author Sushil khanchi <sushilkhanchi97@gmail.com>
Fri, 21 Sep 2018 15:52:53 +0530
changeset 4122 4eb3877540f1
parent 2116 39d84b395343
permissions -rw-r--r--
evovle: remove redundancy in evolve output Copying the discription of this redundancy issue given by Pierre Yves David: When running `hg evolve` to stabilize orphan changeset output about the currently stabilized changeset is issued. For example: $ hg evolve move:[3] a3 atop:[4] a2 working directory is now at 7c5649f73d11 This output can become quite repetitive when orphan are stabilized atop each other. For example: $ hg evolve --all move:[8] dansk 2! atop:[10] dansk! merging main-file-1 move:[9] dansk 3! atop:[11] dansk 2! In this case it would be smoother to issue: $ hg evolve --all move:[8] dansk 2! atop:[10] dansk! merging main-file-1 move:[9] dansk 3! Since we are moving "dansk 3!" atop the changeset we just stabilized. When adding this be careful that we still want to issue the "atop" message in various cases: 1. first changesets in a stack 2. when the orphan is not stabilized atop previous one 3. when using hg evolve --continue to resume an evolution So, I have made the changes which also respect above listed three points. And changes in tests/test-evovle*.t reflecting the changed behavior.

#require test-repo

  $ checkcm() {
  >   if ! (which check-manifest > /dev/null); then
  >     echo skipped: missing tool: check-manifest;
  >     exit 80;
  >   fi;
  > };
  $ checkcm
  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [experimental]
  > evolution=all
  > EOF

Run check manifest:

  $ cd $TESTDIR/..
  $ check-manifest
  lists of files in version control and sdist match