obsfate: add a new obsfate template
The obsfate template display for each obsolete changeset a line summarizing
what changed between the changeset and its successors.
This dict is computed in obshistory._preparesuccessorset. It uses
obshistory.FORMATSSETSFUNCTIONS which is a list of function that
individually compute a part of each dict. You can override fields or add new
ones by adding your own function in this list.
The format of obsfate is computed in templatekw.obsfatedefaulttempl and can be
wrapped if necessary, the code is not quite extendable for the moment but can
be refactored later.
Topic Extension
This packages also provides the ``topic`` experiment in an independent
extension. It implements a new experimental concept to provide lightweight
feature branches for the mutable parts of the history. The experiments is still
at an early stage and have significant usability and performance issues when
How to Install
The ``topic`` extension is included into the ``evolve` package, so the same instruction apply.
Using Pip
You can install the latest version using pip::
$ pip install --user hg-evolve
Then just enable it in you hgrc::
$ hg config --edit # adds the two line below:
topic =
From Source
To install a local version from source::
$ hg clone https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/evolve/
$ cd evolve
$ make install-home
The topic extensions is included in the evolve package. See the install instruction for evolve.
Then enable it in you configuration::
$ hg config --edit # adds the two line below:
topic =
* See 'hg help -e topic' for a generic help.
* See 'hg help topics' and 'hg help stack' for help on specific commands.
* See the 'tests/test-topic-tutorial.t' file for a quick tutorial.