evolve: add test for the case where public divergence on difference parents
This test make sure that public divergence resolution also handle the case when
divergentes changeset does not share the same parent at one end because one end
simply rebase. The other side has actual an actual diff change.
For now this would work only for the case when we need to relocate
the mutable one. Other case is still left to work on.
$ . ${TESTDIR}/testlib/pythonpath.sh
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [defaults]
> amend=-d "0 0"
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow_push = *
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [experimental]
> bundle2-exp=False # < Mercurial-4.0
> [devel]
> legacy.exchange=bundle1
> [extensions]
$ mkcommit() {
> echo "$1" > "$1"
> hg add "$1"
> hg ci -m "add $1"
> }
$ hg init server
Try the multiple ways to setup the extension
$ hg -R server log --config 'extensions.evolve.serveronly='
$ hg -R server log --config "extensions.evolve.serveronly=${SRCDIR}/hgext3rd/evolve/serveronly.py"
$ PYTHONPATH=$HGTEST_ORIG_PYTHONPATH hg -R server log --config "extensions.evolve.serveronly=${SRCDIR}/hgext3rd/evolve/serveronly.py"
setup repo
$ echo "[extensions]" >> ./server/.hg/hgrc
$ echo "evolve.serveronly=" >> ./server/.hg/hgrc
$ hg serve -R server -n test -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log --traceback
$ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT/ client
no changes found
updating to branch default
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cat ./errors.log
$ echo "[extensions]" >> ./client/.hg/hgrc
$ echo "evolve=" >> ./client/.hg/hgrc
$ cp -r client other
Smoke testing
$ cd client
$ mkcommit 0
$ mkcommit a
$ hg push
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: remote error:
incompatible Mercurial client; bundle2 required
(see https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/IncompatibleClient)
$ cat ../errors.log