tests: update the title of a test as it's not what it says
I see that this test has conflict in relocation and in merging also.
We do have a test for the case when only relocation leads to conflict.
import contextlib
import hashlib
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial.node import nullid
from mercurial import (
basefilter = set(['base', 'immutable'])
def topicfilter(name):
"""return a "topic" version of a filter level"""
if name in basefilter:
return name
elif name is None:
return None
elif name.endswith('-topic'):
return name
return name + '-topic'
def istopicfilter(filtername):
if filtername is None:
return False
return filtername.endswith('-topic')
def gettopicrepo(repo):
filtername = topicfilter(repo.filtername)
if filtername == repo.filtername:
return repo
return repo.filtered(filtername)
def _setuptopicfilter(ui):
"""extend the filter related mapping with topic related one"""
funcmap = repoview.filtertable
partialmap = branchmap.subsettable
# filter level not affected by topic that we should not override
for plainname in list(funcmap):
newfilter = topicfilter(plainname)
if newfilter == plainname:
def revsfunc(repo, name=plainname):
return repoview.filterrevs(repo, name)
base = topicfilter(partialmap[plainname])
if newfilter not in funcmap:
funcmap[newfilter] = revsfunc
partialmap[newfilter] = base
funcmap['unfiltered-topic'] = lambda repo: frozenset()
partialmap['unfiltered-topic'] = 'visible-topic'
def _phaseshash(repo, maxrev):
"""uniq ID for a phase matching a set of rev"""
revs = set()
cl = repo.changelog
fr = cl.filteredrevs
nm = cl.nodemap
for roots in repo._phasecache.phaseroots[1:]:
for n in roots:
r = nm.get(n)
if r not in fr and r < maxrev:
key = nullid
revs = sorted(revs)
if revs:
s = hashlib.sha1()
for rev in revs:
s.update('%s;' % rev)
key = s.digest()
return key
def modsetup(ui):
"""call at uisetup time to install various wrappings"""
extensions.wrapfunction(changegroup.cg1unpacker, 'apply', cgapply)
extensions.wrapfunction(cmdutil, 'commitstatus', commitstatus)
def cgapply(orig, self, repo, *args, **kwargs):
"""make sure a topicmap is used when applying a changegroup"""
other = repo.filtered(topicfilter(repo.filtername))
return orig(self, other, *args, **kwargs)
def commitstatus(orig, repo, node, branch, bheads=None, opts=None):
# wrap commit status use the topic branch heads
ctx = repo[node]
if ctx.topic() and ctx.branch() == branch:
subbranch = "%s:%s" % (branch, ctx.topic())
bheads = repo.branchheads("%s:%s" % (subbranch, ctx.topic()))
ret = orig(repo, node, branch, bheads=bheads, opts=opts)
# logic copy-pasted from cmdutil.commitstatus()
if opts is None:
opts = {}
ctx = repo[node]
if ctx.topic():
return ret
parents = ctx.parents()
if (not opts.get('amend') and bheads and node not in bheads and not
[x for x in parents if x.node() in bheads and x.branch() == branch]):
repo.ui.status(_("(consider using topic for lightweight branches."
" See 'hg help topic')\n"))
return ret
def _wrapbmcache(ui):
class topiccache(_topiccache, branchmap.branchcache):
branchmap.branchcache = topiccache
# Mercurial 4.9
class remotetopiccache(_topiccache, branchmap.remotebranchcache):
branchmap.remotebranchcache = remotetopiccache
def _wrapupdatebmcachemethod(orig, self, repo):
# pass in the bound method as the original
return _wrapupdatebmcache(orig.__get__(self), repo)
extensions.wrapfunction(branchmap.BranchMapCache, 'updatecache', _wrapupdatebmcachemethod)
except AttributeError:
# Mercurial 4.8 and before
extensions.wrapfunction(branchmap, 'updatecache', _wrapupdatebmcache)
def _wrapupdatebmcache(orig, repo):
previous = getattr(repo, '_autobranchmaptopic', False)
repo._autobranchmaptopic = False
return orig(repo)
repo._autobranchmaptopic = previous
# needed to prevent reference used for 'super()' call using in branchmap.py to
# no go into cycle. (yes, URG)
_oldbranchmap = branchmap.branchcache
def oldbranchmap():
previous = branchmap.branchcache
branchmap.branchcache = _oldbranchmap
branchmap.branchcache = previous
class _topiccache(object): # combine me with branchmap.branchcache
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# super() call may fail otherwise
with oldbranchmap():
super(_topiccache, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.phaseshash = None
def copy(self):
"""return an deep copy of the branchcache object"""
new = self.__class__(self, self.tipnode, self.tiprev, self.filteredhash,
new.phaseshash = self.phaseshash
return new
def branchtip(self, branch, topic=''):
'''Return the tipmost open head on branch head, otherwise return the
tipmost closed head on branch.
Raise KeyError for unknown branch.'''
if topic:
branch = '%s:%s' % (branch, topic)
return super(_topiccache, self).branchtip(branch)
def branchheads(self, branch, closed=False, topic=''):
if topic:
branch = '%s:%s' % (branch, topic)
return super(_topiccache, self).branchheads(branch, closed=closed)
def validfor(self, repo):
"""Is the cache content valid regarding a repo
- False when cached tipnode is unknown or if we detect a strip.
- True when cache is up to date or a subset of current repo."""
valid = super(_topiccache, self).validfor(repo)
if not valid:
return False
elif not istopicfilter(repo.filtername) or self.phaseshash is None:
# phasehash at None means this is a branchmap
# come from non topic thing
return True
valid = self.phaseshash == _phaseshash(repo, self.tiprev)
return valid
except IndexError:
return False
def write(self, repo):
# we expect mutable set to be small enough to be that computing it all
# the time will be fast enough
if not istopicfilter(repo.filtername):
super(_topiccache, self).write(repo)
def update(self, repo, revgen):
"""Given a branchhead cache, self, that may have extra nodes or be
missing heads, and a generator of nodes that are strictly a superset of
heads missing, this function updates self to be correct.
if not istopicfilter(repo.filtername):
return super(_topiccache, self).update(repo, revgen)
unfi = repo.unfiltered()
oldgetbranchinfo = unfi.revbranchcache().branchinfo
def branchinfo(r, changelog=None):
info = oldgetbranchinfo(r)
topic = ''
ctx = unfi[r]
if ctx.mutable():
topic = ctx.topic()
branch = info[0]
if topic:
branch = '%s:%s' % (branch, topic)
return (branch, info[1])
unfi.revbranchcache().branchinfo = branchinfo
super(_topiccache, self).update(repo, revgen)
self.phaseshash = _phaseshash(repo, self.tiprev)
unfi.revbranchcache().branchinfo = oldgetbranchinfo