tests: adapt now that Mercurial clears the merge state for empty wdir
`hg evolve` forgot to clear the merge state when its attempt to commit
resulted in no commit because the working copy had no changes. That
resulted in test-evolve-issue5967.t showing a conflict state that
shouldn't be there. The responsibility for clearing the merge state
was moved into Mercurial in Mercurial in 6a34e438461b (commit: clear
resolved mergestate even if working copy is clean, 2020-02-28), so the
bug is now fixed in `hg evolve`, which impacts that test case.
# Extension to provide automatic caching of bundle server for pull
# Copyright 2018 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
"""pullbundle: automatic server side bundle caching
General principle
This extension provides a means for server to use pre-computed bundle for
serving arbitrary pulls. If missing, the necessary pre-computed bundle will be
generated on demand.
To maximize usage of existing cached bundle, each pull will be served through
multiple bundles. The bundle will be created using "standard range" from the
"stablerange" principle. The "stablerange" concept if already used for
obsmarkers discovery in the evolve extensions.
Using pull Bundle
All configuration is only required server side.
The "stablerange" code currently still live in the evolve extensions, so for
now enabling that extensions is required:
You need at minimum the following configuration:
obshashrange.warm-cache = yes
If you do not want to use evolution server side, you should disable obsmarkers exchange:
Extra Configuration
# By default bundles are stored `.hg/cache/pullbundles/.
# This can be changed with the following config:
Implementation status
Both for stablerange and pullbundle use "simple" initial implementations.
Theses implemenations focus on testing the algorithms and proving the features
works. Yet they are already useful and used in production.
Performances are expected to greatly improved in the final implementation,
especially if some of it end up being compiled code.
This first implementation lacks the ability to server the cached bundle from a
CDN. We'll want this limitation to be lifted quickly.
The way mercurial core report progress is designed for the receival of a single
changegroup. So currently using pullbundle means flooding the user with output.
This will have to be fixed.
Why is does this live in the same repository as evolve
There is no fundamental reasons for live in the same repository. However, the
stablerange data-structure lives in evolve, so it was simpler to put this new
extensions next to it. As soon as stable range have been upstreamed, we won't
need the dependency to the evolve extension anymore.
import collections
import errno
import random
import os
from mercurial import (
node as nodemod,
ui as uimod,
from mercurial.i18n import _
__version__ = b'0.1.1'
testedwith = b'4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7.1'
minimumhgversion = b'4.4'
buglink = b'https://bz.mercurial-scm.org/'
cmdtable = {}
command = registrar.command(cmdtable)
configtable = {}
configitem = registrar.configitem(configtable)
configitem(b'pullbundle', b'cache-directory',
# generic wrapping
def uisetup(ui):
exchange.getbundle2partsmapping[b'changegroup'] = _getbundlechangegrouppart
def _getbundlechangegrouppart(bundler, repo, source, bundlecaps=None,
b2caps=None, heads=None, common=None, **kwargs):
"""add a changegroup part to the requested bundle"""
if not kwargs.get(r'cg', True):
version = b'01'
cgversions = b2caps.get(b'changegroup')
if cgversions: # 3.1 and 3.2 ship with an empty value
cgversions = [v for v in cgversions
if v in changegroup.supportedoutgoingversions(repo)]
if not cgversions:
raise ValueError(_(b'no common changegroup version'))
version = max(cgversions)
outgoing = exchange._computeoutgoing(repo, heads, common)
if not outgoing.missing:
if kwargs.get(r'narrow', False):
include = sorted(filter(bool, kwargs.get(r'includepats', [])))
exclude = sorted(filter(bool, kwargs.get(r'excludepats', [])))
filematcher = narrowspec.match(repo.root, include=include,
filematcher = None
