auto-publish: issue the capabilities in all cases
It seems better to message client that we support the capabilities in all cases.
Tests for the --stop flag for `hg evolve` command while resolving orphans
The `--stop` flag stops the interrupted evolution and delete the state file so
user can do other things and comeback and do evolution later on
This is testing cases when `hg evolve` command is doing orphan resolution.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [alias]
> glog = log -GT "{rev}:{node|short} {desc}\n ({bookmarks}) {phase}"
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ hg init stoprepo
$ cd stoprepo
$ echo ".*\.orig" > .hgignore
$ hg add .hgignore
$ hg ci -m "added hgignore"
$ for ch in a b c d; do echo foo > $ch; hg add $ch; hg ci -qm "added "$ch; done;
$ hg glog
@ 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| () draft
o 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
| () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
Testing `--stop` when no evolve is interrupted
$ hg evolve --stop
abort: no interrupted evolve to stop
Testing with wrong combinations of flags
$ hg evolve --stop --rev 1
abort: cannot specify both "--rev" and "--stop"
$ hg evolve --stop --continue
abort: cannot specify both "--stop" and "--continue"
$ hg evolve --stop --all
abort: cannot specify both "--all" and "--stop"
$ hg evolve --stop --any
abort: cannot specify both "--any" and "--stop"
Testing when only one revision is to evolve
$ hg prev
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[3] added c
$ echo bar > d
$ hg add d
$ hg amend
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg glog
@ 5:cb6a2ab625bb added c
| () draft
| * 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () draft
| x 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
|/ () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve
move:[4] added d
atop:[5] added c
merging d
warning: conflicts while merging d! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
unresolved merge conflicts
(see 'hg help evolve.interrupted')
$ hg evolve --stop
stopped the interrupted evolve
working directory is now at cb6a2ab625bb
Checking whether evolvestate file exists or not
$ cat .hg/evolvestate
cat: .hg/evolvestate: No such file or directory
Checking where we are
$ hg id
cb6a2ab625bb tip
Checking working dir
$ hg status
Checking for incomplete mergestate
$ ls .hg/ | grep merge
Checking graph
$ hg glog
@ 5:cb6a2ab625bb added c
| () draft
| * 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () draft
| x 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
|/ () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
Testing the stop flag in case conflicts are caused by `hg next --evolve`
$ hg next --evolve
move:[4] added d
atop:[5] added c
merging d
warning: conflicts while merging d! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
unresolved merge conflicts
(see 'hg help evolve.interrupted')
$ hg diff
diff -r cb6a2ab625bb d
--- a/d Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/d Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<<<<<<< destination: cb6a2ab625bb - test: added c
+>>>>>>> evolving: c41c793e0ef1 - test: added d
$ hg evolve --stop
stopped the interrupted evolve
working directory is now at cb6a2ab625bb
$ hg glog
@ 5:cb6a2ab625bb added c
| () draft
| * 4:c41c793e0ef1 added d
| | () draft
| x 3:ca1b80f7960a added c
|/ () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg status
$ ls .hg/
Checking when multiple revs need to be evolved, some revs evolve without
Making sure obsmarkers should be on evolved changeset and not rest of them once
we do `evolve --stop`
$ hg evolve --update
move:[4] added d
atop:[5] added c
merging d
warning: conflicts while merging d! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
unresolved merge conflicts
(see 'hg help evolve.interrupted')
$ echo foo > d
$ hg resolve -m
(no more unresolved files)
continue: hg evolve --continue
$ hg evolve --continue
evolving 4:c41c793e0ef1 "added d"
working directory is now at 2a4e03d422e2
$ hg glog
@ 6:2a4e03d422e2 added d
| () draft
o 5:cb6a2ab625bb added c
| () draft
o 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
o 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
o 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg up .^^^^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo bar > c
$ hg add c
$ hg amend
4 new orphan changesets
$ hg glog
@ 7:21817cd42526 added hgignore
() draft
* 6:2a4e03d422e2 added d
| () draft
* 5:cb6a2ab625bb added c
| () draft
* 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
* 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
x 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --all
move:[1] added a
atop:[7] added hgignore
move:[2] added b
move:[5] added c
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
unresolved merge conflicts
(see 'hg help evolve.interrupted')
$ hg status
M c
A d
$ hg evolve --stop
stopped the interrupted evolve
working directory is now at aec285328e90
Only changeset which has a successor now are obsoleted
$ hg glog
@ 9:aec285328e90 added b
| () draft
o 8:fd00db71edca added a
| () draft
o 7:21817cd42526 added hgignore
() draft
* 6:2a4e03d422e2 added d
| () draft
* 5:cb6a2ab625bb added c
| () draft
x 2:b1661037fa25 added b
| () draft
x 1:c7586e2a9264 added a
| () draft
x 0:8fa14d15e168 added hgignore
() draft
Making sure doing evolve again resumes from right place and does the right thing
$ hg evolve --all
move:[5] added c
atop:[9] added b
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
unresolved merge conflicts
(see 'hg help evolve.interrupted')
$ echo foobar > c
$ hg resolve -m
(no more unresolved files)
continue: hg evolve --continue
$ hg evolve --continue
evolving 5:cb6a2ab625bb "added c"
move:[6] added d
atop:[10] added c
working directory is now at aec285328e90
$ hg glog
o 11:cd0909a30222 added d
| () draft
o 10:cb1dd1086ef6 added c
| () draft
@ 9:aec285328e90 added b
| () draft
o 8:fd00db71edca added a
| () draft
o 7:21817cd42526 added hgignore
() draft
Bookmarks should only be moved of the changesets which have been evolved,
bookmarks of rest of them should stay where they are are
$ hg up tip^
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg bookmark b1
$ hg up .^
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(leaving bookmark b1)
$ hg bookmark b2
$ hg glog
o 11:cd0909a30222 added d
| () draft
o 10:cb1dd1086ef6 added c
| (b1) draft
@ 9:aec285328e90 added b
| (b2) draft
o 8:fd00db71edca added a
| () draft
o 7:21817cd42526 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg prev
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[8] added a
$ echo tom > c
$ hg amend
3 new orphan changesets
$ hg glog
@ 12:a3cc2042492f added a
| () draft
| * 11:cd0909a30222 added d
| | () draft
| * 10:cb1dd1086ef6 added c
| | (b1) draft
| * 9:aec285328e90 added b
| | (b2) draft
| x 8:fd00db71edca added a
|/ () draft
o 7:21817cd42526 added hgignore
() draft
$ hg evolve --all
move:[9] added b
atop:[12] added a
move:[10] added c
merging c
warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
unresolved merge conflicts
(see 'hg help evolve.interrupted')
$ hg evolve --stop
stopped the interrupted evolve
working directory is now at a3f4b95da934
Bookmarks of only the changeset which are evolved is moved
$ hg glog
@ 13:a3f4b95da934 added b
| (b2) draft
o 12:a3cc2042492f added a
| () draft
| * 11:cd0909a30222 added d
| | () draft
| * 10:cb1dd1086ef6 added c
| | (b1) draft
| x 9:aec285328e90 added b
| | () draft
| x 8:fd00db71edca added a
|/ () draft
o 7:21817cd42526 added hgignore
() draft