stablerange: introduce a smarte version of stablerange for 'mergepoint'
This implementation will using caching and smarter algorithm based on these
cache. For now it inherit most of it code from the dummy version for
convenience. The inheritance to the dummy version should be dropped eventually.
====================================Testingheadcheckingcode:CaseB-7====================================Mercurialchecksfortheintroductionofnewheadsonpush.Evolutioncomesintoplaytodetectifexistingbranchesontheserverarebeingreplacedbysomeofthenewonewepush.Thiscaseispartofaseriesoftestscheckingthisbehavior.CategoryB:simplecaseinvolvingprunedchangesetsTestCase7:singlechangesets,prunedthensuperseeded(onanexistingchangeset)..old-state:....**oldbranchisrewrittenontothecommonset,..*thenewversionisthenpruned.....expected-result:....*pushallowed....graph-summary:....Aø⇠⊗A'.. B ◔ | |.. \|/.. ● $ . $TESTDIR/testlib/push-checkheads-util.shTest setup---------- $ mkdir B7 $ cd B7 $ setuprepos creating basic server and client repo updating to branch default 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ cd client $ hg up 0 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ mkcommit B0 created new head $ mkcommit A1 $ hg up 'desc(B0)' 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ hg debugobsolete `getid "desc(A0)"` `getid "desc(A1)"` obsoleted 1 changesets $ hg debugobsolete --record-parents `getid "desc(A1)"` obsoleted 1 changesets $ hg log -G --hidden x ba93660aff8d (draft): A1 | @ 74ff5441d343 (draft): B0 | | x 8aaa48160adc (draft): A0 |/ o 1e4be0697311 (public): rootActual testing-------------- $ hg push pushing to $TESTTMP/B7/server (glob) searching for changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads) 2 new obsolescence markers obsoleted 1 changesets $ cd ../..