author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Sun, 10 Dec 2017 01:33:39 +0100
changeset 3260 2f0c113b35f8
parent 2909 9ce092b17530
child 3359 ae6fddf39933
permissions -rw-r--r--
stablerange: introduce a smarte version of stablerange for 'mergepoint' This implementation will using caching and smarter algorithm based on these cache. For now it inherit most of it code from the dummy version for convenience. The inheritance to the dummy version should be dropped eventually.

Test for `hg debugconvertbookmark` added by topics

  $ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/topic_setup.sh"

  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > drawdag=$RUNTESTDIR/drawdag.py
  > [ui]
  > logtemplate = [{rev}:{node|short}] {desc|firstline}\n\
  > {if(bookmarks, "  bookmark: {join(bookmarks,"\n  bookmark:")}\n")}\
  > {if(topics, "  topic: {topics}\n")}
  > EOF

Setting up the things

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo
  $ echo "Hello" > root
  $ hg commit -Aqm "root"
  $ hg phase --public .
  $ echo "Hello" > a
  $ hg commit -Aqm "First commit"
  $ echo "Hello" > b
  $ hg commit -Aqm "Second commit"
  $ hg bookmark "hellos"
  $ hg up 0 -q
  $ echo "Fix 1" > l
  $ hg commit -Aqm "Fixing first"
  $ echo "Fix 2" > m
  $ hg commit -Aqm "Fixing second"
  $ hg bookmark "secondfix"

  $ hg log -G
  @  [4:ec0e17135a94] Fixing second
  |    bookmark: secondfix
  o  [3:e05947b88d69] Fixing first
  | o  [2:f53d1144f925] Second commit
  | |    bookmark: hellos
  | o  [1:df1fd5e18154] First commit
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

Generic tests

Help for the command

  $ hg help debugconvertbookmark
  hg debugcb [-b BOOKMARK] [--all]
  aliases: debugconvertbookmark
  Converts a bookmark to a topic with the same name.
   -b --bookmark VALUE bookmark to convert to topic
      --all            convert all bookmarks to topics
  (some details hidden, use --verbose to show complete help)

Running without any argument

  $ hg debugconvertbookmark
  abort: you must specify either '--all' or '-b'

Changing a particular bookmark to topic

  $ hg debugconvertbookmark -b hellos
  changed topic to "hellos" on 2 revisions
  $ hg log -G
  o  [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
  |    topic: hellos
  o  [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
  |    topic: hellos
  | @  [4:ec0e17135a94] Fixing second
  | |    bookmark: secondfix
  | o  [3:e05947b88d69] Fixing first
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

Changing all bookmarks to topic

Simple test

  $ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
  switching to topic secondfix
  changed topic to "secondfix" on 2 revisions
  $ hg log -G
  @  [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
  |    topic: secondfix
  o  [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
  |    topic: secondfix
  | o  [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
  | |    topic: hellos
  | o  [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
  |/     topic: hellos
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

Trying with multiple bookmarks on a single changeset

  $ echo "multiple bookmarks" >> m
  $ hg commit -Aqm "Trying multiple bookmarks"
  $ hg bookmark book1
  $ hg bookmark book2
  $ hg log -G
  @  [9:4ad3e7d421d4] Trying multiple bookmarks
  |    bookmark: book1
  |    bookmark:book2
  |    topic: secondfix
  o  [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
  |    topic: secondfix
  o  [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
  |    topic: secondfix
  | o  [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
  | |    topic: hellos
  | o  [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
  |/     topic: hellos
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root
  $ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
  skipping '9' as it has multiple bookmarks on it
  $ hg log -G
  @  [9:4ad3e7d421d4] Trying multiple bookmarks
  |    bookmark: book1
  |    bookmark:book2
  |    topic: secondfix
  o  [8:5f0f9cc1979a] Fixing second
  |    topic: secondfix
  o  [7:f8ecbf3b10be] Fixing first
  |    topic: secondfix
  | o  [6:98ae7930f6ed] Second commit
  | |    topic: hellos
  | o  [5:ff69f6ee4618] First commit
  |/     topic: hellos
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

