author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 31 Jan 2020 14:50:37 +0100
changeset 5110 48abf37e552b
parent 4854 79c9bc7663c2
child 5137 4fef6b157175
permissions -rw-r--r--
packaging: mark as developer version This avoid confusion when installing from source.

# Code dedicated to the computation of stable sorting
# These stable sorting are used stable ranges
# Copyright 2017 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

r"""Stable sorting for the mercurial graph

The goal is to provided an efficient, revnum independant way, to sort revisions
in a topologicaly. Having it independant from revnum is important to make it
stable from one repository to another, unlocking various capabilities. For
example it can be used for discovery purposes.

This docstring describe the currently preferred solution:

Probleme definition

We want a way to order revision in the graph. For a linear history things are simple::

  A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H

  stablesort(::H) = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]

However, things become more complicated when the graph is not linear::

  A -> B -> C -> D -> G -> H
         \         /
          > E -> F

  stablesort(::A) = [A]
  stablesort(::B) = [A, B]
  stablesort(::C) = [A, B, C]
  stablesort(::D) = [A, B, C, D]
  stablesort(::E) = [A, B, E]
  stablesort(::F) = [A, B, E, F]
  stablesort(::G) = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G]
  stablesort(::H) = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]

Basic principle:

We are always talking about set of revision defined by a single heads
(eg: `stablesort(::r)`)

For non merge revisions, the definition is simple::

  stablesort(::r) == stablesort(p1(r)) + r

This is visible in some of the example above:

  stablesort(::B) = stablesort(::A) + [B]
  stablesort(::E) = stablesort(::B) + [E]
  stablesort(::H) = stablesort(::G) + [H]

For merge revision, we reuse as much as possible of the parents order:

    pl = stablemin(parents(m))
    ph = stablemax(parents(m))
    stablesort(::m) == stablesort(pl)
                       + [i for in in stablesort(ph) if in ph % pl]
                       + m

This is visible in the example above:

    stablesort(::G) = stablesort(::D) + [stablesort(::F) - ::D] + [G]
    stablesort(::G) = [A, B, C, D] + ([A, B, E, F] - [A, B, C ,D]) + [G]
    stablesort(::G) = [A, B, C, D] + [E, F] + [G]

To decide which parent goes first in the stablesort, we need to order them. The
`stablemin/stablemax` function express this. The actual order used is an
implementation details (eg: could be node-order, in the example it is
alphabetical order)

The `ph % pl` set of revision is called the "exclusive part". It correspond to
all revisions ancestors of `ph` (`ph` included) that are not ancestors of `pl`
(`pl` included).  In this area we try to reuse as much as the stable-sorted
order for `ph`. In simple case, the `[i for i in stablesort(ph) if i in ph %
pl]` is just the contiguous final range of `stablesort(ph)`. This is the case
in the example we have looked at so far::

    stablesort(::F) - ::D = [A, B, E, F] - [A, B, C ,D] = stablesort(::F)[-2:]

However in more advance case, this will not be contiguous and we'll need to
skip over multiple parts of `stablesort(ph)` to cover `ph % pl`.Let's have a
look at an example of such case::

  A - B ----- F - H
   \    \   /   /
    \     E - G
     \  /   /
      C - D

We have the following stablesort:

  stablesort(::A) = [A]
  stablesort(::B) = [A, B]
  stablesort(::C) = [A, C]
  stablesort(::D) = [A, C, D]
  stablesort(::E) = [A, B, C, E]
  stablesort(::F) = [A, B, C, E, F]
  stablesort(::G) = [A, B, C, D, E, G]
  stablesort(::H) = [A, B, C, E, F, D, G, H]

The stable order of `stablesort(::H)` match our definition::

  stablesort(::H) = [A, B, C, E, F] + [D, G] + [H]
  stablesort(::F) = [A, B, C, E, F]
  stablesort(::G) - ::F = [A, B, C, D, E, G] - [A, B, C, E, F] = [D, G]

In this order, we reuse all of `stablesort(::H)`, but the subset of
`stablesort(::G)` we reuse is not contiguous, we had to skip over 'E' that is
already contained inside ::F.


An important details is that, in practice, the sorted revision are always
walked backward, from the head of the set of revisions.

preexisting cached data

The stable sort assume we already have 2 important property cached for each

1) changeset depth == len(::r)
2) first merge == max(merge() and ::r)

Caching strategy

Since we always walk from the head, the iteration mostly have to follow the
unique parent of non merge revision. For merge revision, we need to iterate
over the revisions accessible only through one of the parent before coming back
to the other parent eventually.

