapper(orig, ui, repo, *revs, **kwargs):
kwargs = dict(kwargs)
revs = list(revs) + kwargs.get('rev', [])
kwargs['rev'] = []
obsoleted = kwargs.setdefault('obsolete', [])
wlock = lock = None
wlock = repo.wlock()
lock = repo.lock()
if kwargs.get('old_obsolete'):
if kwargs.get('continue'):
# convert obsolete target into revs to avoid alias joke
obsoleted[:] = [str(i) for i in repo.revs('%lr', obsoleted)]
if obsoleted and len(revs) > 1:
raise error.Abort(_('cannot graft multiple revisions while '
'obsoleting (for now).'))
return commitwrapper(orig, ui, repo,*revs, **kwargs)
lockmod.release(lock, wlock)
def oldevolveextsetup(ui):
for cmd in ['kill', 'uncommit', 'touch', 'fold']:
entry = extensions.wrapcommand(cmdtable, cmd,
except error.UnknownCommand:
# Commands may be disabled
entry = cmdutil.findcmd('commit', commands.table)[1]
entry[1].append(('o', 'obsolete', [],
_("make commit obsolete this revision (DEPRECATED)")))
entry = cmdutil.findcmd('graft', commands.table)[1]
entry[1].append(('o', 'obsolete', [],
_("make graft obsoletes this revision (DEPRECATED)")))
entry[1].append(('O', 'old-obsolete', False,
_("make graft obsoletes its source (DEPRECATED)")))
### Obsolescence marker exchange experimenation ###
def obsexcmsg(ui, message, important=False):
verbose = ui.configbool('experimental', 'verbose-obsolescence-exchange',
if verbose:
message = 'OBSEXC: ' + message
if important or verbose:
def obsexcprg(ui, *args, **kwargs):
topic = 'obsmarkers exchange'
if ui.configbool('experimental', 'verbose-obsolescence-exchange', False):
topic = 'OBSEXC'
ui.progress(topic, *args, **kwargs)
if getattr(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers', None) is not None:
@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers')
def _pushdiscoveryobsmarkers(orig, pushop):
if (obsolete.isenabled(pushop.repo, obsolete.exchangeopt)
and pushop.repo.obsstore
and 'obsolete' in pushop.remote.listkeys('namespaces')):
repo = pushop.repo
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing relevant nodes\n")
revs = list(repo.revs('::%ln', pushop.futureheads))
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
cl = unfi.changelog
if not pushop.remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_0'):
# do not trust core yet
# return orig(pushop)
nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
if nodes:
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing markers relevant to %i nodes\n"
% len(nodes))
pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "markers already in sync\n")
pushop.outobsmarkers = []
pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
common = []
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
% len(revs))
commonrevs = list(unfi.revs('::%ln', pushop.outgoing.commonheads))
common = findcommonobsmarkers(pushop.ui, unfi, pushop.remote, commonrevs)
revs = list(unfi.revs('%ld - (::%ln)', revs, common))
nodes = [cl.node(r) for r in revs]
if nodes:
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "computing markers relevant to %i nodes\n"
% len(nodes))
pushop.outobsmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "markers already in sync\n")
pushop.outobsmarkers = []
@eh.wrapfunction(wireproto, 'capabilities')
def discocapabilities(orig, repo, proto):
"""wrapper to advertise new capability"""
caps = orig(repo, proto)
if obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt):
caps += ' _evoext_obshash_0'
return caps
def _installobsmarkersdiscovery(ui):
hgweb_mod.perms['evoext_obshash'] = 'pull'
hgweb_mod.perms['evoext_obshash1'] = 'pull'
# wrap command content
oldcap, args = wireproto.commands['capabilities']
def newcap(repo, proto):
return discocapabilities(oldcap, repo, proto)
wireproto.commands['capabilities'] = (newcap, args)
wireproto.commands['evoext_obshash'] = (srv_obshash, 'nodes')
wireproto.commands['evoext_obshash1'] = (srv_obshash1, 'nodes')
if getattr(exchange, '_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers', None) is None:
ui.warn('evolve: your mercurial version is too old\n'
