obshashrangecache: make sure we re-warm the cache after a reset
This will "mitigate" the effect of dropping existing entries when new markers
affect existing range.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [defaults]
> amend=-d "0 0"
> fold=-d "0 0"
> metaedit=-d "0 0"
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow_push = *
> [phases]
> publish = False
> [alias]
> qlog = log --template='{rev} - {node|short} {desc} ({phase})\n'
> [diff]
> git = 1
> unified = 0
> [extensions]
> hgext.graphlog=
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ mkcommit() {
> echo "$1" > "$1"
> hg add "$1"
> hg ci -m "add $1"
> }
$ mkstack() {
> # Creates a stack of commit based on $1 with messages from $2, $3 ..
> hg update $1 -C
> shift
> mkcommits $*
> }
$ glog() {
> hg glog --template '{rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({phase}) {desc|firstline}\n' "$@"
> }
$ shaof() {
> hg log -T {node} -r "first(desc($1))"
> }
$ mkcommits() {
> for i in $@; do mkcommit $i ; done
> }
Test the evolution test topic is installed
$ hg help evolution
Safely Rewriting History
Obsolescence markers make it possible to mark changesets that have been
deleted or superset in a new version of the changeset.
Unlike the previous way of handling such changes, by stripping the old
changesets from the repository, obsolescence markers can be propagated
between repositories. This allows for a safe and simple way of exchanging
mutable history and altering it after the fact. Changeset phases are
respected, such that only draft and secret changesets can be altered (see
'hg help phases' for details).
Obsolescence is tracked using "obsolete markers", a piece of metadata
tracking which changesets have been made obsolete, potential successors
for a given changeset, the moment the changeset was marked as obsolete,
and the user who performed the rewriting operation. The markers are stored
separately from standard changeset data can be exchanged without any of
the precursor changesets, preventing unnecessary exchange of obsolescence
The complete set of obsolescence markers describes a history of changeset
modifications that is orthogonal to the repository history of file
modifications. This changeset history allows for detection and automatic
resolution of edge cases arising from multiple users rewriting the same
part of history concurrently.
Current feature status
This feature is still in development. If you see this help, you have
enabled an extension that turned this feature on.
Obsolescence markers will be exchanged between repositories that
explicitly assert support for the obsolescence feature (this can currently
only be done via an extension).
various init
$ hg init local
$ cd local
$ mkcommit a
$ mkcommit b
$ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
> [phases]
> publish = True
$ hg pull -q . # make 1 public
$ rm .hg/hgrc
$ mkcommit c
$ mkcommit d
$ hg up 1
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit e -q
created new head
$ mkcommit f
$ hg qlog
5 - e44648563c73 add f (draft)
4 - fbb94e3a0ecf add e (draft)
3 - 47d2a3944de8 add d (draft)
2 - 4538525df7e2 add c (draft)
1 - 7c3bad9141dc add b (public)
0 - 1f0dee641bb7 add a (public)
test kill and immutable changeset
$ hg log -r 1 --template '{rev} {phase} {obsolete}\n'
1 public
$ hg prune 1
abort: cannot prune immutable changeset: 7c3bad9141dc
(see 'hg help phases' for details)
$ hg log -r 1 --template '{rev} {phase} {obsolete}\n'
1 public
test simple kill
$ hg id -n
$ hg prune .
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory now at fbb94e3a0ecf
1 changesets pruned
$ hg qlog
4 - fbb94e3a0ecf add e (draft)
3 - 47d2a3944de8 add d (draft)
2 - 4538525df7e2 add c (draft)
1 - 7c3bad9141dc add b (public)
0 - 1f0dee641bb7 add a (public)
test multiple kill
$ hg prune 4 -r 3
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory now at 7c3bad9141dc
2 changesets pruned
$ hg qlog
2 - 4538525df7e2 add c (draft)
1 - 7c3bad9141dc add b (public)
0 - 1f0dee641bb7 add a (public)
test kill with dirty changes
$ hg up 2
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo 4 > g
$ hg add g
$ hg prune .
