author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>
Fri, 09 Sep 2011 11:15:59 +0200
changeset 58 2ba7355f6e11
parent 57 62f2fe22bd42
child 59 02fba620d139
permissions -rw-r--r--
[obsolete] Fix pushkey

# states.py - introduce the state concept for mercurial changeset
# Copyright 2011 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
#                Logilab SA        <contact@logilab.fr>
#                Augie Fackler     <durin42@gmail.com>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

'''introduce the state concept for mercurial changeset

Change can be in the following state:

0 immutable
1 mutable
2 private

name are not fixed yet.
import os
from functools import partial

from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import cmdutil
from mercurial import scmutil
from mercurial import context
from mercurial import revset
from mercurial import templatekw
from mercurial import util
from mercurial import node
from mercurial.node import nullid, hex, short
from mercurial import discovery
from mercurial import extensions
from mercurial import wireproto
from mercurial import pushkey
from mercurial import error
from mercurial.lock import release


class state(object):

    def __init__(self, name, properties=0, next=None):
        self.name = name
        self.properties = properties
        assert next is None or self < next
        self.next = next

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'state(%s)' % self.name

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def trackheads(self):
        """Do we need to track heads of changeset in this state ?

        We don't need to track heads for the last state as this is repos heads"""
        return self.next is not None

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.properties, other.properties)

    def _revsetheads(self):
        """function to be used by revset to finds heads of this states"""
        assert self.trackheads
        def revsetheads(repo, subset, x):
            args = revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, 'publicheads takes no arguments')
            heads = []
            for h in repo._statesheads[self]:
                except error.LookupError:
            return heads
        return revsetheads

    def headssymbol(self):
        """name of the revset symbols"""
        if self.trackheads:
            return "%sheads" % self.name
            return 'heads'

ST2 = state('draft', _NOSHARE | _MUTABLE)
ST1 = state('ready', _MUTABLE, next=ST2)
ST0 = state('published', next=ST1)

STATES = (ST0, ST1, ST2)
STATESMAP =dict([(st.name, st) for st in STATES])

def laststatewithout(prop):
    for state in STATES:
        if not state.properties & prop:
            candidate = state
            return candidate

# util function
def noderange(repo, revsets):
    return map(repo.changelog.node,
               scmutil.revrange(repo, revsets))

# Patch changectx

def state(ctx):
    if ctx.node()is None:
        return STATES[-1]
    return ctx._repo.nodestate(ctx.node())
context.changectx.state = state

# improve template

def showstate(ctx, **args):
    return ctx.state()

# New commands

def cmdstates(ui, repo, *states, **opt):
    """view and modify activated states.

    With no argument, list activated state.

    With argument, activate the state in argument.

    With argument plus the --off switch, deactivate the state in argument.

    note: published state are alway activated."""

    if not states:
        for st in sorted(repo._enabledstates):
            ui.write('%s\n' % st)
        off = opt.get('off', False)
        for state_name in states:
            for st in STATES:
                if st.name == state_name:
                ui.write_err(_('no state named %s\n') % state_name)
                return 1
            if off and st in repo._enabledstates:
    return 0

cmdtable = {'states': (cmdstates, [ ('', 'off', False, _('desactivate the state') )], '<state>')}
#cmdtable = {'states': (cmdstates, [], '<state>')}

def makecmd(state):
    def cmdmoveheads(ui, repo, *changesets):
        """set a revision in %s state""" % state
        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, changesets)
        repo.setstate(state, [repo.changelog.node(rev) for rev in revs])
        return 0
    return cmdmoveheads

for state in STATES:
    if state.trackheads:
        cmdmoveheads = makecmd(state)
        cmdtable[state.name] = (cmdmoveheads, [], '<revset>')

