obshashrange: warm the cache at the end of each transaction
This will help having warmed cache for read only client.
The warming is still imperfect in case of markers that trigger a reset, but we
are in a better place than what we used to be.
Initial setup
This Mercurial configuration example is used for testing.
.. Various setup
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
> [ui]
> # This is change the default output of log for clear tutorial
> logtemplate ="{node|short} ({phase}): {desc}\n"
> [diff]
> # use "git" diff format, clearer and smarter format
> git = 1
> [alias]
> # "-d '0 0'" means that the new commit will be at January 1st 1970.
> # This is used for stable hash during test
> # (this tutorial is automatically tested.)
> amend = amend -d '0 0'
$ hg init local
$ cat >> local/.hg/hgrc << EOF
> [paths]
> remote = ../remote
> other = ../other
> [ui]
> user = Babar the King
$ hg init remote
$ cat >> remote/.hg/hgrc << EOF
> [paths]
> local = ../local
> [ui]
> user = Celestine the Queen
$ hg init other
$ cat >> other/.hg/hgrc << EOF
> [ui]
> user = Princess Flore
This tutorial uses the following configuration for Mercurial:
A compact log template with phase data:
$ hg showconfig ui | grep log
ui.logtemplate="{node|short} ({phase}): {desc}\n"
Improved git format diff:
$ hg showconfig diff
And of course, we enable the experimental extensions for mutable history:
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [extensions]
> evolve = $TESTDIR/../hgext3rd/evolve/
> # enabling rebase is also needed for now
> rebase =
Single Developer Usage
This tutorial shows how to use evolution to rewrite history locally.
Fixing mistake with `hg amend`
We are versioning a shopping list
$ cd local
$ cat >> shopping << EOF
> Spam
> Whizzo butter
> Albatross
> Rat (rather a lot)
> Jugged fish
> Blancmange
> Salmon mousse
$ hg commit -A -m "Monthy Python Shopping list"
adding shopping
Its first version is shared with the outside.
$ hg push remote
pushing to $TESTTMP/remote (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
Later I add additional item to my list
$ cat >> shopping << EOF
> Egg
> Suggar
> Vinegar
> Oil
$ hg commit -m "adding condiment"
$ cat >> shopping << EOF
> Bananos
> Pear
> Apple
$ hg commit -m "adding fruit"
This history is very linear
$ hg log -G
@ d85de4546133 (draft): adding fruit
o 4d5dc8187023 (draft): adding condiment
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
But a typo was made in Babanas!
$ hg export tip
# HG changeset patch
# User test
# Date 0 0
# Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
# Node ID d85de4546133030c82d257bbcdd9b1b416d0c31c
# Parent 4d5dc81870237d492284826e21840b2ca00e26d1
adding fruit
diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
--- a/shopping
+++ b/shopping
@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
The faulty changeset is in the "draft" phase because it has not been exchanged with
the outside. The first one has been exchanged and is "public" (immutable).
$ hg log -G
@ d85de4546133 (draft): adding fruit
o 4d5dc8187023 (draft): adding condiment
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
hopefully. I can use `hg commit --amend` to rewrite my faulty changeset!
$ sed -i'' -e s/Bananos/Banana/ shopping
$ hg diff
diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
--- a/shopping
+++ b/shopping
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
$ hg commit --amend
A new changeset with the right diff replace the wrong one.
$ hg log -G
@ 9d0363b81950 (draft): adding fruit
o 4d5dc8187023 (draft): adding condiment
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
$ hg export tip
# HG changeset patch
# User test
# Date 0 0
# Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
# Node ID 9d0363b81950646bc6ad1ec5de8b8197ea586541
# Parent 4d5dc81870237d492284826e21840b2ca00e26d1
adding fruit
diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
--- a/shopping
+++ b/shopping
@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
Getting rid of branchy history
While I was working on my list. someone made a change remotely.