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory now at 7c3bad9141dc
1 changesets pruned
$ hg st
A g
Smoketest debugobsrelsethashtree:
$ hg debugobsrelsethashtree
1f0dee641bb7258c56bd60e93edfa2405381c41e 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
7c3bad9141dcb46ff89abf5f61856facd56e476c * (glob)
4538525df7e2b9f09423636c61ef63a4cb872a2d * (glob)
47d2a3944de8b013de3be9578e8e344ea2e6c097 * (glob)
fbb94e3a0ecf6d20c2cc31152ef162ce45af982f * (glob)
e44648563c73f75950076031c6fdf06629de95f1 * (glob)
Smoketest stablerange.obshash:
$ hg debugobshashrange --subranges --rev 'head()'
rev node index size depth obshash
1 7c3bad9141dc 0 2 2 * (glob)
0 1f0dee641bb7 0 1 1 000000000000
1 7c3bad9141dc 1 1 2 * (glob)
$ cd ..
importing Parren test
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> [ui]
> logtemplate = "{rev}\t{bookmarks}: {desc|firstline} - {author|user}\n"
Creating And Updating Changeset
Setup the Base Repo
We start with a plain base repo::
$ hg init main; cd main
$ cat >main-file-1 <<-EOF
> One
> Two
> Three
$ echo Two >main-file-2
$ hg add
adding main-file-1
adding main-file-2
$ hg commit --message base
$ cd ..
and clone this into a new repo where we do our work::
$ hg clone main work
updating to branch default
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cd work
Create First Patch
To begin with, we just do the changes that will be the initial version of the changeset::
$ echo One >file-from-A
$ sed -i'' -e s/One/Eins/ main-file-1
$ hg add file-from-A
So this is what we would like our changeset to be::
$ hg diff
diff --git a/file-from-A b/file-from-A
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file-from-A
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff --git a/main-file-1 b/main-file-1
--- a/main-file-1
+++ b/main-file-1
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
To commit it we just - commit it::
$ hg commit --message "a nifty feature"
and place a bookmark so we can easily refer to it again (which we could have done before the commit)::
$ hg book feature-A
Create Second Patch
Let's do this again for the second changeset::
$ echo Two >file-from-B
$ sed -i'' -e s/Two/Zwie/ main-file-1
$ hg add file-from-B
Before committing, however, we need to switch to a new bookmark for the second
changeset. Otherwise we would inadvertently move the bookmark for our first changeset.
It is therefore advisable to always set the bookmark before committing::
$ hg book feature-B
$ hg commit --message "another feature (child of $(hg log -r . -T '{node|short}'))"
So here we are::
$ hg book
feature-A 1:568a468b60fc
* feature-B 2:73296a82292a
Fix The Second Patch
There's a typo in feature-B. We spelled *Zwie* instead of *Zwei*::
$ hg diff --change tip | grep -F Zwie
Fixing this is very easy. Just change::
$ sed -i'' -e s/Zwie/Zwei/ main-file-1
and **amend**::
$ hg amend
This results in a new single changeset for our amended changeset, and the old
changeset plus the updating changeset are hidden from view by default::
$ hg log
4 feature-B: another feature (child of 568a468b60fc) - test
1 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
0 : base - test
$ hg up feature-A -q
$ hg bookmark -i feature-A
$ sed -i'' -e s/Eins/Un/ main-file-1
(amend of public changeset denied)
$ hg phase --public 0 -v
phase changed for 1 changesets
(amend of on ancestors)
$ hg amend
1 new unstable changesets
$ hg log
6 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
4 feature-B: another feature (child of 568a468b60fc) - test
1 : a nifty feature - test
0 : base - test
$ hg up -q 0
$ glog --hidden
o 6:ba0ec09b1bab@default(draft) a nifty feature
| x 5:c296b79833d1@default(draft) temporary amend commit for 568a468b60fc
| |
| | o 4:6992c59c6b06@default(draft) another feature (child of 568a468b60fc)
| |/
| | x 3:c97947cdc7a2@default(draft) temporary amend commit for 73296a82292a
| | |
| | x 2:73296a82292a@default(draft) another feature (child of 568a468b60fc)
| |/
| x 1:568a468b60fc@default(draft) a nifty feature
@ 0:e55e0562ee93@default(public) base
$ hg debugobsolete
73296a82292a76fb8a7061969d2489ec0d84cd5e 6992c59c6b06a1b4a92e24ff884829ae026d018b 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
c97947cdc7a2a11cf78419f5c2c3dd3944ec79e8 0 {73296a82292a76fb8a7061969d2489ec0d84cd5e} (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