'evolve: (running in degraded mode, push will includes all markers)\n')
olddisco = exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker']
def newdisco(pushop):
_pushdiscoveryobsmarkers(olddisco, pushop)
exchange.pushdiscoverymapping['obsmarker'] = newdisco
### Set discovery START
from mercurial import dagutil
from mercurial import setdiscovery
def _obshash(repo, nodes, version=0):
if version == 0:
hashs = _obsrelsethashtreefm0(repo)
elif version ==1:
hashs = _obsrelsethashtreefm1(repo)
assert False
nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
revs = [nm.get(n) for n in nodes]
return [r is None and nullid or hashs[r][1] for r in revs]
def srv_obshash(repo, proto, nodes):
return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes)))
def srv_obshash1(repo, proto, nodes):
return wireproto.encodelist(_obshash(repo, wireproto.decodelist(nodes), version=1))
@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash')
def local_obshash(peer, nodes):
return _obshash(peer._repo, nodes)
@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_obshash1')
def local_obshash1(peer, nodes):
return _obshash(peer._repo, nodes, version=1)
@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash')
def peer_obshash(self, nodes):
d = self._call("evoext_obshash", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
return wireproto.decodelist(d)
except ValueError:
self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_obshash1')
def peer_obshash1(self, nodes):
d = self._call("evoext_obshash1", nodes=wireproto.encodelist(nodes))
return wireproto.decodelist(d)
except ValueError:
self._abort(error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), d))
def findcommonobsmarkers(ui, local, remote, probeset,
# from discovery
roundtrips = 0
cl = local.changelog
dag = dagutil.revlogdag(cl)
missing = set()
common = set()
undecided = set(probeset)
_takefullsample = setdiscovery._takefullsample
if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_1'):
getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash1
localhash = _obsrelsethashtreefm1(local)
getremotehash = remote.evoext_obshash
localhash = _obsrelsethashtreefm0(local)
while undecided:
ui.note(_("sampling from both directions\n"))
if len(undecided) < fullsamplesize:
sample = set(undecided)
sample = _takefullsample(dag, undecided, size=fullsamplesize)
roundtrips += 1
ui.debug("query %i; still undecided: %i, sample size is: %i\n"
% (roundtrips, len(undecided), len(sample)))
# indices between sample and externalized version must match
sample = list(sample)
remotehash = getremotehash(dag.externalizeall(sample))
yesno = [localhash[ix][1] == remotehash[si]
for si, ix in enumerate(sample)]
commoninsample = set(n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if yesno[i])
common.update(dag.ancestorset(commoninsample, common))
missinginsample = [n for i, n in enumerate(sample) if not yesno[i]]
missing.update(dag.descendantset(missinginsample, missing))
result = dag.headsetofconnecteds(common)
ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % roundtrips)
if not result:
return set([nullid])
return dag.externalizeall(result)
_pushkeyescape = getattr(obsolete, '_pushkeyescape', None)
class pushobsmarkerStringIO(StringIO):
"""hacky string io for progress"""
def length(self):
return len(self.getvalue())
def read(self, size=None):
obsexcprg(self.ui, self.tell(), unit="bytes", total=self.length)
return, size)
def __iter__(self):
d =
while d:
yield d
d =
@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushobsolete')
def _pushobsolete(orig, pushop):
"""utility function to push obsolete markers to a remote"""
stepsdone = getattr(pushop, 'stepsdone', None)
if stepsdone is not None:
if 'obsmarkers' in stepsdone:
if util.safehasattr(pushop, 'cgresult'):
cgresult = pushop.cgresult
cgresult = pushop.ret
if cgresult == 0:
pushop.ui.debug('try to push obsolete markers to remote\n')
repo = pushop.repo
remote = pushop.remote
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