To efficiently cache the revision path we need to walk, we records "jumps". A
jump is a revision where the next revision (in the stable sort) will not be a
parent of the current revision, but another revision in the graph.

In the first (simple) example above, we had::

  A -> B -> C -> D -> G -> H
         \         /
          > E -> F

  stablesort(::D) = [A, B, C, D]
  stablesort(::F) = [A, B, E, F]
  stablesort(::G) = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G]

In this case, when caching stable sort data for `G`, we need to record the `E
-> D` jump. This correspond to point were we are done iterating over the
revision accessible through `F` and we need to "jump back to the other parent"
of `G`: `D`.

In the second (more advance) example above, we had::

  A - B ----- F - H
   \    \   /   /
    \     E - G
     \  /   /
      C - D

  stablesort(::F) = [A, B, C, E, F]
  stablesort(::G) = [A, B, C, D, E, G]
  stablesort(::H) = [A, B, C, E, F, D, G, H]

In this case, when caching stable sort data for `G`, we need to record the `G
-> D` and the `D -> F` jumps.

Jumps are recorded using the following formats:

    (jump-point, jump-destination, section-size)

* jump-point is the last revision number we should iterate over before jumping,
* jump-destination is the next revision we should iterate over after the jump point,
* section-size is the number of revision to be iterated before reaching jump-point.

the section-size is not directly used when doing a stable-sorted walk. However
it is useful for higher level piece of code to take decision without having to
actually walk the graph, (see stable range documentation).

For each merge, we store the set of jumps that cover the exclusive side.

Practical data

The mercurial repository has simple branching and few jumps:

    number of revisions:        69771
    number of merge:             2734
    number of jumps:             2950
    average jumps:                  1.079
    median jumps:                   1
    90% jumps:                      1
    99% jumps:                      3
    max jumps:                      6
    jump cache size:           35 400 bytes

Mozilla's branching is fairly simple too:

    number of revisions:       435078
    number of merge:            21035
    number of jumps:            31434
    average jumps:                  1.494
    median jumps:                   1
    90% jumps:                      2
    99% jumps:                      9
    max jumps:                    169
    jump cache size:          377 208 bytes

Pypy has a more complicated branching history but jumps cache remains reasonable

    number of revisions:        95010
    number of merge:             7911
    number of jumps:            24326
    average jumps:                  3.075
    median jumps:                   1
    90% jumps:                      5
    99% jumps:                     40
    max jumps:                    329
    jump cache size:          291 912 bytes

This still apply to larger private project:

    number of revisions:       605011
    number of merge:           118109
    number of jumps:           314925
    average jumps:                  2.667
    median jumps:                   1
    90% jumps:                      3
    99% jumps:                     34
    max jumps:                    660
    jump cache size:        3 779 100 bytes

It is worth noting that the last jump could be computed form other information,
removing one jump storage per merge. However this does not seems to be an issue
worth the troubles for now.

import array
import collections
import struct

from mercurial import (
    node as nodemod,

from mercurial.i18n import _

from . import (

filterparents = utility.filterparents

eh = exthelper.exthelper()

def _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo):
    """the key use to tie break merge parent

    Exists as a function to help playing with different approaches.

    Possible other factor are:
        * depth of node,
        * number of exclusive merges,
        * number of jump points.
        * <insert-your-idea>
    node = repo.changelog.node
    depth = repo.depthcache.get

    def key(rev):
        return (-depth(rev), node(rev))
    return key

        (b'r', b'rev', [], b'heads to start from'),
        (b'', b'method', b'branchpoint', b"method used for sorting, one of: "
         b"branchpoint, basic-mergepoint and basic-headstart"),
        (b'l', b'limit', b'', b'number of revision display (default to all)')
    ] + commands.formatteropts,
def debugstablesort(ui, repo, **opts):
    """display the ::REVS set topologically sorted in a stable way
    revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts['rev'])

    method = opts['method']
    sorting = _methodmap.get(method)
    if sorting is None:
        valid_method = b', '.join(sorted(_methodmap))
        raise error.Abort(b'unknown sorting method: "%s"' % method,
                          hint=b'pick one of: %s' % valid_method)

    displayer = compat.changesetdisplayer(ui, repo, pycompat.byteskwargs(opts),
    kwargs = {}
    if opts['limit']:
        kwargs['limit'] = int(opts['limit'])
    for r in sorting(repo, revs, **kwargs):
        ctx = repo[r]

