exchange: fix pull over wire protocol
Actually hand pulled obsolescence markers to the pull logic.
In the wire protocol case we did not reset the position of the file pointer
after writing the pulled data. This lead the pull logic to thing that no markers
were send at all.
This changeset fix this client side bug.
(apparently no test check both markers pulling and wireprotocol)
Initial setup
== B.6 Pruned changeset with ancestors not in pushed set ===
.. {{{
.. B ø⇠⊗ B'
.. | |
.. A ○ |
.. |/
.. ● O
.. }}}
.. Marker exist from:
.. * `Bø⇠⊗ B'`
.. * B' prune
.. Command run:
.. * hg push -r O
.. Expected exchange:
.. * `Bø⇠⊗ B'`
.. * B' prune
$ setuprepos B.6
creating test repo for test case B.6
- pulldest
- main
- pushdest
cd into `main` and proceed with env setup
$ cd main
$ mkcommit A
$ mkcommit B0
$ hg up --quiet 0
$ mkcommit B1
created new head
$ hg debugobsolete `getid 'desc(B0)'` `getid 'desc(B1)'`
$ hg prune -qd '0 0' .
$ hg log -G --hidden
x f6298a8ac3a4 (draft): B1
| x 962ecf6b1afc (draft): B0
| |
| o f5bc6836db60 (draft): A
@ a9bdc8b26820 (public): O
$ hg debugobsolete
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
Actual Test
$ dotest B.6 O
## Running testcase B.6
# testing echange of "O" (a9bdc8b26820)
## initial state
# obstore: main
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
# obstore: pulldest
## pushing "O" from main to pushdest
pushing to pushdest
searching for changes
no changes found
OBSEXC: computing relevant nodes
OBSEXC: computing markers relevant to 1 nodes
OBSEXC: encoding 2 markers
OBSEXC: sending 1 pushkey payload (188 bytes)
## post push state
# obstore: main
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pulldest
## pulling "a9bdc8b26820" from main into pulldest
pulling from main
no changes found
OBSEXC: pull obsolescence markers
OBSEXC: merging obsolescence markers (150 bytes)
OBSEXC: 2 markers added
## post pull state
# obstore: main
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pulldest
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '0 0', 'p1': 'a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04', 'user': 'test'}
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {'date': '', 'user': 'test'}