evolve: make sure divergence resolution doesn't undo changes (issue6203)
Before this patch, in content-divergence resolution logic if resolution
parent is not the parent of any of the two divergent changesets then
it could undo some changes introduced by previous revs (while resolving
stack of content-divergent changesets) as demonstrated by the test added in
previous patch.
To solve this, what this patch doing is: if divergent cset has obsolete
parent with a successor then first resolve the "orphan" instability of
divergent cset by relocating, then perform the content-divergence resolution.
After this change in logic, I found that it's kind of more correct as
reflected by the changes in tests/test-evolve-content-divergent-corner-cases.t
where it prevented creating conflicts while merging.
Changes in tests/test-evolve-content-divergent-stack.t demonstrate the fixed
Next patches will be covering the `evolve --continue` case for the relocation
of "divergent" cset.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import (
from . import (
from .evolvebits import builddependencies
def _destmergebranch(orig, repo, action=b'merge', sourceset=None,
onheadcheck=True, destspace=None):
# XXX: take destspace into account
if sourceset is None:
p1 = repo[b'.']
# XXX: using only the max here is flacky. That code should eventually
# be updated to take care of the whole sourceset.
p1 = repo[max(sourceset)]
top = None
if common.hastopicext(repo):
top = p1.topic()
if top:
revs = repo.revs(b'topic(%s) - obsolete()', top)
deps, rdeps = builddependencies(repo, revs)
heads = [r for r in revs if not rdeps[r]]
if onheadcheck and p1.rev() not in heads:
raise error.Abort(_(b"not at topic head, update or explicit"))
# prune heads above the source
otherheads = set(heads)
pool = set([p1.rev()])
while pool:
current = pool.pop()
if not otherheads:
# nothing to do at the topic level
bhead = ngtip(repo, p1.branch(), all=True)
if not bhead:
raise error.NoMergeDestAbort(_(b"nothing to merge"))
elif 1 == len(bhead):
return bhead[0]
msg = _(b"branch '%s' has %d heads "
b"- please merge with an explicit rev")
hint = _(b"run 'hg heads .' to see heads")
raise error.ManyMergeDestAbort(msg % (p1.branch(), len(bhead)),
elif len(otherheads) == 1:
return otherheads.pop()
msg = _(b"topic '%s' has %d heads "
b"- please merge with an explicit rev") % (top, len(heads))
raise error.ManyMergeDestAbort(msg)
return orig(repo, action, sourceset, onheadcheck, destspace=destspace)
def _destupdatetopic(repo, clean, check=None):
"""decide on an update destination from current topic"""
if not common.hastopicext(repo):
return None, None, None
movemark = node = None
topic = repo.currenttopic
if topic:
revs = repo.revs(b'.::topic(%s)', topic)
revs = []
if not revs:
return None, None, None
node = revs.last()
if bookmarks.isactivewdirparent(repo):
movemark = repo[b'.'].node()
return node, movemark, None
def desthistedit(orig, ui, repo):
if not common.hastopicext(repo):
return None
if not (ui.config(b'histedit', b'defaultrev', None) is None
and repo.currenttopic):
return orig(ui, repo)
revs = repo.revs(b'::. and stack()')
if revs:
return revs.min()
return None
def ngtip(repo, branch, all=False):
"""tip new generation"""
## search for untopiced heads of branch
# could be heads((::branch(x) - topic()))
# but that is expensive
# we should write plain code instead
tmap = topicmap.gettopicrepo(repo).branchmap()
if branch not in tmap:
return []
elif all:
return tmap.branchheads(branch)
return [tmap.branchtip(branch)]
def modsetup(ui):
"""run a uisetup time to install all destinations wrapping"""
extensions.wrapfunction(destutil, '_destmergebranch', _destmergebranch)
bridx = destutil.destupdatesteps.index(b'branch')
destutil.destupdatesteps.insert(bridx, b'topic')
destutil.destupdatestepmap[b'topic'] = _destupdatetopic
extensions.wrapfunction(destutil, 'desthistedit', desthistedit)