prune: spell --successor flag without any unnecessary shortcuts
If a user wants to spell out -s, it makes sense to allow that. Before this
patch, prune would complain that --successor is not a recognized option.
Obviously people don't usually need to spell --successors by hand thanks to
shell completion (at least for Bash) using debugcomplete to see all available
flags, so this patch doesn't bring any need for more typing.
And thanks to Mercurial understanding shortened forms of command-line flags as
long as they are unambiguous, the old-style `--succ` flags still work normally,
and there are tests that use them. But two tests now use the full form to
demonstrate that both ways work.
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/"
Initial setup
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> [ui]
> logtemplate = {rev} {branch} \{{get(namespaces, "topics")}} {phase} {desc|firstline}\n
> [experimental]
> evolution=all
$ hg init main
$ cd main
$ hg topic other
marked working directory as topic: other
$ echo aaa > aaa
$ hg add aaa
$ hg commit -m c_a
active topic 'other' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ echo aaa > bbb
$ hg add bbb
$ hg commit -m c_b
$ hg topic foo
$ echo aaa > ccc
$ hg add ccc
$ hg commit -m c_c
active topic 'foo' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ echo aaa > ddd
$ hg add ddd
$ hg commit -m c_d
$ echo aaa > eee
$ hg add eee
$ hg commit -m c_e
$ echo aaa > fff
$ hg add fff
$ hg commit -m c_f
$ hg log -G
@ 5 default {foo} draft c_f
o 4 default {foo} draft c_e
o 3 default {foo} draft c_d
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {other} draft c_b
o 0 default {other} draft c_a
Check that topic without any parent does not crash --list
$ hg up other
switching to topic other
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic --list
### topic: other
### target: default (branch)
s2@ c_b (current)
s1: c_a
$ hg phase --public 'topic("other")'
active topic 'other' is now empty
(use 'hg topic --clear' to clear it if needed)
After changing the phase of all the changesets in "other" to public, the topic should still be active, but is empty. We should be better at informating the user about it and displaying good data in this case.
$ hg topic
foo (4 changesets)
* other (0 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: other
### target: default (branch)
(stack is empty)
s0^ c_b (base current)
$ hg up foo
switching to topic foo
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Simple test
'hg stack' list all changeset in the topic
$ hg topic
* foo (4 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4@ c_f (current)
s3: c_e
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
$ hg stack -v
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4(6559e6d93aea)@ c_f (current)
s3(0f9ac936c87d): c_e
s2(e629654d7050): c_d
s1(8522f9e3fee9): c_c
s0(ea705abc4f51)^ c_b (base)
$ hg stack -Tjson | python -m json.tool
"desc": "c_f",
"isentry": true,
"node": "6559e6d93aeadba940874f54f106c61931b5b8cf",
"stack_index": 4,
"state": [
"symbol": "@"
"desc": "c_e",
"isentry": true,
"node": "0f9ac936c87d1d991011862aff4e86d0c3300a89",
"stack_index": 3,
"state": [
"symbol": ":"
"desc": "c_d",
"isentry": true,
"node": "e629654d70505107cca3d12782d9c5a50d8fb9c8",
"stack_index": 2,
"state": [
"symbol": ":"
"desc": "c_c",
"isentry": true,
"node": "8522f9e3fee92d4ec4e688ac3fbd2ee0f8fd5036",
"stack_index": 1,
"state": [
"symbol": ":"
"desc": "c_b",
"isentry": false,
"node": "ea705abc4f51e26d356ed94b3443e8c19b76cedf",
"stack_index": 0,
"state": [
"symbol": "^"
$ hg stack -v -Tjson | python -m json.tool
"desc": "c_f",
"isentry": true,
"node": "6559e6d93aeadba940874f54f106c61931b5b8cf",
"stack_index": 4,
"state": [
"symbol": "@"
"desc": "c_e",
"isentry": true,
"node": "0f9ac936c87d1d991011862aff4e86d0c3300a89",
"stack_index": 3,
"state": [
"symbol": ":"
"desc": "c_d",
