author Pulkit Goyal <>
Thu, 29 Mar 2018 16:43:28 +0530
changeset 3642 319b1f0f4de2
parent 3376 aad37ffd7d58
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
evolve: add a `--abort` flag for `hg evolve` command This patch adds a new flag `--abort` to `hg evolve` command which will abort the interrupted evolve going on undoes the changes created by the evolve command till now. The changes are bookmark movements, creation of evolved commits, obsolete the old commits in favor of evolved commits. In case when user changed things while the interrupted evolve, like did some actions which created a new commit on top of evolved commits, or changed phase of evolved commits to public, the evolve fails to abort as we should not strip out the new commit formed by user neither we can strip the public changeset. The abort fails and tell user to use `hg evolve --stop` instead. Right now bookmark movement is broken, and will be fixed in upcoming patches. Tests are added for the new flag.

# setup config and various utility to test obsolescence marker exchanges tests

cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
# We test http pull and push, drop authentication requirement
push_ssl = false
allow_push = *

# simpler log output
logtemplate ="{node|short} ({phase}): {desc}\n"

# non publishing server

# reduce output changes
# enable evolution
evolution.effect-flags = yes

# we need to strip some changeset for some test cases

# fix date used to create obsolete markers.
debugobsolete=debugobsolete -d '0 0'

echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH

mkcommit() {
   echo "$1" > "$1"
   hg add "$1"
   hg ci -m "$1"
getid() {
   hg log --hidden --template '{node}\n' --rev "$1"

setuprepos() {
    echo creating test repo for test case $1
    mkdir $1
    cd $1
    echo - pulldest
    hg init pushdest
    cd pushdest
    mkcommit O
    hg phase --public .
    cd ..
    echo - main
    hg clone -q pushdest main
    echo - pushdest
    hg clone -q main pulldest
    echo 'cd into `main` and proceed with env setup'

inspect_obsmarkers (){
    # This exist as its own function to help the evolve extension reuse the tests as is.
    # The evolve extensions version will includes more advances query (eg:
    # related to obsmarkers discovery) to this.
    echo 'obsstore content'
    echo '================'
    hg debugobsolete
    echo 'obshashtree'
    echo '==========='
    hg debugobsrelsethashtree
    echo 'obshashrange'
    echo '============'
    hg debugobshashrange --subranges --rev 'head()'

dotest() {
    # test exchange for the given test case.
    # This function performs push and pull in all directions through all
    # protocols and display the resulting obsolescence markers on all sides.

    if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
    cd $testcase
    echo "## Running testcase $testcase"
    if [ -n "$target" ]; then
        targetnode="`hg -R main id -qr \"$desccall\"`"
        echo "# testing echange of \"$target\" ($targetnode)"
    echo "## initial state"
    echo "# obstore: main"
    hg -R main     debugobsolete | sort
    echo "# obstore: pushdest"
    hg -R pushdest debugobsolete | sort
    echo "# obstore: pulldest"
    hg -R pulldest debugobsolete | sort

    if [ -n "$target" ]; then
        echo "## pushing \"$target\"" from main to pushdest
        hg -R main push -r "$desccall" $@ pushdest
        echo "## pushing from main to pushdest"
        hg -R main push pushdest $@
    echo "## post push state"
    echo "# obstore: main"
    hg -R main     debugobsolete | sort
    echo "# obstore: pushdest"
    hg -R pushdest debugobsolete | sort
    echo "# obstore: pulldest"
    hg -R pulldest debugobsolete | sort
    if [ -n "$target" ]; then
        echo "## pulling \"$targetnode\"" from main into pulldest
        hg -R pulldest pull -r $targetnode $@ main
        echo "## pulling from main into pulldest"
        hg -R pulldest pull main $@
    echo "## post pull state"
    echo "# obstore: main"
    hg -R main     debugobsolete | sort
    echo "# obstore: pushdest"
    hg -R pushdest debugobsolete | sort
    echo "# obstore: pulldest"
    hg -R pulldest debugobsolete | sort

    cd ..