Two bookmarks on two different topological branches

  $ cd ..
  $ rm -rf repo
  $ hg init setup1
  $ cd setup1
  $ echo "Hello" > root
  $ hg commit -Aqm "root"
  $ hg phase --public .
  $ echo "Hello" > A
  $ hg commit -Aqm "A"
  $ echo "Hello" > B
  $ hg commit -Aqm "B"
  $ echo "Hello" > C
  $ hg commit -Aqm "C"
  $ echo "Hello" > D
  $ hg commit -Aqm "D"
  $ hg up 'desc(B)'
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo "Hello" > E
  $ hg commit -Aqm "E"
  $ echo "Hello" > F
  $ hg commit -Aqm "F"
  $ hg bookmark -r 'desc(D)' bar
  $ hg bookmark -r 'desc(F)' foo

  $ hg log -G
  @  [6:32f4660df717] F
  |    bookmark: foo
  o  [5:d4608d9df75e] E
  | o  [4:4963af405f62] D
  | |    bookmark: bar
  | o  [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
  o  [2:10f317d09e78] B
  o  [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root
  $ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
  changed topic to "bar" on 2 revisions
  switching to topic foo
  changed topic to "foo" on 2 revisions
  $ hg log -G
  @  [10:f0b5f2a5f31a] F
  |    topic: foo
  o  [9:7affa1350ff0] E
  |    topic: foo
  | o  [8:a1bb64d88f0e] D
  | |    topic: bar
  | o  [7:71827f564e9e] C
  |/     topic: bar
  o  [2:10f317d09e78] B
  o  [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

Two bookmarks on top of each other

  $ cd ..
  $ rm -rf setup1
  $ hg init setup2
  $ cd setup2
  $ echo "Hello" > root
  $ hg commit -Aqm "root"
  $ hg phase --public .
  $ echo "Hello" > A
  $ hg commit -Aqm "A"
  $ hg phase --public .
  $ echo "Hello" > B
  $ hg commit -Aqm "B"
  $ echo "Hello" > C
  $ hg commit -Aqm "C"
  $ hg bookmark -r . bar
  $ echo "Hello" > D
  $ hg commit -Aqm "D"
  $ echo "Hello" > E
  $ hg commit -Aqm "E"
  $ hg bookmark -r . foo

  $ hg log -G
  @  [5:c633aa1ad270] E
  |    bookmark: foo
  o  [4:4963af405f62] D
  o  [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
  |    bookmark: bar
  o  [2:10f317d09e78] B
  o  [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

XXX: this should  avoid create orphan changesets.

  $ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
  changed topic to "bar" on 2 revisions
  switching to topic foo
  changed topic to "foo" on 2 revisions

  $ hg log -G
  @  [9:b14d13efcfa7] E
  |    topic: foo
  o  [8:c89ca6e70978] D
  |    topic: foo
  | o  [7:a3ea0dfe6a10] C
  | |    topic: bar
  | o  [6:db1bc6aab480] B
  | |    topic: bar
  x |  [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
  | |
  x |  [2:10f317d09e78] B
  o  [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

Check that phase are properly take in account

(we reuse above test, taking advantage of a small bug regarding stacked bookmarks. we can fuse the two tests once that bug is fixed)

  $ cd ..
  $ hg init setup-phases
  $ cd setup-phases
  $ echo "Hello" > root
  $ hg commit -Aqm "root"
  $ hg phase --public .
  $ echo "Hello" > A
  $ hg commit -Aqm "A"
  $ echo "Hello" > B
  $ hg commit -Aqm "B"
  $ echo "Hello" > C
  $ hg commit -Aqm "C"
  $ hg bookmark -r . bar
  $ hg log -G
  @  [3:ac05e0d05d00] C
  |    bookmark: bar
  o  [2:10f317d09e78] B
  o  [1:e34122c9a2bf] A
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root

  $ hg debugconvertbookmark --all
  switching to topic bar
  changed topic to "bar" on 3 revisions
  $ hg log -G
  @  [6:863c43a7951c] C
  |    topic: bar
  o  [5:ac7f12ac947f] B
  |    topic: bar
  o  [4:fc82c8c14b4c] A
  |    topic: bar
  o  [0:249055fcca50] root