568a468b60fc99a42d5d4ddbe181caff1eef308d ba0ec09b1babf3489b567853807f452edd46704f 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
c296b79833d1d497f33144786174bf35e04e44a3 0 {568a468b60fc99a42d5d4ddbe181caff1eef308d} (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
$ hg evolve
move:[4] another feature (child of 568a468b60fc)
atop:[6] a nifty feature
merging main-file-1
working directory is now at 99833d22b0c6
$ hg log
7 feature-B: another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab) - test
6 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
0 : base - test
Test commit -o options
$ hg up 6
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg revert -r 7 --all
adding file-from-B
reverting main-file-1
$ sed -i'' -e s/Zwei/deux/ main-file-1
$ hg commit -m 'another feature that rox' -o 7
created new head
$ hg log
8 feature-B: another feature that rox - test
6 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
0 : base - test
phase change turning obsolete changeset public issue a bumped warning
$ hg phase --hidden --public 7
1 new bumped changesets
all solving bumped troubled
$ hg glog
@ 8 feature-B: another feature that rox - test
| o 7 : another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab) - test
o 6 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
o 0 : base - test
$ hg evolve --any --traceback --bumped
recreate:[8] another feature that rox
atop:[7] another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab)
computing new diff
committed as 6707c5e1c49d
working directory is now at 6707c5e1c49d
$ hg glog
@ 9 feature-B: bumped update to 99833d22b0c6: - test
o 7 : another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab) - test
o 6 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
o 0 : base - test
$ hg diff --hidden -r 9 -r 8
$ hg diff -r 9^ -r 9
diff --git a/main-file-1 b/main-file-1
--- a/main-file-1
+++ b/main-file-1
@@ -3,1 +3,1 @@
$ hg log -r 'bumped()' # no more bumped
test evolve --all
$ sed -i'' -e s/deux/to/ main-file-1
$ hg commit -m 'dansk 2!'
$ sed -i'' -e s/Three/tre/ main-file-1
$ hg commit -m 'dansk 3!'
$ hg update 9
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ sed -i'' -e s/Un/Én/ main-file-1
$ hg commit --amend -m 'dansk!'
2 new unstable changesets
(ninja test for the {trouble} template:
$ hg log -G --template '{rev} {troubles}\n'
@ 13
| o 11 unstable
| |
| o 10 unstable
| |
| x 9
o 7
o 6
o 0
$ hg evolve --all --traceback
move:[10] dansk 2!
atop:[13] dansk!
merging main-file-1
move:[11] dansk 3!
atop:[14] dansk 2!
merging main-file-1
working directory is now at 68557e4f0048
$ hg glog
@ 15 : dansk 3! - test
o 14 : dansk 2! - test
o 13 feature-B: dansk! - test
o 7 : another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab) - test
o 6 feature-A: a nifty feature - test
o 0 : base - test
$ cd ..
enable general delta
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> [format]
> generaldelta=1
$ hg init alpha
$ cd alpha
$ echo 'base' > firstfile
$ hg add firstfile
$ hg ci -m 'base'
$ cd ..
$ hg clone -Ur 0 alpha beta
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ cd alpha
$ cat << EOF > A
> We
> need
> some
> kind
> of
> file
> big
> enough
> to
> prevent
> snapshot
> .
> yes
> new
> lines
> are
> useless
> .
$ hg add A
$ hg commit -m 'adding A'
$ hg mv A B
$ echo '.' >> B
$ hg amend -m 'add B'
$ hg verify
checking changesets
checking manifests
crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
checking files
3 files, 4 changesets, 4 total revisions
$ hg --config extensions.hgext.mq= strip 'extinct()'
abort: empty revision set
$ hg --config extensions.hgext.mq= strip --hidden 'extinct()'
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/alpha/.hg/strip-backup/e87767087a57-d7bd82e9-backup.hg (glob)
$ hg verify
checking changesets
checking manifests
crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
checking files
2 files, 2 changesets, 2 total revisions
$ cd ..
Clone just this branch
$ cd beta
$ hg pull -r tip ../alpha
pulling from ../alpha
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
2 new obsolescence markers
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
$ hg up
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cd ..