    [] + commands.formatteropts,
def debugstablesortcache(ui, repo, **opts):
    """display data about the stable sort cache of a repository
    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
    revs = unfi.revs('all()')
    nbrevs = len(revs)
    ui.write('number of revisions: %12d\n' % nbrevs)
    merge = unfi.revs('merge()')
    nbmerge = len(merge)
    cache = unfi.stablesort
    ui.write('number of merge:     %12d\n' % nbmerge)
    alljumps = []
    alljumpssize = []
    for r in merge:
        jumps = cache.getjumps(unfi, r)
        if jumps is None:
            continue # not a merge
        jumps = list(jumps)
    nbjumps = sum(alljumpssize)
    ui.write('number of jumps:     %12d\n' % nbjumps)
    if not nbjumps:
        return 0
    avgjumps = nbjumps / float(len(alljumpssize))
    ui.write('average jumps:                 %6.3f\n' % avgjumps)
    medianjumps = alljumpssize[len(alljumpssize) // 2]
    ui.write('median jumps:        %12d\n' % medianjumps)
    tensjumps = alljumpssize[len(alljumpssize) * 9 // 10]
    ui.write('90%% jumps:           %12d\n' % tensjumps)
    centsjumps = alljumpssize[len(alljumpssize) * 99 // 100]
    ui.write('99%% jumps:           %12d\n' % centsjumps)
    ui.write('max jumps:           %12d\n' % max(alljumpssize))
    ui.write('jump cache size:     %12d bytes\n' % (nbjumps * 12))

def stablesort_branchpoint(repo, revs, mergecallback=None):
    """return '::revs' topologically sorted in "stable" order

    This is a depth first traversal starting from 'nullrev', using node as a
    tie breaker.
    # Various notes:
    # * Bitbucket is used dates as tie breaker, that might be a good idea.
    # * It seemds we can traverse in the same order from (one) head to bottom,
    #   if we the following record data for each merge:
    #  - highest (stablesort-wise) common ancestors,
    #  - order of parents (tablesort-wise)
    cl = repo.changelog
    parents = cl.parentrevs
    nullrev = nodemod.nullrev
    n = cl.node
    # step 1: We need a parents -> children mapping for 2 reasons.
    # * we build the order from nullrev to tip
    # * we need to detect branching
    children = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for r in cl.ancestors(revs, inclusive=True):
        ps = filterparents(parents(r))
        if not ps:
        for p in ps:
    # step two: walk back up
    # * pick lowest node in case of branching
    # * stack disregarded part of the branching
    # * process merge when both parents are yielded

    # track what changeset has been
    seen = [0] * (max(revs) + 2)
    seen[nullrev] = True # nullrev is known
    # starts from repository roots
    # reuse the list form the mapping as we won't need it again anyway
    stack = children[nullrev]
    if not stack:
        return []
    if 1 < len(stack):
        stack.sort(key=n, reverse=True)

    # list of rev, maybe we should yield, but since we built a children mapping we are 'O(N)' already
    result = []

    current = stack.pop()
    while current is not None or stack:
        if current is None:
            # previous iteration reached a merge or an unready merge,
            current = stack.pop()
            if seen[current]:
                current = None
        ps = filterparents(parents(current))
        if not all(seen[p] for p in ps):
            # we can't iterate on this merge yet because other child is not
            # yielded yet (and we are topo sorting) we can discard it for now
            # because it will be reached from the other child.
            current = None
        assert not seen[current]
        seen[current] = True
        result.append(current) # could be yield, cf earlier comment
        if mergecallback is not None and 2 <= len(ps):
            mergecallback(result, current)
        cs = children[current]
        if not cs:
            current = None
        elif 1 == len(cs):
            current = cs[0]
            cs.sort(key=n, reverse=True)
            current = cs.pop() # proceed on smallest
            stack.extend(cs)   # stack the rest for later
    assert len(result) == len(set(result))
    return result

def stablesort_mergepoint_multirevs(repo, revs):
    """return '::revs' topologically sorted in "stable" order

    This is a depth first traversal starting from 'revs' (toward root), using node as a
    tie breaker.
    cl = repo.changelog
    tiebreaker = _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)
    if not revs:
        return []
    elif len(revs) == 1:
        heads = list(sorted(revs))
        # keeps heads only
        heads = sorted(repo.revs(b'sort(heads(%ld::%ld))', revs, revs), key=tiebreaker)

    results = []
    while heads:
        h = heads.pop()
        if revs:
            bound = cl.findmissingrevs(common=heads, heads=[h])
            bound = cl.ancestors([h], inclusive=True)
        results.append(stablesort_mergepoint_bounded(repo, h, bound))
    if len(results) == 1:
        return results[0]
    finalresults = []
    for r in results[::-1]:
    return finalresults

def stablesort_mergepoint_bounded(repo, head, revs):
    """return 'revs' topologically sorted in "stable" order.

