author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 12 May 2017 21:21:31 +0200
changeset 2366 2241433a77e5
parent 2277 61d885899466
child 2710 e22de367fc74
permissions -rw-r--r--
obshashrange: warm the cache at the end of each transaction This will help having warmed cache for read only client. The warming is still imperfect in case of markers that trigger a reset, but we are in a better place than what we used to be.

Testing head checking code: Case A-4

Mercurial checks for the introduction of new heads on push. Evolution comes
into play to detect if existing branches on the server are being replaced by
some of the new one we push.

This case is part of a series of tests checking this behavior.

Category A: simple case involving a branch being superceeded by another.
TestCase 4: New changeset as children of the successor

.. old-state:
.. * 1-changeset branch
.. new-state:
.. * 2-changeset branch, first is a successor, but head is new
.. expected-result:
.. * push allowed
.. graph-summary:
..        B
..       |
..   A ø⇠◔ A'
..     |/
..     ●

  $ . $TESTDIR/testlib/push-checkheads-util.sh

Test setup

  $ mkdir A4
  $ cd A4
  $ setuprepos
  creating basic server and client repo
  updating to branch default
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cd client
  $ hg up 0
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ mkcommit A1
  created new head
  $ hg debugobsolete `getid "desc(A0)" ` `getid "desc(A1)"`
  $ mkcommit B0
  $ hg log -G --hidden
  @  f40ded968333 (draft): B0
  o  f6082bc4ffef (draft): A1
  | x  8aaa48160adc (draft): A0
  o  1e4be0697311 (public): root

Actual testing

  $ hg push
  pushing to $TESTTMP/A4/server (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files (+1 heads)
  1 new obsolescence markers

  $ cd ../../