cl = unfi.changelog
if (obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt) and repo.obsstore and
'obsolete' in remote.listkeys('namespaces')):
markers = pushop.outobsmarkers
if not markers:
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "no marker to push\n")
elif remote.capable('_evoext_pushobsmarkers_0'):
obsdata = pushobsmarkerStringIO()
for chunk in obsolete.encodemarkers(markers, True):
obsdata.ui = repo.ui
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers (%i bytes)\n"
% (len(markers), len(obsdata.getvalue())),
obsexcprg(repo.ui, None)
rslts = []
remotedata = _pushkeyescape(markers).items()
totalbytes = sum(len(d) for k,d in remotedata)
sentbytes = 0
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "pushing %i obsolescence markers in %i pushkey payload (%i bytes)\n"
% (len(markers), len(remotedata), totalbytes),
for key, data in remotedata:
obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit="bytes",
rslts.append(remote.pushkey('obsolete', key, '', data))
sentbytes += len(data)
obsexcprg(repo.ui, sentbytes, item=key, unit="bytes",
obsexcprg(repo.ui, None)
if [r for r in rslts if not r]:
msg = _('failed to push some obsolete markers!\n')
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "DONE\n")
@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
def client_pushobsmarkers(self, obsfile):
"""wireprotocol peer method"""
_('push obsolete markers faster'))
ret, output = self._callpush('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', obsfile)
for l in output.splitlines(True):
self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
return ret
@eh.addattr(httppeer.httppeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
def httpclient_pushobsmarkers(self, obsfile):
"""httpprotocol peer method
(Cannot simply use _callpush as http is doing some special handling)"""
_('push obsolete markers faster'))
r = self._call('evoext_pushobsmarkers_0', data=obsfile)
vals = r.split('\n', 1)
if len(vals) < 2:
raise error.ResponseError(_("unexpected response:"), r)
for l in vals[1].splitlines(True):
if l.strip():
self.ui.status(_('remote: '), l)
return vals[0]
except socket.error, err:
if err.args[0] in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.EPIPE):
raise util.Abort(_('push failed: %s') % err.args[1])
raise util.Abort(err.args[1])
@eh.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, '_restrictcapabilities')
def local_pushobsmarker_capabilities(orig, repo, caps):
caps = orig(repo, caps)
return caps
@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_pushobsmarkers_0')
def local_pushobsmarkers(peer, obsfile):
data =
lock = peer._repo.lock()
tr = peer._repo.transaction('pushkey: obsolete markers')
new = peer._repo.obsstore.mergemarkers(tr, data)
if new is not None:
obsexcmsg(peer._repo.ui, "%i obsolescence markers added\n" % new, True)
def srv_pushobsmarkers(repo, proto):
"""wireprotocol command"""
fp = StringIO()
data = fp.getvalue()
lock = repo.lock()
tr = repo.transaction('pushkey: obsolete markers')
new = repo.obsstore.mergemarkers(tr, data)
if new is not None:
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "%i obsolescence markers added\n" % new, True)
return wireproto.pushres(0)
def _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop):
"""small funtion returning the argument for pull markers call
may to contains 'heads' and 'common'. skip the key for None.
Its a separed functio to play around with strategy for that."""
repo = pullop.repo
cl = pullop.repo.changelog
remote = pullop.remote
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
revs = unfi.revs('::(%ln - null)', pullop.common)
common = [nullid]
if remote.capable('_evoext_obshash_0'):
obsexcmsg(repo.ui, "looking for common markers in %i nodes\n"
% len(revs))
common = findcommonobsmarkers(repo.ui, repo, remote, revs)
return {'heads': pullop.pulledsubset, 'common': common}
def addgetbundleargs(self):
gboptsmap['evo_obscommon'] = 'nodes'