    The 'revs' set MUST have 'head' as its one and unique head.
    # Various notes:
    # * Bitbucket is using dates as tie breaker, that might be a good idea.
    cl = repo.changelog
    parents = cl.parentrevs
    nullrev = nodemod.nullrev
    tiebreaker = _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)
    # step 1: We need a parents -> children mapping to detect dependencies
    children = collections.defaultdict(set)
    parentmap = {}
    for r in revs:
        ps = filterparents(parents(r))
        if 2 <= len(ps):
            ps = tuple(sorted(ps, key=tiebreaker))
        parentmap[r] = ps
        for p in ps:
        if not ps:
    # step two: walk again,
    stack = [head]
    resultset = set()
    result = []

    def add(current):

    while stack:
        current = stack.pop()
        parents = parentmap[current]
        for p in parents:
            if 1 < len(children[p]) and not children[p].issubset(resultset):
                # we need other children to be yield first
            if p in revs:

    assert len(result) == len(resultset)
    return result

def stablesort_mergepoint_head_basic(repo, revs, limit=None):
    heads = repo.revs(b'sort(heads(%ld))', revs)
    if not heads:
        return []
    elif 2 < len(heads):
        raise error.Abort(b'cannot use head based merging, %d heads found'
                          % len(heads))
    head = heads.first()
    revs = stablesort_mergepoint_bounded(repo, head, repo.revs(b'::%d', head))
    if limit is None:
        return revs
    return revs[-limit:]

def stablesort_mergepoint_head_debug(repo, revs, limit=None):
    heads = repo.revs(b'sort(heads(%ld))', revs)
    if not heads:
        return []
    elif 2 < len(heads):
        raise error.Abort(b'cannot use head based merging, %d heads found'
                          % len(heads))
    head = heads.first()
    revs = stablesort_mergepoint_head(repo, head)
    if limit is None:
        return revs
    return revs[-limit:]

def stablesort_mergepoint_head(repo, head):
    """return '::rev' topologically sorted in "stable" order

    This is a depth first traversal starting from 'rev' (toward root), using node as a
    tie breaker.
    cl = repo.changelog
    parents = cl.parentrevs
    tiebreaker = _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)

    top = [head]
    mid = []
    bottom = []

    ps = filterparents(parents(head))
    while len(ps) == 1:
        ps = filterparents(parents(ps[0]))
    if len(ps) == 2:
        ps = sorted(ps, key=tiebreaker)

        # get the part from the highest parent. This is the part that changes
        mid_revs = repo.revs(b'only(%d, %d)', ps[1], ps[0])
        if mid_revs:
            mid = stablesort_mergepoint_bounded(repo, ps[1], mid_revs)

        # And follow up with part othe parent we can inherit from
        bottom = stablesort_mergepoint_head(repo, ps[0])

    return bottom + mid + top

def stablesort_mergepoint_head_cached(repo, revs, limit=None):
    heads = repo.revs(b'sort(heads(%ld))', revs)
    if not heads:
        return []
    elif 2 < len(heads):
        raise error.Abort(b'cannot use head based merging, %d heads found'
                          % len(heads))
    head = heads.first()
    cache = stablesortcache()
    first = list(cache.get(repo, head, limit=limit))
    second = list(cache.get(repo, head, limit=limit))
    if first != second:
        repo.ui.warn(b'stablesort-cache: initial run different from re-run:\n'
                     b'    %s\n'
                     b'    %s\n' % (first, second))
    return second

class stablesortcache(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._jumps = {}
        super(stablesortcache, self).__init__()

    def get(self, repo, rev, limit=None):
        result = []
        for r in self.walkfrom(repo, rev):
            if limit is not None and limit <= len(result):
        return result

    def getjumps(self, repo, rev):
        if not self._hasjumpsdata(rev):
            parents = filterparents(repo.changelog.parentrevs(rev))
            if len(parents) <= 1:
                self._setjumps(rev, None)
                # merge ! warn the cache
                tiebreaker = _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)
                minparent = sorted(parents, key=tiebreaker)[0]
                for r in self.walkfrom(repo, rev):
                    if r == minparent:
        return self._getjumps(rev)