$ cd ../remote
$ hg up -q
$ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam/' shopping
$ hg ci -m 'SPAM'
$ cd ../local
I'll get this remote changeset when pulling
$ hg pull remote
pulling from $TESTTMP/remote (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
I now have a new heads. Note that this remote head is immutable
$ hg log -G
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
| @ 9d0363b81950 (draft): adding fruit
| |
| o 4d5dc8187023 (draft): adding condiment
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
instead of merging my head with the new one. I'm going to rebase my work
$ hg diff
$ hg rebase --dest 9ca060c80d74 --source 4d5dc8187023
rebasing 1:4d5dc8187023 "adding condiment"
merging shopping
rebasing 4:9d0363b81950 "adding fruit"
merging shopping
My local work is now rebased on the remote one.
$ hg log -G
@ 41aff6a42b75 (draft): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (draft): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
Removing changesets
I add new item to my list
$ cat >> shopping << EOF
> car
> bus
> plane
> boat
$ hg ci -m 'transport'
$ hg log -G
@ 1125e39fbf21 (draft): transport
o 41aff6a42b75 (draft): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (draft): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
I have a new commit but I realize that don't want it. (transport shop list does
not fit well in my standard shopping list)
$ hg prune . # "." is for working directory parent
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory now at 41aff6a42b75
1 changesets pruned
The silly changeset is gone.
$ hg log -G
@ 41aff6a42b75 (draft): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (draft): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
Reordering changesets
We create two changesets.
$ cat >> shopping << EOF
> Shampoo
> Toothbrush
> ... More bathroom stuff to come
> Towel
> Soap
$ hg ci -m 'bathroom stuff' -q # XXX remove the -q
$ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam/g' shopping
$ hg ci -m 'SPAM SPAM'
$ hg log -G
@ fac207dec9f5 (draft): SPAM SPAM
o 10b8aeaa8cc8 (draft): bathroom stuff
o 41aff6a42b75 (draft): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (draft): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
.. note:: We can't amend changeset 7e82d3f3c2cb or 9ca060c80d74 as they are immutable.
I now want to push to remote all my changes except the bathroom one, which I'm
not totally happy with yet. To be able to push "SPAM SPAM" I need a version of
"SPAM SPAM" which is not a child of "bathroom stuff"
You can use the 'grab' alias for that.
.. note: grab is an alias for `hg rebase --dest . --rev <target>; hg up <there>`
$ hg up 'p1(10b8aeaa8cc8)' # going on "bathroom stuff" parent
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg grab fac207dec9f5 # moving "SPAM SPAM" to the working directory parent
rebasing 10:fac207dec9f5 "SPAM SPAM" (tip)
merging shopping
? files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved (glob)
$ hg log -G
@ a224f2a4fb9f (draft): SPAM SPAM
| o 10b8aeaa8cc8 (draft): bathroom stuff
o 41aff6a42b75 (draft): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (draft): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
We have a new SPAM SPAM version without the bathroom stuff
$ grep Spam shopping # enough spam
Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
$ grep Toothbrush shopping # no Toothbrush
$ hg export .
# HG changeset patch
# User test
# Date 0 0
# Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
# Node ID a224f2a4fb9f9f828f608959912229d7b38b26de
# Parent 41aff6a42b7578ec7ec3cb2041633f1ca43cca96
diff --git a/shopping b/shopping
--- a/shopping
+++ b/shopping
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Spam Spam Spam
+Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
Whizzo butter
Rat (rather a lot)
To make sure I do not push unready changeset by mistake I set the "bathroom
stuff" changeset in the secret phase.
$ hg phase --force --secret 10b8aeaa8cc8
we can now push our change:
$ hg push remote
pushing to $TESTTMP/remote (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 1 files
6 new obsolescence markers
for simplicity sake we get the bathroom change in line again
$ hg grab 10b8aeaa8cc8
rebasing 9:10b8aeaa8cc8 "bathroom stuff"
merging shopping
? files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved (glob)
$ hg phase --draft .
