stack: order the adjective of changeset
The new order give more interesting result:
* base current
* base unstable
* current unstable
It seems more harmonious this way. Base seems the most core and immutable
adjective describing the element. Then current is a volatile but important one.
Finally, unstable is less information than current, so it goes last.
#require test-repo
$ checkflake8() {
> if ! (which flake8 > /dev/null); then
> echo skipped: missing tool: flake8;
> exit 80;
> fi;
> };
$ checkflake8
Copied from Mercurial core (60ee2593a270)
$ cd "`dirname "$TESTDIR"`"
run flake8 if it exists; if it doesn't, then just skip
$ hg files -0 'set:(**.py or grep("^#!.*python")) - removed()' 2>/dev/null \
> | xargs -0 flake8