    def _hasjumpsdata(self, rev):
        return rev in self._jumps

    def _getjumps(self, rev):
        return self._jumps.get(rev)

    def _setjumps(self, rev, jumps):
        self._jumps[rev] = jumps

    def walkfrom(self, repo, head):
        tiebreaker = _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)
        cl = repo.changelog
        parentsfunc = cl.parentrevs

        def parents(rev):
            return filterparents(parentsfunc(rev))

        def oneparent(rev):
            ps = parents(rev)
            if not ps:
                return None
            if len(ps) == 1:
                return ps[0]
            return max(ps, key=tiebreaker)

        current = head
        previous_current_1 = object()
        previous_current_2 = object()

        while current is not None:
            previous_current_2 = previous_current_1
            previous_current_1 = current
            assert previous_current_1 is not previous_current_2

            jumps = self._getjumps(current)
            if jumps is not None:
                # we have enough cached information to directly iterate over
                # the exclusive size.
                for j in jumps:
                    jump_point = j[0]
                    jump_dest = j[1]
                    if current == jump_point:
                        yield current
                        while current != jump_point:
                            yield current
                            current = oneparent(current)
                            assert current is not None
                        yield current
                    current = jump_dest

            yield current

            ps = parents(current)
            if not ps:
                current = None # break
            if len(ps) == 1:
                current = ps[0]
            elif len(ps) == 2:
                lower_parent, higher_parent = sorted(ps, key=tiebreaker)

                rev = current
                jumps = []

                def recordjump(source, destination, size):
                    jump = (source, destination, size)
                process = self._process_exclusive_side
                for rev in process(lower_parent, higher_parent, cl, parents,
                                   tiebreaker, recordjump):
                    yield rev

                if rev == current:
                    recordjump(rev, lower_parent, 1)

                self._setjumps(current, jumps)

                current = lower_parent

    def _process_exclusive_side(self, lower, higher, cl, parents, tiebreaker,

        exclusive = cl.findmissingrevs(common=[lower], heads=[higher])

        def popready(stack):
            """pop the top most ready item in the list"""
            for idx in range(len(stack) - 1, -1, -1):
                if children[stack[idx]].issubset(seen):
                    return stack.pop(idx)
            return None

        hardstack = []
        previous = None
        seen = set()
        current = higher
        children = collections.defaultdict(set)
        bound = set(exclusive)
        if exclusive:
            for r in exclusive:
                for p in parents(r):

        nextjump = False
        size = 1 # take the merge point into account
        while hardstack:
            current = popready(hardstack)
            if current in seen:
            softstack = []
            while current in bound and current not in seen:
                if nextjump:
                    recordjump(previous, current, size)
                    nextjump = False
                    size = 0
                yield current
                size += 1
                previous = current

                all_parents = parents(current)

                # search or next parent to walk through
                fallback, next = None, None
                if 1 == len(all_parents):
                    next = all_parents[0]
                elif 2 <= len(all_parents):
                    fallback, next = sorted(all_parents, key=tiebreaker)

                # filter parent not ready (children not emitted)
                while next is not None and not children[next].issubset(seen):
                    nextjump = True
                    next = fallback
                    fallback = None

                # stack management
                if next is None:
                    next = popready(softstack)
                    if next is not None:
                        nextjump = True
                elif fallback is not None:

                # get ready for next iteration
                current = next

            # any in processed head has to go in the hard stack
            nextjump = True

        if previous is not None:
            recordjump(previous, lower, size)

def stablesort_mergepoint_head_ondisk(repo, revs, limit=None):
    heads = repo.revs(b'sort(heads(%ld))', revs)
    if not heads:
        return []
    elif 2 < len(heads):
        raise error.Abort(b'cannot use head based merging, %d heads found'
                          % len(heads))
    head = heads.first()
    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
    cache = unfi.stablesort
    return cache.get(repo, head, limit=limit)

S_INDEXSIZE = struct.Struct(b'>I')

class ondiskstablesortcache(stablesortcache, genericcaches.changelogsourcebase):

