obsfate: add a new obsfate template
The obsfate template display for each obsolete changeset a line summarizing
what changed between the changeset and its successors.
This dict is computed in obshistory._preparesuccessorset. It uses
obshistory.FORMATSSETSFUNCTIONS which is a list of function that
individually compute a part of each dict. You can override fields or add new
ones by adding your own function in this list.
The format of obsfate is computed in templatekw.obsfatedefaulttempl and can be
wrapped if necessary, the code is not quite extendable for the moment but can
be refactored later.
VERSION=$(shell python setup.py --version)
all: help
python setup.py sdist --dist-dir ..
mv -f ../hg-evolve-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
tar xf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
rm -rf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
mv hg-evolve-$(VERSION) ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
cp -r debian/ ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig/
@cd ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig && echo 'debian build directory ready at' `pwd`
$(PYTHON) setup.py install --home="$(HOME)" --prefix="" --force
# test targets
TESTFLAGS ?= $(shell echo $$HGTESTFLAGS)
@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
@echo ' deb-prepare - prepare the build of a debian package'
@echo ' tests - run all tests in the automatic test suite'
@echo ' all-version-tests - run all tests against many hg versions'
@echo ' tests-%s - run all tests in the specified hg version'
all: help
ifeq ($(HGROOT),)
$(error HGROOT is not set to the root of the hg source tree)
tests: _check_hgroot
cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS)
# /!\ run outside of the compatibility branch output test will likely fails
test-%: _check_hgroot
cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS) $@
tests-%: _check_hgroot
hg -R $(HGROOT) checkout $$(echo $@ | sed s/tests-//) && \
(cd $(HGROOT) ; $(MAKE) clean ) && \
cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS)
# build a script to extract declared version
all-version-tests: tests-@
.PHONY: tests all-version-tests