evolve: Fix crash when reading docstring
Before this patch, hg evolve --divergent could crash when looking
for docstring of function of merge.update. We were checking the
docstring to work properly with older version of Mercurial. It
could crash if an extension would wrap merge.update without
keeping the docstring. This patch fixes the crash.
Check that evolve shows error while handling split commits
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [defaults]
> amend=-d "0 0"
> fold=-d "0 0"
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow_push = *
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [diff]
> git = 1
> unified = 0
> [ui]
> logtemplate = {rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({phase}) {desc|firstline}\n
> [extensions]
> hgext.graphlog=
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext/evolve.py" >> $HGRCPATH
$ mkcommit() {
> echo "$1" > "$1"
> hg add "$1"
> hg ci -m "add $1"
> }
$ hg init split
$ cd split
$ mkcommit aa
Create a split commit
$ printf "oo" > oo;
$ printf "pp" > pp;
$ hg add oo pp
$ hg commit -m "oo+pp"
$ mkcommit uu
$ hg up 0
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ printf "oo" > oo;
$ hg add oo
$ hg commit -m "_oo"
created new head
$ printf "pp" > pp;
$ hg add pp
$ hg commit -m "_pp"
$ hg prune --succ "desc(_oo) + desc(_pp)" -r "desc('oo+pp')" --split
1 changesets pruned
1 new unstable changesets
$ hg log -G
@ 4:d0dcf24cddd3@default(draft) _pp
o 3:a7fdfda64c08@default(draft) _oo
| o 2:f52200b086ca@default(draft) add uu
| |
| x 1:d55647aaa0c6@default(draft) oo+pp
o 0:58663bb03074@default(draft) add aa
$ hg evolve --rev "0::"
move:[2] add uu
atop:[4] _pp
working directory is now at 6f5bbe2e3df3