$ hg log -G
@ 75954b8cd933 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
Splitting change
This part is not written yet, but you can use either the `histedit` extension
of the `uncommit` command to splitting a change.
$ hg help uncommit
hg uncommit [OPTION]... [NAME]
move changes from parent revision to working directory
Changes to selected files in the checked out revision appear again as
uncommitted changed in the working directory. A new revision without the
selected changes is created, becomes the checked out revision, and
obsoletes the previous one.
The --include option specifies patterns to uncommit. The --exclude option
specifies patterns to keep in the commit.
The --rev argument let you change the commit file to a content of another
revision. It still does not change the content of your file in the working
Return 0 if changed files are uncommitted.
options ([+] can be repeated):
-a --all uncommit all changes when no arguments given
-r --rev VALUE revert commit content to REV instead
-I --include PATTERN [+] include names matching the given patterns
-X --exclude PATTERN [+] exclude names matching the given patterns
(some details hidden, use --verbose to show complete help)
The edit command of histedit can be used to split changeset:
Collapsing change
The tutorial part is not written yet but can use `hg fold`:
$ hg help fold
hg fold [OPTION]... [-r] REV
aliases: squash
fold multiple revisions into a single one
With --from, folds all the revisions linearly between the given revisions
and the parent of the working directory.
With --exact, folds only the specified revisions while ignoring the parent
of the working directory. In this case, the given revisions must form a
linear unbroken chain.
options ([+] can be repeated):
-r --rev VALUE [+] revision to fold
--exact only fold specified revisions
--from fold revisions linearly to working copy parent
-m --message TEXT use text as commit message
-l --logfile FILE read commit message from file
-d --date DATE record the specified date as commit date
-u --user USER record the specified user as committer
(some details hidden, use --verbose to show complete help)
sharing mutable changesets
To share mutable changesets with others, just check that the repo you interact
with is "not publishing". Otherwise you will get the previously observe
behavior where exchanged changeset are automatically published.
$ cd ../remote
$ hg -R ../local/ showconfig phases
the localrepo does not have any specific configuration for `phases.publish`. It
is ``true`` by default.
$ hg pull local
pulling from $TESTTMP/local (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
1 new obsolescence markers
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
$ hg log -G
o 75954b8cd933 (public): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
@ 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
We do not want to publish the "bathroom changeset". Let's rollback the last transaction.
.. Warning: Rollback is actually a dangerous kind of internal command that is deprecated and should not be exposed to user. Please forget you read about it until someone fix this tutorial.
$ hg rollback
repository tip rolled back to revision 4 (undo pull)
$ hg log -G
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
@ 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
Let's make the local repo "non publishing"
$ echo '[phases]' >> ../local/.hg/hgrc
$ echo 'publish=false' >> ../local/.hg/hgrc
$ echo '[phases]' >> .hg/hgrc
$ echo 'publish=false' >> .hg/hgrc
$ hg showconfig phases
$ hg -R ../local/ showconfig phases
I can now exchange mutable changeset between "remote" and "local" repository.
$ hg pull local
pulling from $TESTTMP/local (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
1 new obsolescence markers
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
$ hg log -G
o 75954b8cd933 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
@ 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
Rebasing unstable change after pull
Remotely someone add a new changeset on top of the mutable "bathroom" on.
$ hg up 75954b8cd933 -q
$ cat >> shopping << EOF
> Giraffe
> Rhino
> Lion
> Bear
$ hg ci -m 'animals'
But at the same time, locally, this same "bathroom changeset" was updated.
$ cd ../local
$ hg up 75954b8cd933 -q
$ sed -i'' -e 's/... More bathroom stuff to come/Bath Robe/' shopping
$ hg commit --amend
$ hg log -G
@ a44c85f957d3 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
When we pull from remote again we get an unstable state!
$ hg pull remote
pulling from $TESTTMP/remote (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
1 new unstable changesets
The new changeset "animal" is based on an old changeset of "bathroom". You can
see both version showing up in the log.