Test graft --obsolete/--old-obsolete
$ hg init test-graft
$ cd test-graft
$ mkcommit 0
$ mkcommit 1
$ mkcommit 2
$ mkcommit 3
$ hg up -qC 0
$ mkcommit 4
created new head
$ glog --hidden
@ 4:ce341209337f@default(draft) add 4
| o 3:0e84df4912da@default(draft) add 3
| |
| o 2:db038628b9e5@default(draft) add 2
| |
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(draft) add 0
$ hg graft -r3 -O
grafting 3:0e84df4912da "add 3"
$ hg graft -r1 -o 2
grafting 1:73d38bb17fd7 "add 1"
$ glog --hidden
@ 6:acb28cd497b7@default(draft) add 1
o 5:0b9e50c35132@default(draft) add 3
o 4:ce341209337f@default(draft) add 4
| x 3:0e84df4912da@default(draft) add 3
| |
| x 2:db038628b9e5@default(draft) add 2
| |
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(draft) add 0
$ hg debugobsolete
0e84df4912da4c7cad22a3b4fcfd58ddfb7c8ae9 0b9e50c35132ff548ec0065caea6a87e1ebcef32 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
db038628b9e56f51a454c0da0c508df247b41748 acb28cd497b7f8767e01ef70f68697a959573c2d 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
Test graft --continue
$ hg up -qC 0
$ echo 2 > 1
$ hg ci -Am conflict 1
created new head
$ hg up -qC 6
$ hg graft -O 7
grafting 7:a5bfd90a2f29 "conflict" (tip)
merging 1
warning: conflicts while merging 1! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue
(use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue')
$ hg log -r7 --template '{rev}:{node|short} {obsolete}\n'
$ echo 3 > 1
$ hg resolve -m 1
(no more unresolved files)
continue: hg graft --continue
$ hg graft --continue -O
grafting 7:a5bfd90a2f29 "conflict" (tip)
$ glog --hidden
@ 8:920e58bb443b@default(draft) conflict
| x 7:a5bfd90a2f29@default(draft) conflict
| |
o | 6:acb28cd497b7@default(draft) add 1
| |
o | 5:0b9e50c35132@default(draft) add 3
| |
o | 4:ce341209337f@default(draft) add 4
| x 3:0e84df4912da@default(draft) add 3
| |
| x 2:db038628b9e5@default(draft) add 2
| |
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(draft) add 0
$ hg debugobsolete
0e84df4912da4c7cad22a3b4fcfd58ddfb7c8ae9 0b9e50c35132ff548ec0065caea6a87e1ebcef32 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
db038628b9e56f51a454c0da0c508df247b41748 acb28cd497b7f8767e01ef70f68697a959573c2d 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
a5bfd90a2f29c7ccb8f917ff4e5013a9053d0a04 920e58bb443b73eea9d6d65570b4241051ea3229 0 (*) {'user': 'test'} (glob)
Test touch
$ glog
@ 8:920e58bb443b@default(draft) conflict
o 6:acb28cd497b7@default(draft) add 1
o 5:0b9e50c35132@default(draft) add 3
o 4:ce341209337f@default(draft) add 4
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(draft) add 0
$ hg touch
$ glog
@ 9:*@default(draft) conflict (glob)
o 6:acb28cd497b7@default(draft) add 1
o 5:0b9e50c35132@default(draft) add 3
o 4:ce341209337f@default(draft) add 4
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(draft) add 0
$ hg touch .
$ glog
@ 10:*@default(draft) conflict (glob)
o 6:acb28cd497b7@default(draft) add 1
o 5:0b9e50c35132@default(draft) add 3
o 4:ce341209337f@default(draft) add 4
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(draft) add 0
Test fold
$ rm *.orig
$ hg fold
abort: no revisions specified
$ hg fold --from
abort: no revisions specified
$ hg fold .
abort: must specify either --from or --exact
$ hg fold --from . --exact
abort: cannot use both --from and --exact
$ hg fold --from .
single revision specified, nothing to fold
$ hg fold 0::10 --rev 1 --exact
abort: cannot fold non-linear revisions (multiple heads given)
$ hg fold -r 4 -r 6 --exact
abort: cannot fold non-linear revisions (multiple roots given)
$ hg fold --from 10 1
abort: cannot fold non-linear revisions
(given revisions are unrelated to parent of working directory)
$ hg fold --exact -r "4 and not 4"
abort: specified revisions evaluate to an empty set
(use different revision arguments)
$ hg phase --public 0
$ hg fold --from -r 0
abort: cannot fold public revisions
$ hg fold --from -r 5
3 changesets folded
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg fold --from 6 # want to run hg fold 6
abort: hidden revision '6'!