@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullbundle2extraprepare')
def _addobscommontob2pull(orig, pullop, kwargs):
ret = orig(pullop, kwargs)
if 'obsmarkers' in kwargs and pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_getbundle_obscommon'):
boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
common = boundaries['common']
if common != [nullid]:
kwargs['evo_obscommon'] = common
return ret
if getattr(exchange, '_getbundleobsmarkerpart', None) is not None:
@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_getbundleobsmarkerpart')
def _getbundleobsmarkerpart(orig, bundler, repo, source, **kwargs):
if 'evo_obscommon' not in kwargs:
return orig(bundler, repo, source, **kwargs)
heads = kwargs.get('heads')
if kwargs.get('obsmarkers', False):
if heads is None:
heads = repo.heads()
obscommon = kwargs.get('evo_obscommon', ())
assert obscommon
obsset = repo.unfiltered().set('::%ln - ::%ln', heads, obscommon)
subset = [c.node() for c in obsset]
markers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(subset)
exchange.buildobsmarkerspart(bundler, markers)
def installgetbundlepartgen(ui):
origfunc = exchange.getbundle2partsmapping['obsmarkers']
def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
return _getbundleobsmarkerpart(origfunc, *args, **kwargs)
exchange.getbundle2partsmapping['obsmarkers'] = newfunc
@eh.wrapfunction(exchange, '_pullobsolete')
def _pullobsolete(orig, pullop):
if not obsolete.isenabled(pullop.repo, obsolete.exchangeopt):
return None
if 'obsmarkers' not in getattr(pullop, 'todosteps', ['obsmarkers']):
return None
if 'obsmarkers' in getattr(pullop, 'stepsdone', []):
return None
wirepull = pullop.remote.capable('_evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
if not wirepull:
return orig(pullop)
if 'obsolete' not in pullop.remote.listkeys('namespaces'):
return None # remote opted out of obsolescence marker exchange
tr = None
ui = pullop.repo.ui
boundaries = _buildpullobsmarkersboundaries(pullop)
if not set(boundaries['heads']) - set(boundaries['common']):
obsexcmsg(ui, "nothing to pull\n")
return None
obsexcmsg(ui, "pull obsolescence markers\n", True)
new = 0
if wirepull:
obsdata = pullop.remote.evoext_pullobsmarkers_0(**boundaries)
obsdata =
if len(obsdata) > 5:
obsexcmsg(ui, "merging obsolescence markers (%i bytes)\n"
% len(obsdata))
tr = pullop.gettransaction()
old = len(pullop.repo.obsstore._all)
pullop.repo.obsstore.mergemarkers(tr, obsdata)
new = len(pullop.repo.obsstore._all) - old
obsexcmsg(ui, "%i obsolescence markers added\n" % new, True)
obsexcmsg(ui, "no unknown remote markers\n")
obsexcmsg(ui, "DONE\n")
if new:
return tr
def _getobsmarkersstream(repo, heads=None, common=None):
revset = ''
args = []
repo = repo.unfiltered()
if heads is None:
revset = 'all()'
elif heads:
revset += "(::%ln)"
assert False, 'pulling no heads?'
if common:
revset += ' - (::%ln)'
nodes = [c.node() for c in repo.set(revset, *args)]
markers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(nodes)
obsdata = StringIO()
for chunk in obsolete.encodemarkers(markers, True):
return obsdata
@eh.addattr(wireproto.wirepeer, 'evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
def client_pullobsmarkers(self, heads=None, common=None):
self.requirecap('_evoext_pullobsmarkers_0', _('look up remote obsmarkers'))
opts = {}
if heads is not None:
opts['heads'] = wireproto.encodelist(heads)
if common is not None:
opts['common'] = wireproto.encodelist(common)
if util.safehasattr(self, '_callcompressable'):
f = self._callcompressable("evoext_pullobsmarkers_0", **opts)
f = self._callstream("evoext_pullobsmarkers_0", **opts)
f = self._decompress(f)
length = int(
chunk = 4096
current = 0
data = StringIO()
ui = self.ui
obsexcprg(ui, current, unit="bytes", total=length)
while current < length:
readsize = min(length-current, chunk)
current += readsize
obsexcprg(ui, current, unit="bytes", total=length)
obsexcprg(ui, None)
return data
@eh.addattr(localrepo.localpeer, 'evoext_pullobsmarkers_0')
def local_pullobsmarkers(self, heads=None, common=None):