"isentry": true,
"node": "e629654d70505107cca3d12782d9c5a50d8fb9c8",
"stack_index": 2,
"state": [
"symbol": ":"
"desc": "c_c",
"isentry": true,
"node": "8522f9e3fee92d4ec4e688ac3fbd2ee0f8fd5036",
"stack_index": 1,
"state": [
"symbol": ":"
"desc": "c_b",
"isentry": false,
"node": "ea705abc4f51e26d356ed94b3443e8c19b76cedf",
"stack_index": 0,
"state": [
"symbol": "^"
$ hg stack -T '{rev}: [{branch}] [{topic}] {desc}\n'
5: [default] [foo] c_f
4: [default] [foo] c_e
3: [default] [foo] c_d
2: [default] [foo] c_c
1: [default] [] c_b
check that topics and stack are available even if ui.strict=true
$ hg topics
* foo (4 changesets)
$ hg stack
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4@ c_f (current)
s3: c_e
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
$ hg topics --config ui.strict=true
* foo (4 changesets)
$ hg stack --config ui.strict=true
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4@ c_f (current)
s3: c_e
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
merge case (displaying info about external)
$ hg up default
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topics zzz
marked working directory as topic: zzz
$ echo zzz > zzz
$ hg add zzz
$ hg commit -m zzz_a
active topic 'zzz' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg merge foo
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg commit -m "merged foo"
stack -m display data about child
$ hg stack foo
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4: c_f
s3: c_e
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
$ hg stack foo --children
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4: c_f (external-children)
s3: c_e
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
error case, nothing to list
$ hg strip --config extensions.strip= t1 --no-backup
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 5 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg up foo
switching to topic foo
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic --clear
$ hg stack
### target: default (branch)
(stack is empty)
s0^ c_f (base current)
Test "t#" reference
$ hg up s2
abort: cannot resolve "s2": branch "default" has only 0 non-public changesets
$ hg topic foo
marked working directory as topic: foo
$ hg up t42
abort: cannot resolve "t42": topic "foo" has only 4 changesets
$ hg up s42
abort: cannot resolve "s42": topic "foo" has only 4 changesets
$ hg up s2
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg summary
parent: 3:e629654d7050
branch: default
commit: (clean)
update: (current)
phases: 4 draft
topic: foo
Case with some of the topic unstable
$ echo bbb > ddd
$ hg commit --amend
2 new orphan changesets
$ hg log -G
@ 6 default {foo} draft c_d
| * 5 default {foo} draft c_f
| |
| * 4 default {foo} draft c_e
| |
| x 3 default {foo} draft c_d
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
$ hg topic --list
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4$ c_f (orphan)
s3$ c_e (orphan)
s2@ c_d (current)
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
$ hg up s3
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic --list
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s4$ c_f (orphan)
s3@ c_e (current orphan)
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
$ hg topic --list --color=debug
[stack.summary.topic|### topic: [|foo]]
[stack.summary.branches|### target: default (branch)]
[stack.index stack.index.orphan|s4][stack.state stack.state.orphan|$] [stack.desc stack.desc.orphan|c_f][stack.state stack.state.orphan| (orphan)]
[stack.index stack.index.current stack.index.orphan|s3][stack.state stack.state.current stack.state.orphan|@] [stack.desc stack.desc.current stack.desc.orphan|c_e][stack.state stack.state.current stack.state.orphan| (current orphan)]
[stack.index stack.index.clean|s2][stack.state stack.state.clean|:] [stack.desc stack.desc.clean|c_d]