(use --hidden to access hidden revisions; successor: af636757ce3b)
$ hg log -r 11 --template '{desc}\n'
add 3
add 1
$ hg debugrebuildstate
$ hg st
Test fold with wc parent is not the head of the folded revision
$ hg up 4
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg fold --rev 4::11 --user victor --exact
2 changesets folded
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ glog
@ 12:d26d339c513f@default(draft) add 4
| o 1:73d38bb17fd7@default(draft) add 1
o 0:8685c6d34325@default(public) add 0
$ hg log --template '{rev}: {author}\n'
12: victor
1: test
0: test
$ hg log -r 12 --template '{desc}\n'
add 4
add 3
add 1
$ hg debugrebuildstate
$ hg st
Test olog
$ hg olog
4 : add 4 - test
11 : add 3 - test
Test obsstore stat
$ hg debugobsstorestat
markers total: 10
for known precursors: 10
with parents data: 0
markers with no successors: 0
1 successors: 10
2 successors: 0
more than 2 successors: 0
available keys:
user: 10
disconnected clusters: 1
any known node: 1
smallest length: 10
longer length: 10
median length: 10
mean length: 10
using parents data: 1
any known node: 1
smallest length: 10
longer length: 10
median length: 10
mean length: 10
Test evolving renames
$ hg up null
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo a > a
$ hg ci -Am a
adding a
created new head
$ echo b > b
$ hg ci -Am b
adding b
$ hg mv a c
$ hg ci -m c
$ hg prune .^
1 changesets pruned
1 new unstable changesets
$ hg stab --any
move:[15] c
atop:[13] a
working directory is now at 3742bde73477
$ hg st -C --change=tip
A c
R a
Test fold with commit messages
$ cd ../work
$ hg fold --from .^ --message "Folding with custom commit message"
2 changesets folded
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ glog
@ 16:98cb758db56d@default(draft) Folding with custom commit message
o 13:0a2f9b959bb4@default(draft) dansk!
o 7:99833d22b0c6@default(public) another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab)
o 6:ba0ec09b1bab@default(public) a nifty feature
o 0:e55e0562ee93@default(public) base
$ cat > commit-message <<EOF
> A longer
> commit message
$ hg fold --from .^ --logfile commit-message
2 changesets folded
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg qlog
17 - a00182c58888 A longer
commit message (draft)
7 - 99833d22b0c6 another feature (child of ba0ec09b1bab) (public)
6 - ba0ec09b1bab a nifty feature (public)
0 - e55e0562ee93 base (public)
$ cd ..
Test branch preservation:
$ hg init evolving-branch
$ cd evolving-branch
$ touch a
$ hg add a
$ hg ci -m 'a0'
$ echo 1 > a
$ hg ci -m 'a1'
$ echo 2 > a
$ hg ci -m 'a2'
$ echo 3 > a
$ hg ci -m 'a3'
$ hg log -G --template '{rev} [{branch}] {desc|firstline}\n'
@ 3 [default] a3
o 2 [default] a2
o 1 [default] a1
o 0 [default] a0
branch change propagated
$ hg up 'desc(a2)'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg branch mybranch
marked working directory as branch mybranch
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
$ hg amend
1 new unstable changesets
$ hg evolve
move:[3] a3
atop:[5] a2
working directory is now at 7c5649f73d11
$ hg log -G --template '{rev} [{branch}] {desc|firstline}\n'
@ 6 [mybranch] a3
o 5 [mybranch] a2
o 1 [default] a1
o 0 [default] a0
branch change preserved
$ hg up 'desc(a1)'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg amend -m 'a1_'
2 new unstable changesets
$ hg evolve
move:[5] a2
atop:[7] a1_
working directory is now at eb07e22a0e63
$ hg evolve
move:[6] a3
atop:[8] a2
working directory is now at 777c26ca5e78
$ hg log -G --template '{rev} [{branch}] {desc|firstline}\n'
@ 9 [mybranch] a3
o 8 [mybranch] a2
o 7 [default] a1_
o 0 [default] a0
Evolve from the middle of a stack pick the right changesets.
$ hg up 7
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg ci --amend -m 'a1__'
2 new unstable changesets
$ hg up 8
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg log -G --template '{rev} [{branch}] {desc|firstline}\n'
o 10 [default] a1__
| o 9 [mybranch] a3
| |
| @ 8 [mybranch] a2
| |
| x 7 [default] a1_
o 0 [default] a0
$ hg evolve
nothing to evolve on current working copy parent
(2 other unstable in the repository, do you want --any or --rev)
Evolve disables active bookmarks.