$ hg log -G
o bf1b0d202029 (draft): animals
| @ a44c85f957d3 (draft): bathroom stuff
| |
x | 75954b8cd933 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
The older version 75954b8cd933 never ceased to exist in the local repo. It was
just hidden and excluded from pull and push.
.. note:: In hgview there is a nice dotted relation highlighting a44c85f957d3 as a new version of 75954b8cd933. this is not yet ported to ``hg log -G``.
There is now an **unstable** changeset in this history. Mercurial will refuse to
share it with the outside:
$ hg push other
pushing to $TESTTMP/other (glob)
searching for changes
abort: push includes unstable changeset: bf1b0d202029!
(use 'hg evolve' to get a stable history or --force to ignore warnings)
To resolve this unstable state, you need to rebase bf1b0d202029 onto
a44c85f957d3. The `hg evolve` command will do this for you.
It has a --dry-run option to only suggest the next move.
$ hg evolve --dry-run
move:[15] animals
atop:[14] bathroom stuff
hg rebase -r bf1b0d202029 -d a44c85f957d3
Let's do it
$ hg evolve
move:[15] animals
atop:[14] bathroom stuff
merging shopping
working directory is now at ee942144f952
The old version of bathroom is hidden again.
$ hg log -G
@ ee942144f952 (draft): animals
o a44c85f957d3 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
We can push this evolution to remote
$ hg push remote
pushing to $TESTTMP/remote (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
3 new obsolescence markers
remote get a warning that current working directory is based on an obsolete changeset
$ cd ../remote
$ hg pull local # we up again to trigger the warning. it was displayed during the push
pulling from $TESTTMP/local (glob)
searching for changes
no changes found
working directory parent is obsolete! (bf1b0d202029)
(use 'hg evolve' to update to its successor: ee942144f952)
now let's see where we are, and update to the successor
$ hg parents
bf1b0d202029 (draft): animals
working directory parent is obsolete! (bf1b0d202029)
(use 'hg evolve' to update to its successor: ee942144f952)
$ hg evolve
update:[8] animals
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory is now at ee942144f952
Relocating unstable change after prune
The remote guy keep working
$ sed -i'' -e 's/Spam/Spam Spam Spam Spam/g' shopping
$ hg commit -m "SPAM SPAM SPAM"
I'm pulling its work locally.
$ cd ../local
$ hg pull remote
pulling from $TESTTMP/remote (glob)
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
$ hg log -G
o 99f039c5ec9e (draft): SPAM SPAM SPAM
@ ee942144f952 (draft): animals
o a44c85f957d3 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
In the mean time I noticed you can't buy animals in a super market and I prune the animal changeset:
$ hg prune ee942144f952
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
working directory now at a44c85f957d3
1 changesets pruned
1 new unstable changesets
The animals changeset is still displayed because the "SPAM SPAM SPAM" changeset
is neither dead or obsolete. My repository is in an unstable state again.
$ hg log -G
o 99f039c5ec9e (draft): SPAM SPAM SPAM
x ee942144f952 (draft): animals
@ a44c85f957d3 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
$ hg log -r 'unstable()'
99f039c5ec9e (draft): SPAM SPAM SPAM
$ hg evolve
move:[17] SPAM SPAM SPAM
atop:[14] bathroom stuff
merging shopping
working directory is now at 40aa40daeefb
$ hg log -G
@ 40aa40daeefb (draft): SPAM SPAM SPAM
o a44c85f957d3 (draft): bathroom stuff
o a224f2a4fb9f (public): SPAM SPAM
o 41aff6a42b75 (public): adding fruit
o dfd3a2d7691e (public): adding condiment
o 9ca060c80d74 (public): SPAM
o 7e82d3f3c2cb (public): Monthy Python Shopping list
Handling Divergent amend
We can detect that multiple diverging amendments have been made.
The `evolve` command can solve this situation. But all corner case are not
handled now.
This section needs to be written.