author Pierre-Yves David <>
Fri, 19 Jun 2015 14:26:33 -0700
changeset 1410 2c451fece7a6
parent 1275 783aa685c5d4
child 1617 160968654581
permissions -rw-r--r--
evolve: unify revision handling and rework error message This changesets do a massive refactoring of the way evolve select changesets to be evolve. We now use a two stages approach: 1) read command line argument and produce a list of revision to evolve. 2) evolve all these revisions. This allow a much cleaner, robust and extensible code. In the process the error message issued when there is nothing to evolve have been updated to informs about other troubles in the repository and point at useful option to solve them. The 'update' case is handled independently at the start of the function.

Source: mercurial-evolve
Section: vcs
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Logilab <>
 Julien Cristau <>,
 Pierre-Yves David <>,
Standards-Version: 3.9.3
 mercurial (>= 3.4~),
 debhelper (>= 8),
 python-sphinx (>= 1.0.8),
Python-Version: >= 2.6

Package: mercurial-evolve
Architecture: all
 mercurial (>= 3.3~),
Description: evolve extension for Mercurial
 This package provides the experimental "evolve" extension for the Mercurial
 This extension provides several commands to mutate history and deal with issues
 it may raise.
 It also:
  - enables the "Changeset Obsolescence" feature of mercurial,
  - alters core command and extension that rewrite history to use this feature,
  - improves some aspects of the early implementation in Mercurial 2.3.
 **These extensions are experimental and are not meant for production.**