$ hg up 10
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg bookmark testbookmark
$ ls .hg/bookmarks*
.hg/bookmarks.* (glob)
$ hg evolve
move:[8] a2
atop:[10] a1__
(leaving bookmark testbookmark)
working directory is now at d952e93add6f
$ ls .hg/bookmarks*
Possibility to select what trouble to solve first, asking for bumped before
$ hg up 10
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg revert -r 11 --all
reverting a
$ hg log -G --template '{rev} [{branch}] {desc|firstline}\n'
o 11 [mybranch] a2
@ 10 [default] a1__
| o 9 [mybranch] a3
| |
| x 8 [mybranch] a2
| |
| x 7 [default] a1_
o 0 [default] a0
$ echo "hello world" > newfile
$ hg add newfile
$ hg commit -m "add new file bumped" -o 11
$ hg phase --public --hidden 11
1 new bumped changesets
$ hg glog
@ 12 : add new file bumped - test
| o 11 : a2 - test
o 10 testbookmark: a1__ - test
| o 9 : a3 - test
| |
| x 8 : a2 - test
| |
| x 7 : a1_ - test
o 0 : a0 - test
Now we have a bumped and an unstable changeset, we solve the bumped first
normally the unstable changeset would be solve first
$ hg glog
@ 12 : add new file bumped - test
| o 11 : a2 - test
o 10 testbookmark: a1__ - test
| o 9 : a3 - test
| |
| x 8 : a2 - test
| |
| x 7 : a1_ - test
o 0 : a0 - test
$ hg evolve -r 12 --bumped
recreate:[12] add new file bumped
atop:[11] a2
computing new diff
committed as f15d32934071
working directory is now at f15d32934071
$ hg evolve --any
move:[9] a3
atop:[13] bumped update to d952e93add6f:
working directory is now at cce26b684bfe
Check that we can resolve troubles in a revset with more than one commit
$ hg up 14 -C
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit gg
$ hg up 14
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit gh
created new head
$ hg up 14
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ printf "newline\nnewline\n" >> a
$ hg glog
o 16 : add gh - test
| o 15 : add gg - test
@ 14 : a3 - test
o 13 : bumped update to d952e93add6f: - test
o 11 : a2 - test
o 10 testbookmark: a1__ - test
o 0 : a0 - test
$ hg amend
2 new unstable changesets
$ hg glog
@ 18 : a3 - test
| o 16 : add gh - test
| |
| | o 15 : add gg - test
| |/
| x 14 : a3 - test
o 13 : bumped update to d952e93add6f: - test
o 11 : a2 - test
o 10 testbookmark: a1__ - test
o 0 : a0 - test
Evolving an empty revset should do nothing
$ hg evolve --rev "16 and 15"
set of specified revisions is empty
$ hg evolve --rev "14::" --bumped
no bumped changesets in specified revisions
(do you want to use --unstable)
$ hg evolve --rev "14::" --unstable
move:[15] add gg
atop:[18] a3
move:[16] add gh
atop:[18] a3
working directory is now at e02107f98737
$ hg glog
@ 20 : add gh - test
| o 19 : add gg - test
o 18 : a3 - test
o 13 : bumped update to d952e93add6f: - test
o 11 : a2 - test
o 10 testbookmark: a1__ - test
o 0 : a0 - test
Enabling commands selectively, no command enabled, next and fold and unknown
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [experimental]
> evolution=createmarkers
$ hg next
hg: unknown command 'next'
Mercurial Distributed SCM
basic commands:
add add the specified files on the next commit
annotate show changeset information by line for each file
clone make a copy of an existing repository
commit commit the specified files or all outstanding changes
diff diff repository (or selected files)
export dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets
forget forget the specified files on the next commit
init create a new repository in the given directory
log show revision history of entire repository or files
merge merge another revision into working directory
pull pull changes from the specified source
push push changes to the specified destination
remove remove the specified files on the next commit
serve start stand-alone webserver
status show changed files in the working directory
summary summarize working directory state
update update working directory (or switch revisions)
(use 'hg help' for the full list of commands or 'hg -v' for details)
$ hg fold
hg: unknown command 'fold'
Mercurial Distributed SCM
basic commands:
add add the specified files on the next commit
annotate show changeset information by line for each file
clone make a copy of an existing repository
commit commit the specified files or all outstanding changes
diff diff repository (or selected files)
export dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets
forget forget the specified files on the next commit
init create a new repository in the given directory
log show revision history of entire repository or files
merge merge another revision into working directory
pull pull changes from the specified source
push push changes to the specified destination
remove remove the specified files on the next commit
serve start stand-alone webserver
status show changed files in the working directory
summary summarize working directory state
update update working directory (or switch revisions)
(use 'hg help' for the full list of commands or 'hg -v' for details)
Enabling commands selectively, only fold enabled, next is still unknown
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [experimental]
> evolution=createmarkers
> evolutioncommands=fold
$ hg fold
abort: no revisions specified
$ hg next
hg: unknown command 'next'
Mercurial Distributed SCM
basic commands:
add add the specified files on the next commit
annotate show changeset information by line for each file
clone make a copy of an existing repository
commit commit the specified files or all outstanding changes
diff diff repository (or selected files)
export dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets
fold fold multiple revisions into a single one
forget forget the specified files on the next commit
init create a new repository in the given directory
log show revision history of entire repository or files
merge merge another revision into working directory
pull pull changes from the specified source
push push changes to the specified destination
remove remove the specified files on the next commit