makeallcgpart(bundler.newpart, repo, outgoing, version, source, bundlecaps,
filematcher, cgversions)
if kwargs.get(r'narrow', False) and (include or exclude):
narrowspecpart = bundler.newpart(b'narrow:spec')
if include:
b'include', b'\n'.join(include), mandatory=True)
if exclude:
b'exclude', b'\n'.join(exclude), mandatory=True)
def makeallcgpart(newpart, repo, outgoing, version, source,
bundlecaps, filematcher, cgversions):
pullbundle = not filematcher
if pullbundle and not util.safehasattr(repo, 'stablerange'):
repo.ui.warn(b'pullbundle: required extension "evolve" are missing, skipping pullbundle\n')
pullbundle = False
if filematcher:
makeonecgpart(newpart, repo, None, outgoing, version, source, bundlecaps,
filematcher, cgversions)
start = util.timer()
slices = sliceoutgoing(repo, outgoing)
end = util.timer()
msg = _(b'pullbundle-cache: "missing" set sliced into %d subranges '
b'in %f seconds\n')
repo.ui.write(msg % (len(slices), end - start))
for sliceid, sliceout in slices:
makeonecgpart(newpart, repo, sliceid, sliceout, version, source, bundlecaps,
filematcher, cgversions)
# stable range slicing
DEBUG = False
def sliceoutgoing(repo, outgoing):
cl = repo.changelog
rev = getgetrev(cl)
node = cl.node
revsort = repo.stablesort
missingrevs = set(rev(n) for n in outgoing.missing)
ms = missingrevs.copy()
ss = []
allslices = []
missingheads = [rev(n) for n in sorted(outgoing.missingheads, reverse=True)]
for head in missingheads:
localslices = []
localmissing = set(repo.revs(b'%ld and ::%d', missingrevs, head))
thisrunmissing = localmissing.copy()
while localmissing:
slicerevs = []
for r in revsort.walkfrom(repo, head):
if r not in thisrunmissing:
slicenodes = [node(r) for r in slicerevs]
localslices.append(canonicalslices(repo, slicenodes))
if localmissing:
heads = list(repo.revs(b'heads(%ld)', localmissing))
head = heads.pop()
if heads:
thisrunmissing = repo.revs(b'%ld and only(%d, %ld)',
thisrunmissing = localmissing.copy()
for s in reversed(ss):
ms -= set(s)
missingbase = repo.revs(b'parents(%ld) and %ld', s, ms)
if missingbase:
repo.ui.write_err(b'!!! rev bundled while parents missing\n')
repo.ui.write_err(b' parent: %s\n' % list(missingbase))
pb = repo.revs(b'%ld and children(%ld)', s, missingbase)
repo.ui.write_err(b' children: %s\n' % list(pb))
h = repo.revs(b'heads(%ld)', s)
repo.ui.write_err(b' heads: %s\n' % list(h))
raise error.ProgrammingError(b'issuing a range before its parents')
for s in reversed(localslices):
# unknown subrange might had to be computed
return [(rangeid, outgoingfromnodes(repo, nodes))
for rangeid, nodes in allslices]
def canonicalslices(repo, nodes):
depth = repo.depthcache.get
stablerange = repo.stablerange
rangelength = lambda x: stablerange.rangelength(repo, x)
headrev = repo.changelog.rev(nodes[0])
nbrevs = len(nodes)
headdepth = depth(headrev)
skipped = headdepth - nbrevs
rangeid = (headrev, skipped)
subranges = canonicalsubranges(repo, stablerange, rangeid)
idx = 0
slices = []
for rangeid in subranges:
size = rangelength(rangeid)
slices.append((rangeid, nodes[idx:idx + size]))
idx += size
### slow code block to validate ranges content
# rev = repo.changelog.nodemap.get
# for ri, ns in slices:
# a = set(rev(n) for n in ns)
# b = set(repo.stablerange.revsfromrange(repo, ri))
# l = repo.stablerange.rangelength(repo, ri)
# repo.ui.write('range-length: %d-%d %s %s\n' % (ri[0], ri[1], l, len(a)))
# if a != b:
# d = (ri[0], ri[1], b - a, a - b)
# repo.ui.write("mismatching content: %d-%d -%s +%s\n" % d)
return slices
def canonicalsubranges(repo, stablerange, rangeid):
"""slice a size of nodes into most reusable subranges
We try to slice a range into a set of "largest" and "canonical" stable
It might make sense to move this function as a 'stablerange' method.
headrev, skip = rangeid
rangedepth = stablerange.depthrev(repo, rangeid[0])
canonicals = []
# 0. find the first power of 2 higher than this range depth
cursor = 1
while cursor <= rangedepth:
cursor *= 2
# 1. find first cupt
precut = cut = 0
while True:
if skip <= cut:
if cut + cursor < rangedepth:
precut = cut
cut += cursor
if cursor == 1:
cursor //= 2
# 2. optimise, bottom part
if skip != cut:
currentsize = tailsize = cut - skip
assert 0 < tailsize, tailsize
# we need to take several "standard cut" in the bottom part
# This is similar to what we will do for the top part, we reusing the
# existing structure is a bit more complex.
allcuts = list(reversed(standardcut(tailsize)))
prerange = (headrev, precut)
### slow code block to check we operate on the right data
# rev = repo.changelog.nodemap.get
# allrevs = [rev(n) for n in nodes]
# allrevs.reverse()
# prerevs = repo.stablerange.revsfromrange(repo, prerange)
# assert allrevs == prerevs[(len(prerevs) - len(allrevs)):]
# end of check
sub = list(stablerange.subranges(repo, prerange)[:-1])
bottomranges = []
# XXX we might be able to reuse core stable-range logic instead of
# redoing this manually
currentrange = sub.pop()
currentsize = stablerange.rangelength(repo, currentrange)
currentcut = None
while allcuts or currentcut is not None:
# get the next cut if needed
if currentcut is None:
currentcut = allcuts.pop()
# deal attemp a cut
if currentsize == currentcut:
currentcut = None
elif currentsize < currentcut:
currentcut -= currentsize
else: # currentsize > currentcut
newskip = currentrange[1] + (currentsize - currentcut)
currentsub = stablerange._slicesrangeat(repo, currentrange, newskip)
currentcut = None
currentrange = sub.pop()
currentsize = stablerange.rangelength(repo, currentrange)
# 3. take recursive subrange until we get to a power of two size?
current = (headrev, cut)
while not poweroftwo(stablerange.rangelength(repo, current)):
sub = stablerange.subranges(repo, current)
current = sub[-1]
return canonicals
def standardcut(size):
assert 0 < size
# 0. find the first power of 2 higher than this range depth
cut = 1
while cut <= size:
cut *= 2
allcuts = []
# 1. find all standard expected cut
while 1 < cut and size:
cut //= 2
if cut <= size:
size -= cut
return allcuts
def poweroftwo(num):
return num and not num & (num - 1)
def outgoingfromnodes(repo, nodes):
return discovery.outgoing(repo,
# changegroup part construction
def _changegroupinfo(repo, nodes, source):
if repo.ui.verbose or source == b'bundle':
repo.ui.status(_(b"%d changesets found\n") % len(nodes))
def _makenewstream(newpart, repo, outgoing, version, source,
bundlecaps, filematcher, cgversions):
old = changegroup._changegroupinfo
changegroup._changegroupinfo = _changegroupinfo
if filematcher is not None:
cgstream = changegroup.makestream(repo, outgoing, version, source,
cgstream = changegroup.makestream(repo, outgoing, version, source,
changegroup._changegroupinfo = old
nbchanges = len(outgoing.missing)
pversion = None
if cgversions:
pversion = version
return (cgstream, nbchanges, pversion)
def _makepartfromstream(newpart, repo, cgstream, nbchanges, version):
# same as upstream code
part = newpart(b'changegroup', data=cgstream)
if version:
part.addparam(b'version', version)
part.addparam(b'nbchanges', b'%d' % nbchanges,
if b'treemanifest' in repo.requirements:
part.addparam(b'treemanifest', b'1')
# cache management
def cachedir(repo):
cachedir = repo.ui.config(b'pullbundle', b'cache-directory')
if cachedir is not None:
return cachedir
return repo.cachevfs.join(b'pullbundles')
def getcache(repo, bundlename):
cdir = cachedir(repo)
bundlepath = os.path.join(cdir, bundlename)
if not os.path.exists(bundlepath):
return None
# delay file opening as much as possible this introduce a small race
# condition if someone remove the file before we actually use it. However
# opening too many file will not work.
def data():
with open(bundlepath, r'rb') as fd:
for chunk in util.filechunkiter(fd):
yield chunk
return data()
def cachewriter(repo, bundlename, stream):
cdir = cachedir(repo)
bundlepath = os.path.join(cdir, bundlename)
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
with util.atomictempfile(bundlepath) as cachefile:
for chunk in stream:
yield chunk
BUNDLEMASK = b"%s-%s-%010iskip-%010isize.hg"
def makeonecgpart(newpart, repo, rangeid, outgoing, version, source,
bundlecaps, filematcher, cgversions):
bundlename = cachedata = None
if rangeid is not None:
nbchanges = repo.stablerange.rangelength(repo, rangeid)
headnode = nodemod.hex(repo.changelog.node(rangeid[0]))
# XXX do we need to use cgversion in there?
bundlename = BUNDLEMASK % (version, headnode, rangeid[1], nbchanges)
cachedata = getcache(repo, bundlename)
if cachedata is None:
partdata = _makenewstream(newpart, repo, outgoing, version, source,
bundlecaps, filematcher, cgversions)
if bundlename is not None:
cgstream = cachewriter(repo, bundlename, partdata[0])
partdata = (cgstream,) + partdata[1:]
if repo.ui.verbose or source == b'bundle':
repo.ui.status(_(b"%d changesets found in caches\n") % nbchanges)
pversion = None
if cgversions:
pversion = version
partdata = (cachedata, nbchanges, pversion)
return _makepartfromstream(newpart, repo, *partdata)
[(b'', b'count', 100, _(b'of "client" pulling')),
(b'', b'min-cache', 1, _(b'minimum size of cached bundle')),
_(b'hg debugpullbundlecacheoverlap [--client 100] REVSET'))
def debugpullbundlecacheoverlap(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
'''Display statistic on bundle cache hit
This command "simulate pulls from multiple clients. Each using a random
subset of revisions defined by REVSET. And display statistic about the
overlap in bundle necessary to serve them.