# Pushkey mechanism for mutable

def pushstatesheads(repo, key, old, new):
    st = STATESMAP[new]
    w = repo.wlock()
        newhead = node.bin(key)
        except error.RepoLookupError:
            return False
        repo.setstate(st, [newhead])
        return True

def liststatesheads(repo):
    keys = {}
    for state in [st for st in STATES if st.trackheads]:
        for head in repo.stateheads(state):
            head = node.hex(head)
            if head in keys:
                keys[head] += ',' + state.name
                keys[head] = state.name
    return keys

pushkey.register('states-heads', pushstatesheads, liststatesheads)

def uisetup(ui):
    def filterprivateout(orig, repo, *args,**kwargs):
        common, heads = orig(repo, *args, **kwargs)
        return common, repo._reducehead(heads)
    def filterprivatein(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
        common, anyinc, heads = orig(repo, remote, *args, **kwargs)
        heads = remote._reducehead(heads)
        return common, anyinc, heads

    extensions.wrapfunction(discovery, 'findcommonoutgoing', filterprivateout)
    extensions.wrapfunction(discovery, 'findcommonincoming', filterprivatein)

    # Write protocols
    def heads(repo, proto):
        st = laststatewithout(_NOSHARE)
        h = repo.stateheads(st)
        return wireproto.encodelist(h) + "\n"

    def _reducehead(wirerepo, heads):
        """heads filtering is done repo side"""
        return heads

    wireproto.wirerepository._reducehead = _reducehead
    wireproto.commands['heads'] = (heads, '')

    templatekw.keywords['state'] = showstate

def extsetup(ui):
    for state in STATES:
        if state.trackheads:
            revset.symbols[state.headssymbol] = state._revsetheads

def reposetup(ui, repo):

    if not repo.local():

    ocancopy =repo.cancopy
    opull = repo.pull
    opush = repo.push
    o_tag = repo._tag
    orollback = repo.rollback
    o_writejournal = repo._writejournal
    class statefulrepo(repo.__class__):

        def nodestate(self, node):
            rev = self.changelog.rev(node)

            for state in STATES:
                # XXX avoid for untracked heads
                if state.next is not None:
                    ancestors = map(self.changelog.rev, self.stateheads(state))
                    if rev in ancestors:
            return state

        def stateheads(self, state):
            # look for a relevant state
            while state.trackheads and state.next not in self._enabledstates:
                state = state.next
            # last state have no cached head.
            if state.trackheads:
                return self._statesheads[state]
            return self.heads()

        def _statesheads(self):
            return self._readstatesheads()

        def _readheadsfile(self, filename):
            heads = [nullid]
                f = self.opener(filename)
                    heads = sorted([node.bin(n) for n in f.read().split() if n])
            except IOError:
            return heads

        def _readstatesheads(self, undo=False):
            statesheads = {}
            for state in STATES:
                if state.trackheads:
                    filemask = 'states/%s-heads'
                    filename = filemask % state.name
                    statesheads[state] = self._readheadsfile(filename)
            return statesheads

        def _writeheadsfile(self, filename, heads):
            f = self.opener(filename, 'w', atomictemp=True)
                for h in heads:
                    f.write(hex(h) + '\n')

        def _writestateshead(self):
            # transaction!
            for state in STATES:
                if state.trackheads:
                    filename = 'states/%s-heads' % state.name
                    self._writeheadsfile(filename, self._statesheads[state])

        def setstate(self, state, nodes):
            """change state of targets changeset and it's ancestors.

            Simplify the list of head."""
            assert not isinstance(nodes, basestring), repr(nodes)
            heads = self._statesheads[state]
            olds = heads[:]
            heads[:] = set(heads)
            if olds != heads:
                heads[:] = noderange(repo, ["heads(::%s())" % state.headssymbol])
            if olds != heads:
            if state.next is not None and state.next.trackheads:
                self.setstate(state.next, nodes) # cascading

        def _reducehead(self, candidates):
            selected = set()
            st = laststatewithout(_NOSHARE)
            candidates = set(map(self.changelog.rev, candidates))
            heads = set(map(self.changelog.rev, self.stateheads(st)))
            shareable = set(self.changelog.ancestors(*heads))
            selected = candidates & shareable
            unselected = candidates - shareable
            for rev in unselected:
                for revh in heads:
                    if self.changelog.descendant(revh, rev):
            return sorted(map(self.changelog.node, selected))