    _filepath = b'evoext-stablesortcache-00'
    _cachename = b'evo-ext-stablesort'

    def __init__(self):
        super(ondiskstablesortcache, self).__init__()
        self._index = array.array(r'l')
        self._data = array.array(r'l')
        del self._jumps

    def getjumps(self, repo, rev):
        if len(self._index) < rev:
            msg = b'stablesortcache must be warmed before use (%d < %d)'
            msg %= (len(self._index), rev)
            raise error.ProgrammingError(msg)
        return self._getjumps(rev)

    def _getjumps(self, rev):
        # very first revision
        if rev == 0:
            return None
        # no data yet
        if len(self._index) <= rev:
            return None
        index = self._index
        # non merge revision
        if index[rev] == index[rev - 1]:
            return None
        data = self._data
        # merge revision

        def jumps():
            for idx in range(index[rev - 1], index[rev]):
                i = idx * 3
                yield tuple(data[i:i + 3])
        return jumps()

    def _setjumps(self, rev, jumps):
        assert len(self._index) == rev, (len(self._index), rev)
        if rev == 0:
        end = self._index[rev - 1]
        if jumps is None:
        assert len(self._data) == end * 3, (len(self._data), end)
        for j in jumps:
            end += 1

    def _updatefrom(self, repo, data):
        repo = repo.unfiltered()

        total = len(data)

        def progress(pos, rev=None):
            revstr = b'' if rev is None else (b'rev %d' % rev)
            compat.progress(repo.ui, b'updating stablesort cache',
                            pos, revstr, unit=b'revision', total=total)

        for idx, rev in enumerate(data):
            parents = filterparents(repo.changelog.parentrevs(rev))
            if len(parents) <= 1:
                self._setjumps(rev, None)
                # merge! warn the cache
                tiebreaker = _mergepoint_tie_breaker(repo)
                minparent = sorted(parents, key=tiebreaker)[0]
                for r in self.walkfrom(repo, rev):
                    if r == minparent:
            if not (idx % 1000): # progress as a too high performance impact
                progress(idx, rev)

    def clear(self, reset=False):
        super(ondiskstablesortcache, self).clear()
        self._index = array.array(r'l')
        self._data = array.array(r'l')

    def load(self, repo):
        """load data from disk

        (crude version, read everything all the time)
        assert repo.filtername is None

        data = repo.cachevfs.tryread(self._filepath)
        self._index = array.array(r'l')
        self._data = array.array(r'l')
        if not data:
            self._cachekey = self.emptykey
            headerdata = data[:self._cachekeysize]
            self._cachekey = self._deserializecachekey(headerdata)
            offset = self._cachekeysize
            indexsizedata = data[offset:offset + S_INDEXSIZE.size]
            indexsize = S_INDEXSIZE.unpack(indexsizedata)[0]
            offset += S_INDEXSIZE.size
            compat.arrayfrombytes(self._index, data[offset:offset + indexsize])
            offset += indexsize
            compat.arrayfrombytes(self._data, data[offset:])
        self._ondiskkey = self._cachekey

    def save(self, repo):
        """save the data to disk

        (crude version, rewrite everything all the time)
        if self._cachekey is None or self._cachekey == self._ondiskkey:
            cachefile = repo.cachevfs(self._filepath, b'w', atomictemp=True)

            # data to write
            headerdata = self._serializecachekey()
            indexdata = compat.arraytobytes(self._index)
            data = compat.arraytobytes(self._data)
            indexsize = S_INDEXSIZE.pack(len(indexdata))

            # writing
            self._ondiskkey = self._cachekey
        except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
            repo.ui.log(b'stablesortcache', b'could not write update %s\n' % exc)
            repo.ui.debug(b'stablesortcache: could not write update %s\n' % exc)

def setupcache(ui, repo):

    class stablesortrepo(repo.__class__):

        def stablesort(self):
            cache = ondiskstablesortcache()
            return cache

        def destroyed(self):
            if r'stablesort' in vars(self):
            super(stablesortrepo, self).destroyed()

        def updatecaches(self, tr=None, **kwargs):
            if utility.shouldwarmcache(self, tr):
            super(stablesortrepo, self).updatecaches(tr, **kwargs)

    repo.__class__ = stablesortrepo

_methodmap = {
    b'branchpoint': stablesort_branchpoint,
    b'basic-mergepoint': stablesort_mergepoint_multirevs,
    b'basic-headstart': stablesort_mergepoint_head_basic,
    b'headstart': stablesort_mergepoint_head_debug,
    b'headcached': stablesort_mergepoint_head_cached,
    b'headondisk': stablesort_mergepoint_head_ondisk,

# merge last so that repo setup wrap after that one.