actionrevs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revs)
if not revs:
raise error.Abort(b'No revision selected')
count = opts['count']
min_cache = opts['min_cache']
bundlehits = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
pullstats = []
rlen = lambda rangeid: repo.stablerange.rangelength(repo, rangeid)
repo.ui.write(b"gathering %d sample pulls within %d revisions\n"
% (count, len(actionrevs)))
if 1 < min_cache:
repo.ui.write(b" not caching ranges smaller than %d changesets\n" % min_cache)
for i in range(count):
progress(repo.ui, b'gathering data', i, total=count)
outgoing = takeonesample(repo, actionrevs)
ranges = sliceoutgoing(repo, outgoing)
hitranges = 0
hitchanges = 0
totalchanges = 0
largeranges = []
for rangeid, __ in ranges:
length = rlen(rangeid)
totalchanges += length
if bundlehits[rangeid]:
hitranges += 1
hitchanges += rlen(rangeid)
if min_cache <= length:
bundlehits[rangeid] += 1
stats = (len(outgoing.missing),
progress(repo.ui, b'gathering data', None)
sizes = []
changesmissing = []
totalchanges = 0
totalcached = 0
changesratio = []
rangesratio = []
bundlecount = []
for entry in pullstats:
changesmissing.append(entry[1] - entry[2])
changesratio.append(entry[2] / float(entry[1]))
if entry[3]:
rangesratio.append(entry[4] / float(entry[3]))
totalchanges += entry[1]
totalcached += entry[2]
cachedsizes = []
cachedhits = []
for rangeid, hits in bundlehits.items():
if hits <= 0:
length = rlen(rangeid)
sizesdist = distribution(sizes)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'pull size', sizesdist))
changesmissingdist = distribution(changesmissing)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'non-cached changesets', changesmissingdist))
changesratiodist = distribution(changesratio)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'ratio of cached changesets', changesratiodist))
bundlecountdist = distribution(bundlecount)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'bundle count', bundlecountdist))
rangesratiodist = distribution(rangesratio)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'ratio of cached bundles', rangesratiodist))
repo.ui.write(b'changesets served:\n')
repo.ui.write(b' total: %7d\n' % totalchanges)
repo.ui.write(b' from cache: %7d (%2d%%)\n'
% (totalcached, (totalcached * 100 // totalchanges)))
repo.ui.write(b' bundle: %7d\n' % sum(bundlecount))
cachedsizesdist = distribution(cachedsizes)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'size of cached bundles', cachedsizesdist))
cachedhitsdist = distribution(cachedhits)
repo.ui.write(fmtdist(b'hit on cached bundles', cachedhitsdist))
def takeonesample(repo, revs):
node = repo.changelog.node
revs = list(revs)
pulled = random.sample(revs, max(4, len(revs) // 1000))
pulled = repo.revs(b'%ld::%ld', pulled, pulled)
nodes = [node(r) for r in pulled]
return outgoingfromnodes(repo, nodes)
def distribution(data):
length = len(data)
return {
b'min': data[0],
b'10%': data[length // 10],
b'25%': data[length // 4],
b'50%': data[length // 2],
b'75%': data[(length // 4) * 3],
b'90%': data[(length // 10) * 9],
b'95%': data[(length // 20) * 19],
b'max': data[-1],
STATSFORMAT = b"""%(name)s:
min: %(min)r
10%%: %(10%)r
25%%: %(25%)r
50%%: %(50%)r
75%%: %(75%)r
90%%: %(90%)r
95%%: %(95%)r
max: %(max)r
def fmtdist(name, data):
data[b'name'] = name
return STATSFORMAT % data
# hg <= 4.6 (bec1212eceaa)
if util.safehasattr(uimod.ui, 'makeprogress'):
def progress(ui, topic, pos, item=b"", unit=b"", total=None):
progress = ui.makeprogress(topic, unit, total)
if pos is not None:
progress.update(pos, item=item)
def progress(ui, topic, pos, item=b"", unit=b"", total=None):
ui.progress(topic, pos, item, unit, total)
# nodemap.get and index.[has_node|rev|get_rev]
# hg <= 5.3 (02802fa87b74)
def getgetrev(cl):
"""Returns index.get_rev or nodemap.get (for pre-5.3 Mercurial)."""
if util.safehasattr(cl.index, 'get_rev'):
return cl.index.get_rev
return cl.nodemap.get