return _getobsmarkersstream(self._repo, heads=heads, common=common)
def srv_pullobsmarkers(repo, proto, others):
opts = wireproto.options('', ['heads', 'common'], others)
for k, v in opts.iteritems():
if k in ('heads', 'common'):
opts[k] = wireproto.decodelist(v)
obsdata = _getobsmarkersstream(repo, **opts)
finaldata = StringIO()
obsdata = obsdata.getvalue()
finaldata.write('%20i' % len(obsdata))
return wireproto.streamres(proto.groupchunks(finaldata))
def _obsrelsethashtreefm0(repo):
return _obsrelsethashtree(repo, obsolete._fm0encodeonemarker)
def _obsrelsethashtreefm1(repo):
return _obsrelsethashtree(repo, obsolete._fm1encodeonemarker)
def _obsrelsethashtree(repo, encodeonemarker):
cache = []
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
markercache = {}
for i in unfi:
ctx = unfi[i]
entry = 0
sha = util.sha1()
# add data from p1
for p in ctx.parents():
p = p.rev()
if p < 0:
p = nullid
p = cache[p][1]
if p != nullid:
entry += 1
tmarkers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers([ctx.node()])
if tmarkers:
bmarkers = []
for m in tmarkers:
if not m in markercache:
markercache[m] = encodeonemarker(m)
for m in bmarkers:
entry += 1
if entry:
cache.append((ctx.node(), sha.digest()))
cache.append((ctx.node(), nullid))
return cache
[('', 'v0', None, 'hash on marker format "0"'),
('', 'v1', None, 'hash on marker format "1" (default)')
,] , _(''))
def debugobsrelsethashtree(ui, repo, v0=False, v1=False):
"""display Obsolete markers, Relevant Set, Hash Tree
changeset-node obsrelsethashtree-node
It computed form the "orsht" of its parent and markers
relevant to the changeset itself."""
if v0 and v1:
raise util.Abort('cannot only specify one format')
elif v0:
treefunc = _obsrelsethashtreefm0
treefunc = _obsrelsethashtreefm1
for chg, obs in treefunc(repo):
ui.status('%s %s\n' % (node.hex(chg), node.hex(obs)))
_bestformat = max(obsolete.formats.keys())
if getattr(obsolete, '_checkinvalidmarkers', None) is not None:
@eh.wrapfunction(obsolete, '_checkinvalidmarkers')
def _checkinvalidmarkers(orig, markers):
"""search for marker with invalid data and raise error if needed
Exist as a separated function to allow the evolve extension for a more
subtle handling.
if 'debugobsconvert' in sys.argv:
for mark in markers:
if node.nullid in mark[1]:
raise util.Abort(_('bad obsolescence marker detected: '
'invalid successors nullid'),
hint=_('You should run `hg debugobsconvert`'))
[('', 'new-format', _bestformat, _('Destination format for markers.'))],
def debugobsconvert(ui, repo, new_format):
if new_format == repo.obsstore._version:
msg = _('New format is the same as the old format, not upgrading!')
raise util.Abort(msg)
f = repo.sopener('obsstore', 'wb', atomictemp=True)
origmarkers = repo.obsstore._all
known = set()
markers = []
for m in origmarkers:
# filter out invalid markers
if nullid in m[1]:
m = list(m)
m[1] = tuple(s for s in m[1] if s != nullid)
m = tuple(m)
if m in known:
ui.write(_('Old store is version %d, will rewrite in version %d\n') % (
repo.obsstore._version, new_format))
map(f.write, obsolete.encodemarkers(markers, True, new_format))
@eh.wrapfunction(wireproto, 'capabilities')
def capabilities(orig, repo, proto):
"""wrapper to advertise new capability"""
caps = orig(repo, proto)
if obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt):
caps += ' _evoext_pushobsmarkers_0'
caps += ' _evoext_pullobsmarkers_0'
caps += ' _evoext_obshash_0'
caps += ' _evoext_obshash_1'
caps += ' _evoext_getbundle_obscommon'
return caps
def _installwireprotocol(ui):
hgweb_mod.perms['evoext_pushobsmarkers_0'] = 'push'
hgweb_mod.perms['evoext_pullobsmarkers_0'] = 'pull'
wireproto.commands['evoext_pushobsmarkers_0'] = (srv_pushobsmarkers, '')
wireproto.commands['evoext_pullobsmarkers_0'] = (srv_pullobsmarkers, '*')
# wrap command content
oldcap, args = wireproto.commands['capabilities']
def newcap(repo, proto):
return capabilities(oldcap, repo, proto)
wireproto.commands['capabilities'] = (newcap, args)