depth: add a utility function to access the cache
This is preparing on disk persistence for the value in this cache.
.. Copyright 2011 Pierre-Yves David <>.. Logilab SA <>-------------Evolve How To-------------Add a changeset: ``commit``---------------------------Just use commit as usual. New changesets will be in the `draft` phase.Rewrite a changeset: ``commit --amend``---------------------------------------It writes a new changeset combining working-directory parent changes and parent.It will work on any `draft` or `secret` changeset. It will not work on `public`changesets.To understand what the result of amend will be I use the two followingaliases [#]_:: # diff what amend will look like pdiff=diff --rev .^ # status what amend will look like pstatus=status --rev .^This command can even be invoked on changesets with children, providednone are public...[#] (defined by the evolve extension for you)Move a changeset: ``grab``--------------------------You can use ``hg grab <rev>`` to move a rev at your current location, making theold version obsolete...note:: grab is an alias for ``hg rebase --dest . --rev $@; hg up <result>``Delete a changeset: ``prune``-----------------------------A new ``prune`` command allows removing a changeset.Just use ``hg prune <some-rev>``.Moving within the history: ``gdown`` and ``gup``------------------------------------------------While working on mutable part of the history you often need to move betweenmutable commits.You just need to use standard update to work with evolve. For convenience, youcan use ``hg gup`` to move to the child commit or ``hg gdown`` to move to the parent commit.Those command have ``previous`` and ``next`` alias...note:: Those commands only exist for the convenience of getting qpush and qpop feeling back.Collapse changesets: ``fold``-----------------------------You can use ``hg fold`` to collapse multiple changesets in a single one.It takes two forms:``hg fold <rev>`` folds everything from you current changeset to `<rev>```hg fold -r <revset>`` fold everything changeset matching the revset together.Getting changes out of a commit-------------------------------The ``hg uncommit`` command lets you rewrite the parent commit withoutselected changed files. Target files content is not altered andappears again as "modified":: $ hg st M babar M celestine $ hg commit babar celestine $ hg st $ hg uncommit celestine $ hg status M celestineSplit a changeset-----------------To split on file boundaries, just use ``uncommit`` command.If you need a fine-grained split, there is no official command for that yet.However, it is easily achieved by manual operation:: ### you want to split changeset A: 42 # update to A parent $ hg up 42^ # restore content from A $ hg revert -r 42 --all # partially commit the first part $ hg record # commit the second part $ hg commit # informs mercurial of what happened # current changeset (.) and previous one (.^) replace A (42) $ hg prune --new . --new .^ 42For more complexe scenario we recommend the use of the histedit_ extension..._histedit: my current work in progress after a pull-----------------------------------------------Whenever you are working on some changesets, it is more likely that a pullwill, eventually, import new changesets in your tree.And it is likely that you will want your work in progress changesets to berebased on the top of this newly imported subtree.Doing so is only a matter of rebasing.Move multiple changesets: ``rebase``------------------------------------You can still use rebase to move a whole segment of the changeset graph together...warning:: Beware that rebasing changesets already obsolete will likely result in divergent versions of the changesets.Resolve history troubles: ``evolve``------------------------------------When you rewrite (amend) a changeset with children without rewritingthose children you create *unstable* changesets and *suspendedobsolete* changesets.When you are finished amending a given changeset, you will want todeclare it stable, in other words rebase its former descendants on itsnewest version.You can also use evolve to solve `bumped` and `divergent` changeset/Fix my history afterward: ``prune -n``--------------------------------------Sometimes you need to create an obsolete marker by hand. This may happen whenupstream has applied some of your patches for can use ``hg prune <old-changeset> --succ <new-changeset>`` to add obsoletemarker.View diff from the last amend-----------------------------An ``odiff`` alias have been added by ````:: [alias] odiff = diff --rev 'limit(precursors(.),1)' --rev .View obsolete markers---------------------hgview_ is the only viewer that currently supports this feature. Youneed version 1.6.2.._hgview: figures/hgview-example.png:scale: 50%You can also use a debug command $ hg debugobsolete 5eb72dbe0cb4 e8db4aa611f6 c4cbebac3751 4f1c269eab68Important Note==============View change to your file------------------------Extinct changesets are hidden using the *hidden* feature of mercurial.Only ``hg log`` and ``hgview`` support it, othergraphical viewer do not.You can use ``hg log --graph --hidden`` from the command line