tests: update the title of a test as it's not what it says
I see that this test has conflict in relocation and in merging also.
We do have a test for the case when only relocation leads to conflict.
Tests for the --abort flag for `hg evolve` command while orphan resolution
The `--abort` flag aborts the interrupted evolve by undoing all the work which
was done during resolution i.e. stripping new changesets created, moving
bookmarks back, moving working directory back.
This test contains cases when `hg evolve` is doing orphan resolution.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [alias]
> glog = log -GT "{rev}:{node|short} {desc}\n ({bookmarks}) {phase}"
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ hg init abortrepo
$ cd abortrepo
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
$ for ch in a b c d; do echo foo > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -qm "added "$ch; done;
$ hg glog
@ 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| () draft
o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
Testing --abort when no evolve is interrupted
$ hg evolve --abort
abort: no interrupted evolve to stop
Testing with wrong combination of flags
$ hg evolve --abort --continue
abort: cannot specify both "--abort" and "--continue"
$ hg evolve --abort --stop
abort: cannot specify both "--abort" and "--stop"
$ hg evolve --abort --rev 3
abort: cannot specify both "--rev" and "--abort"
$ hg evolve --abort --any
abort: cannot specify both "--any" and "--abort"
$ hg evolve --abort --all
abort: cannot specify both "--all" and "--abort"
Normal testingw when no rev was evolved
$ hg prev
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[3] added c
$ echo babar > d
$ hg add d
$ hg amend
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg evolve --all
move:[4] added d
atop:[5] added c
merging d
warning: conflicts while merging d! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg parents
changeset: 5:e93a9161a274
tag: tip
parent: 2:b1661037fa25
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: added c
changeset: 4:c41c793e0ef1
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
instability: orphan
summary: added d
$ hg evolve --abort
evolve aborted
working directory is now at e93a9161a274
$ hg glog
@ 5:e93a9161a274 added c
| () draft
| * 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () draft
| x 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
|/ () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg diff
$ hg status
cleaning up things for next testing
$ hg evolve --all
move:[4] added d
atop:[5] added c
merging d
warning: conflicts while merging d! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ echo foo > d
$ hg resolve -m
(no more unresolved files)
continue: hg evolve --continue
$ hg evolve --continue
evolving 4:c41c793e0ef1 "added d"
working directory is now at e83de241f751
$ hg up .^^^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
When there are evolved revisions but on a single branch
$ echo bar > c
$ hg add c
$ hg amend
3 new orphan changesets
$ hg evolve --all
move:[2] added b
atop:[7] added a
move:[5] added c
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
testing that interrupted evolve shows up in morestatus
$ hg status -v
M c
A d
# The repository is in an unfinished *evolve* state.
# Unresolved merge conflicts:
# c
# To mark files as resolved: hg resolve --mark FILE
# To continue: hg evolve --continue
# To abort: hg evolve --abort
# To stop: hg evolve --stop
# (also see `hg help evolve.interrupted`)
$ hg glog
@ 8:0c41ec482070 added b
| () draft
o 7:125af0ed8cae added a
| () draft
| * 6:e83de241f751 added d
| | () draft
| @ 5:e93a9161a274 added c
| | () draft
| x 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| | () draft
| x 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --abort
1 new orphan changesets
evolve aborted
working directory is now at 125af0ed8cae
$ hg glog
@ 7:125af0ed8cae added a
| () draft
| * 6:e83de241f751 added d
| | () draft
| * 5:e93a9161a274 added c
| | () draft
| * 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| | () draft
| x 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ cd ..