serve start stand-alone webserver
status show changed files in the working directory
summary summarize working directory state
update update working directory (or switch revisions)
(use 'hg help' for the full list of commands or 'hg -v' for details)
Restore all of the evolution features
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [experimental]
> evolution=all
Check hg evolve --rev on singled out commit
$ hg up 19 -C
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit j1
$ mkcommit j2
$ mkcommit j3
$ hg up .^^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo "hello" > j4
$ hg add j4
$ hg amend
2 new unstable changesets
$ glog -r "18::"
@ 25:8dc373be86d9@default(draft) add j1
| o 23:d7eadcf6eccd@default(draft) add j3
| |
| o 22:2223ea564144@default(draft) add j2
| |
| x 21:48490698b269@default(draft) add j1
| o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
| |
o | 19:24e63b319adf@default(draft) add gg
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
$ hg evolve --rev 23 --any
abort: cannot specify both "--rev" and "--any"
$ hg evolve --rev 23
cannot solve instability of d7eadcf6eccd, skipping
Check that uncommit respects the allowunstable option
With only createmarkers we can only uncommit on a head
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [experimental]
> evolution=createmarkers, allnewcommands
$ hg up 8dc373be86d9^
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg uncommit --all
abort: cannot uncommit in the middle of a stack
$ hg up 8dc373be86d9
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg uncommit --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ glog -r "18::"
@ 26:044804d0c10d@default(draft) add j1
| o 23:d7eadcf6eccd@default(draft) add j3
| |
| o 22:2223ea564144@default(draft) add j2
| |
| x 21:48490698b269@default(draft) add j1
| o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
| |
o | 19:24e63b319adf@default(draft) add gg
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
Check that prune respects the allowunstable option
$ hg up -C .
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg up 20
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg evolve --all
nothing to evolve on current working copy parent
(2 other unstable in the repository, do you want --any or --rev)
$ hg evolve --all --any
move:[22] add j2
atop:[26] add j1
move:[23] add j3
atop:[27] add j2
working directory is now at c9a20e2d74aa
$ glog -r "18::"
@ 28:c9a20e2d74aa@default(draft) add j3
o 27:b0e3066231e2@default(draft) add j2
o 26:044804d0c10d@default(draft) add j1
| o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
| |
o | 19:24e63b319adf@default(draft) add gg
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
$ hg up 19
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c5_
created new head
$ hg prune '26 + 27'
abort: cannot prune in the middle of a stack
(new unstable changesets are not allowed)
$ hg prune '19::28'
abort: cannot prune in the middle of a stack
(new unstable changesets are not allowed)
$ hg prune '26::'
3 changesets pruned
$ glog -r "18::"
@ 29:2251801b6c91@default(draft) add c5_
| o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
| |
o | 19:24e63b319adf@default(draft) add gg
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
Check that fold respects the allowunstable option
$ hg up edc3c9de504e
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit unstableifparentisfolded
created new head
$ glog -r "18::"
@ 30:68330ac625b8@default(draft) add unstableifparentisfolded
| o 29:2251801b6c91@default(draft) add c5_
| |
+---o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
| |
| o 19:24e63b319adf@default(draft) add gg
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
$ hg fold --exact "19 + 18"
abort: cannot fold chain not ending with a head or with branching
(new unstable changesets are not allowed)
$ hg fold --exact "18::29"
abort: cannot fold chain not ending with a head or with branching
(new unstable changesets are not allowed)
$ hg fold --exact "19::"
2 changesets folded
Check that evolve shows error while handling split commits
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [experimental]
> evolution=all
$ glog -r "18::"
o 31:580886d07058@default(draft) add gg
| @ 30:68330ac625b8@default(draft) add unstableifparentisfolded
| o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
Create a split commit
$ printf "oo" > oo;
$ printf "pp" > pp;
$ hg add oo pp
$ hg commit -m "oo+pp"
$ mkcommit uu
$ hg up 30
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ printf "oo" > oo;
$ hg add oo
$ hg commit -m "_oo"
created new head
$ printf "pp" > pp;
$ hg add pp
$ hg commit -m "_pp"
$ hg prune --succ "desc(_oo) + desc(_pp)" -r "desc('oo+pp')" --split
1 changesets pruned
1 new unstable changesets
$ glog -r "18::"
@ 35:7a555adf2b4a@default(draft) _pp
o 34:2be4d2d5bf34@default(draft) _oo
| o 33:53f0c003e03e@default(draft) add uu
| |
| x 32:1bf2152f4f82@default(draft) oo+pp
| o 31:580886d07058@default(draft) add gg
| |
o | 30:68330ac625b8@default(draft) add unstableifparentisfolded
| o 20:e02107f98737@default(draft) add gh
o 18:edc3c9de504e@default(draft) a3
$ hg evolve --rev "18::"
move:[33] add uu
atop:[35] _pp
working directory is now at 43c3f5ef149f
Check that dirstate changes are kept at failure for conflicts (issue4966)
$ echo "will be amended" > newfile
$ hg commit -m "will be amended"
$ hg parents
37 : will be amended - test
$ echo "will be evolved safely" >> a
$ hg commit -m "will be evolved safely"
$ echo "will cause conflict at evolve" > newfile
$ echo "newly added" > newlyadded
$ hg add newlyadded
$ hg commit -m "will cause conflict at evolve"
$ hg update -q 37
$ echo "amended" > newfile
$ hg amend -m "amended"
2 new unstable changesets
$ hg evolve --rev "37::"
move:[38] will be evolved safely
atop:[41] amended
move:[39] will cause conflict at evolve
atop:[42] will be evolved safely
merging newfile
warning: conflicts while merging newfile! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
evolve failed!