        ### enable // disable logic

        def _enabledstates(self):
            return self._readenabledstates()

        def _readenabledstates(self):
            states = set()
            mapping = dict([(st.name, st) for st in STATES])
                f = self.opener('states/Enabled')
                for line in f:
                    st =  mapping.get(line.strip())
                    if st is not None:
                return states

        def _writeenabledstates(self):
            f = self.opener('states/Enabled', 'w', atomictemp=True)
                for st in self._enabledstates:
                    f.write(st.name + '\n')

        ### local clone support

        def cancopy(self):
            st = laststatewithout(_NOSHARE)
            return ocancopy() and (self.stateheads(st) == self.heads())

        ### pull // push support

        def pull(self, remote, *args, **kwargs):
            result = opull(remote, *args, **kwargs)
            remoteheads = self._pullstatesheads(remote)
            #print [node.short(h) for h in remoteheads]
            for st, heads in remoteheads.iteritems():
                self.setstate(st, heads)
            return result

        def push(self, remote, *args, **opts):
            result = opush(remote, *args, **opts)
            remoteheads = self._pullstatesheads(remote)
            for st, heads in remoteheads.iteritems():
                self.setstate(st, heads)
                if heads != self.stateheads(st):
                    self._pushstatesheads(remote, st,  heads)
            return result

        def _pushstatesheads(self, remote, state, remoteheads):
            local = set(self.stateheads(state))
            missing = local - set(remoteheads)
            while missing:
                h = missing.pop()
                ok = remote.pushkey('states-heads', node.hex(h), '', state.name)
                if not ok:
                    missing.update(p.node() for p in repo[h].parents())

        def _pullstatesheads(self, remote):
            remoteheads = {}
            self.ui.debug('checking for states-heads on remote server')
            if 'states-heads' not in remote.listkeys('namespaces'):
                self.ui.debug('states-heads not enabled on the remote server, '
                              'marking everything as published')
                remoteheads[ST0] = remote.heads()
                self.ui.debug('server has states-heads enabled, merging lists')
                for hex, statenames in  remote.listkeys('states-heads').iteritems():
                    for stn in statenames.split(','):
                        remoteheads.setdefault(STATESMAP[stn], []).append(node.bin(hex))
            return remoteheads

        ### Tag support

        def _tag(self, names, node, *args, **kwargs):
            tagnode = o_tag(names, node, *args, **kwargs)
            if tagnode is not None: # do nothing for local one
                self.setstate(ST0, [node, tagnode])
            return tagnode

        ### rollback support

        def _writejournal(self, desc):
            entries = list(o_writejournal(desc))
            for state in STATES:
                if state.trackheads:
                    filename = 'states/%s-heads' % state.name
                    filepath = self.join(filename)
                    if  os.path.exists(filepath):
                        journalname = 'states/journal.%s-heads' % state.name
                        journalpath = self.join(journalname)
                        util.copyfile(filepath, journalpath)
            return tuple(entries)

        def rollback(self, dryrun=False):
            wlock = lock = None
                wlock = self.wlock()
                lock = self.lock()
                ret = orollback(dryrun)
                if not (ret or dryrun): #rollback did not failed
                    for state in STATES:
                        if state.trackheads:
                            src  = self.join('states/undo.%s-heads') % state.name
                            dest = self.join('states/%s-heads') % state.name
                            if os.path.exists(src):
                                util.rename(src, dest)
                            elif os.path.exists(dest): #unlink in any case
                    self.__dict__.pop('_statesheads', None)
                return ret
                release(lock, wlock)

    repo.__class__ = statefulrepo