Testing when evolved revs are on multiple branches
$ hg init repotwo
$ cd repotwo
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
$ echo a > a
$ hg ci -Aqm "added a"
$ for ch in b c; do echo $ch > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -m "added "$ch; done;
$ hg up .^^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ for ch in c d; do echo $ ch > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -m "added "$ch; done;
created new head
$ hg up .^^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo foo > a
$ hg ci -m "foo to a"
created new head
$ hg glog
@ 6:8f20d4390c21 foo to a
| () draft
| o 5:bcb1c47f8520 added d
| | () draft
| o 4:86d2603075a3 added c
|/ () draft
| o 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | () draft
| o 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
|/ () draft
o 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg prev
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[1] added a
$ echo aa > a
$ hg amend
5 new orphan changesets
$ hg evolve --all
move:[2] added b
atop:[7] added a
move:[4] added c
atop:[7] added a
move:[6] foo to a
atop:[7] added a
merging a
warning: conflicts while merging a! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg glog
o 9:7f8e8bd9f0b6 added c
| () draft
| o 8:db3b42ef4da7 added b
|/ () draft
@ 7:807e8e2ca559 added a
| () draft
| @ 6:8f20d4390c21 foo to a
| | () draft
| | * 5:bcb1c47f8520 added d
| | | () draft
| | x 4:86d2603075a3 added c
| |/ () draft
| | * 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | | () draft
| | x 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
| |/ () draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --abort
2 new orphan changesets
evolve aborted
working directory is now at 807e8e2ca559
$ hg glog
@ 7:807e8e2ca559 added a
| () draft
| * 6:8f20d4390c21 foo to a
| | () draft
| | * 5:bcb1c47f8520 added d
| | | () draft
| | * 4:86d2603075a3 added c
| |/ () draft
| | * 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | | () draft
| | * 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
| |/ () draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg status
$ hg diff
Testing when user created a new changesets on top of evolved revisions
$ hg evolve --all
move:[2] added b
atop:[7] added a
move:[4] added c
atop:[7] added a
move:[6] foo to a
atop:[7] added a
merging a
warning: conflicts while merging a! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg glog
o 9:7f8e8bd9f0b6 added c
| () draft
| o 8:db3b42ef4da7 added b
|/ () draft
@ 7:807e8e2ca559 added a
| () draft
| @ 6:8f20d4390c21 foo to a
| | () draft
| | * 5:bcb1c47f8520 added d
| | | () draft
| | x 4:86d2603075a3 added c
| |/ () draft
| | * 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | | () draft
| | x 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
| |/ () draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ echo foo > a
$ hg resolve -m
(no more unresolved files)
continue: hg evolve --continue
$ cd ..
$ hg init clonerepo
$ cd repotwo
$ hg push ../clonerepo --force
pushing to ../clonerepo
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 10 changesets with 8 changes to 5 files (+4 heads)
3 new obsolescence markers
3 new orphan changesets
$ cd ../clonerepo
$ hg up 7f8e8bd9f0b6
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo bar > bar
$ hg add bar
$ hg ci -m "made an new commit on evolved rev"
$ hg push ../repotwo --force
pushing to ../repotwo
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ cd ../repotwo
$ hg evolve --abort
warning: new changesets detected on destination branch
abort: unable to abort interrupted evolve, use 'hg evolve --stop' to stop evolve
$ hg evolve --stop
stopped the interrupted evolve
working directory is now at 807e8e2ca559
Testing when the evolved revision turned public due to some other user actions
$ hg evolve --all
move:[3] added c
atop:[8] added b
move:[5] added d
atop:[9] added c
move:[6] foo to a
atop:[7] added a
merging a
warning: conflicts while merging a! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg glog
o 12:1c476940790a added d
| () draft
| o 11:c10a55eb0cc6 added c
| | () draft
+---o 10:48eca1ed5478 made an new commit on evolved rev
| | () draft
o | 9:7f8e8bd9f0b6 added c
| | () draft
| o 8:db3b42ef4da7 added b
|/ () draft
@ 7:807e8e2ca559 added a
| () draft
| @ 6:8f20d4390c21 foo to a
| | () draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg phase -r 1c476940790a --public
$ hg evolve --abort
cannot clean up public changesets: 1c476940790a
abort: unable to abort interrupted evolve, use 'hg evolve --stop' to stop evolve
$ hg evolve --stop
stopped the interrupted evolve
working directory is now at 807e8e2ca559
$ cd ..
Testing that bookmark should be moved back when doing `hg evolve --abort`
$ hg init repothree
$ cd repothree
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
$ for ch in a b c; do echo $ch > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -m "added "$ch; done;
$ hg up .^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg bookmark bm1
$ hg up .^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(leaving bookmark bm1)
$ echo foo > c
$ hg add c
$ hg amend
2 new orphan changesets
$ hg glog
@ 4:a0086c17bfc7 added a
| () draft
| * 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | () draft
| * 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
| | (bm1) draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --all
move:[2] added b
atop:[4] added a
move:[3] added c
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg glog
@ 5:c1f4718020e3 added b
| (bm1) draft
o 4:a0086c17bfc7 added a
| () draft
| @ 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | () draft
| x 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
| | () draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --abort
1 new orphan changesets
evolve aborted
working directory is now at a0086c17bfc7
$ hg glog
@ 4:a0086c17bfc7 added a
| () draft
| * 3:17509928e5bf added c
| | () draft
| * 2:9f0c80a55ddc added b
| | (bm1) draft
| x 1:2f913b0c9220 added a
|/ () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
Testing `--abort` when conflicts are caused due to `hg next --evolve`
$ hg next --evolve
move:[2] added b
atop:[4] added a
working directory now at c1f4718020e3
$ hg next --evolve
move:[3] added c
atop:[5] added b
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
fix conflicts and see `hg help evolve.interrupted`
$ hg evolve --abort
evolve aborted
working directory is now at c1f4718020e3
$ ls .hg/