tests: update the title of a test as it's not what it says
I see that this test has conflict in relocation and in merging also.
We do have a test for the case when only relocation leads to conflict.
** Testing resolution of orphans by `hg evolve` where an obsolete changeset has
multiple successors **
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [ui]
> interactive = True
> [alias]
> glog = log -GT "{rev}:{node|short} {desc}\n ({bookmarks}) {phase}"
> [extensions]
> rebase =
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
Repo Setup
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
An orphan changeset with parent got splitted
$ for ch in a b c; do echo foo > $ch; done;
$ hg add a b
$ hg ci -m "added a and b"
$ hg add c
$ hg ci -m "added c"
$ hg glog
@ 2:86e1ebf1ca61 added c
| () draft
o 1:d0ddb614efbd added a and b
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg split -r 1 <<EOF
> y
> y
> n
> c
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
adding a
adding b
diff --git a/a b/a
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'a'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
record change 1/2 to 'a'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
diff --git a/b b/b
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'b'? [Ynesfdaq?] n
created new head
continue splitting? [Ycdq?] c
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg glog
@ 4:8b179cffc81c added a and b
| () draft
o 3:bd3735d4dab0 added a and b
| () draft
| * 2:86e1ebf1ca61 added c
| | () draft
| x 1:d0ddb614efbd added a and b
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve
move:[2] added c
atop:[4] added a and b
working directory is now at af13f0560b31
$ hg glog
@ 5:af13f0560b31 added c
| () draft
o 4:8b179cffc81c added a and b
| () draft
o 3:bd3735d4dab0 added a and b
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
When the successors does not form a linear chain and are multiple heads
$ hg fold -r .^^::. --exact -m "added a b c"
3 changesets folded
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg glog
@ 6:f89e4764f2ed added a b c
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ echo foo > d
$ hg ci -Aqm "added d"
$ hg glog
@ 7:d48a30875f01 added d
| () draft
o 6:f89e4764f2ed added a b c
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg prev
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[6] added a b c
$ hg split -r . <<EOF
> y
> n
> y
> y
> y
> y
> c
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
adding a
adding b
adding c
diff --git a/a b/a
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'a'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
record change 1/3 to 'a'? [Ynesfdaq?] n
diff --git a/b b/b
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'b'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
record change 2/3 to 'b'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
diff --git a/c b/c
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'c'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
record change 3/3 to 'c'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
created new head
continue splitting? [Ycdq?] c
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg glog
@ 9:c0fbf8aaf6c4 added a b c
| () draft
o 8:f2632392aefe added a b c
| () draft
| * 7:d48a30875f01 added d
| | () draft
| x 6:f89e4764f2ed added a b c
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg rebase -r . -d 8fa14d15e168
rebasing 9:c0fbf8aaf6c4 "added a b c" (tip)
$ hg glog
@ 10:7f87764e5b64 added a b c
| () draft
| o 8:f2632392aefe added a b c
|/ () draft
| * 7:d48a30875f01 added d
| | () draft
| x 6:f89e4764f2ed added a b c
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --dry-run <<EOF
> 1
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: 1
move:[7] added d
atop:[8] added a b c
hg rebase -r d48a30875f01 -d f2632392aefe
$ hg evolve --dry-run <<EOF
> 2
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: 2
move:[7] added d
atop:[10] added a b c
hg rebase -r d48a30875f01 -d 7f87764e5b64
Testing the interactive prompt with invalid values first
(this should move its own test file when we use it at multiple places)
$ hg evolve --all <<EOF
> foo
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: foo
invalid value 'foo' entered for index
could not solve instability, ambiguous destination: parent split across two branches
$ hg evolve --all <<EOF
> 4
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: 4
invalid value '4' entered for index
could not solve instability, ambiguous destination: parent split across two branches
$ hg evolve --all <<EOF
> -1
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: -1
invalid value '-1' entered for index
could not solve instability, ambiguous destination: parent split across two branches
$ hg evolve --all <<EOF
> q
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: q
could not solve instability, ambiguous destination: parent split across two branches
Doing the evolve with the interactive prompt
$ hg evolve --all <<EOF
> 1
ancestor 'd48a30875f01' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
1: [f2632392aefe] added a b c
2: [7f87764e5b64] added a b c
q: quit the prompt
enter the index of the revision you want to select: 1
move:[7] added d
atop:[8] added a b c
working directory is now at 71e4d45a7aaa