fix conflict and run 'hg evolve --continue' or use 'hg update -C .' to abort
abort: unresolved merge conflicts (see hg help resolve)
$ glog -r "36::" --hidden
@ 42:c904da5245b0@default(draft) will be evolved safely
o 41:34ae045ec400@default(draft) amended
| x 40:e88bee38ffc2@default(draft) temporary amend commit for 36030b147271
| |
| | o 39:02e943732647@default(draft) will cause conflict at evolve
| | |
| | x 38:f8e30e9317aa@default(draft) will be evolved safely
| |/
| x 37:36030b147271@default(draft) will be amended
o 36:43c3f5ef149f@default(draft) add uu
$ hg status newlyadded
A newlyadded
hg metaedit
$ hg update --clean .
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ rm newlyadded
$ hg metaedit -r 0
abort: cannot edit commit information for public revisions
$ hg metaedit --fold
abort: revisions must be specified with --fold
$ hg metaedit -r 0 --fold
abort: cannot fold public revisions
$ hg metaedit '36 + 42' --fold
abort: cannot fold non-linear revisions (multiple roots given)
$ hg metaedit '36::39 + 41' --fold
abort: cannot fold non-linear revisions (multiple heads given)
check that metaedit respects allowunstable
$ hg metaedit '.^' --config 'experimental.evolution=createmarkers, allnewcommands'
abort: cannot edit commit information in the middle of a stack
(c904da5245b0 will become unstable and new unstable changes are not allowed)
$ hg metaedit '18::20' --fold --config 'experimental.evolution=createmarkers, allnewcommands'
abort: cannot fold chain not ending with a head or with branching
(new unstable changesets are not allowed)
$ hg metaedit --user foobar
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg log --template '{rev}: {author}\n' -r '42:' --hidden
42: test
43: foobar
$ hg log --template '{rev}: {author}\n' -r .
43: foobar
TODO: support this
$ hg metaedit '.^::.'
abort: editing multiple revisions without --fold is not currently supported
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg metaedit '.^::.' --fold
HG: This is a fold of 2 changesets.
HG: Commit message of changeset 41.
HG: Commit message of changeset 43.
will be evolved safely
HG: Enter commit message. Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
HG: --
HG: user: test
HG: branch 'default'
HG: changed a
HG: changed newfile
2 changesets folded
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ glog -r .
@ 44:41bf1183869c@default(draft) amended
no new commit is created here because the date is the same
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg metaedit
will be evolved safely
HG: Enter commit message. Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
HG: --
HG: user: test
HG: branch 'default'
HG: changed a
HG: changed newfile
nothing changed
$ glog -r '.^::.'
@ 44:41bf1183869c@default(draft) amended
o 36:43c3f5ef149f@default(draft) add uu
TODO: don't create a new commit in this case
$ hg metaedit --config defaults.metaedit=
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg log -r '.^::.' --template '{rev}: {desc|firstline}\n'
36: add uu
45: amended
$ hg up .^
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg metaedit --user foobar2 45
$ hg log --template '{rev}: {author}\n' -r '42:' --hidden
42: test
43: foobar
44: test
45: test
46: foobar2
$ hg diff -r 45 -r 46 --hidden
'fold' one commit
$ hg metaedit 39 --fold --user foobar3
1 changesets folded
$ hg log -r 47 --template '{rev}: {author}\n'
47: foobar3