[stack.index stack.index.clean|s1][stack.state stack.state.clean|:] [stack.desc stack.desc.clean|c_c]
[stack.index stack.index.base|s0][stack.state stack.state.base|^] [stack.desc stack.desc.base|c_b][stack.state stack.state.base| (base)]
$ hg up s2
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Also test the revset:
$ hg log -r 'stack()'
2 default {foo} draft c_c
6 default {foo} draft c_d
4 default {foo} draft c_e
5 default {foo} draft c_f
$ hg log -r 'stack(foo)'
hg: parse error: stack takes no arguments, it works on current topic
$ hg log -r 'stack(foobar)'
hg: parse error: stack takes no arguments, it works on current topic
Stack relation subscript:
$ hg log -r 'foo#stack[0]'
1 default {} public c_b
$ hg log -r 's0 and foo#stack[0]'
1 default {} public c_b
$ hg log -r 'foo#stack[4]'
5 default {foo} draft c_f
$ hg log -r 's4 and foo#stack[4]'
5 default {foo} draft c_f
Case with multiple heads on the topic
Make things linear again
$ hg rebase -s 'desc(c_e)' -d 'desc(c_d) - obsolete()'
rebasing 4:0f9ac936c87d "c_e" (foo)
rebasing 5:6559e6d93aea "c_f" (foo)
$ hg log -G
o 8 default {foo} draft c_f
o 7 default {foo} draft c_e
@ 6 default {foo} draft c_d
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
Create the second branch
$ hg up 'desc(c_d)'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo aaa > ggg
$ hg add ggg
$ hg commit -m c_g
$ echo aaa > hhh
$ hg add hhh
$ hg commit -m c_h
$ hg log -G
@ 10 default {foo} draft c_h
o 9 default {foo} draft c_g
| o 8 default {foo} draft c_f
| |
| o 7 default {foo} draft c_e
o 6 default {foo} draft c_d
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
Test output
$ hg top -l
### topic: foo (2 heads)
### target: default (branch)
s6@ c_h (current)
s5: c_g
s2^ c_d (base)
s4: c_f
s3: c_e
s2: c_d
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
Case with multiple heads on the topic with unstability involved
We amend the message to make sure the display base pick the right changeset
$ hg up 'desc(c_d)'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo ccc > ddd
$ hg commit --amend -m 'c_D'
4 new orphan changesets
$ hg rebase -d . -s 'desc(c_g)'
rebasing 9:81264ae8a36a "c_g" (foo)
rebasing 10:fde5f5941642 "c_h" (foo)
$ hg log -G
o 13 default {foo} draft c_h
o 12 default {foo} draft c_g
@ 11 default {foo} draft c_D
| * 8 default {foo} draft c_f
| |
| * 7 default {foo} draft c_e
| |
| x 6 default {foo} draft c_d
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
$ hg topic --list
### topic: foo (2 heads)
### target: default (branch)
s6: c_h
s5: c_g
s2^ c_D (base current)
s4$ c_f (orphan)
s3$ c_e (orphan)
s2@ c_D (current)
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
Trying to list non existing topic
$ hg stack thisdoesnotexist
abort: cannot resolve "thisdoesnotexist": no such topic found
$ hg topic --list thisdoesnotexist
abort: cannot resolve "thisdoesnotexist": no such topic found
Complex cases where commits with same topic are not consecutive but are linear
$ hg log --graph
o 13 default {foo} draft c_h
o 12 default {foo} draft c_g
@ 11 default {foo} draft c_D
| * 8 default {foo} draft c_f
| |
| * 7 default {foo} draft c_e
| |
| x 6 default {foo} draft c_d
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
Converting into a linear chain
$ hg rebase -s 'desc("c_e") - obsolete()' -d 'desc("c_h") - obsolete()'
rebasing 7:215bc359096a "c_e" (foo)
rebasing 8:ec9267b3f33f "c_f" (foo)
$ hg log -G
o 15 default {foo} draft c_f
o 14 default {foo} draft c_e
o 13 default {foo} draft c_h
o 12 default {foo} draft c_g
@ 11 default {foo} draft c_D
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
Changing topics on some commits in between
$ hg topic foobar -r 'desc(c_e) + desc(c_D)'
switching to topic foobar
4 new orphan changesets
changed topic on 2 changesets to "foobar"
$ hg log -G
@ 17 default {foobar} draft c_D
| * 16 default {foobar} draft c_e
| |
| | * 15 default {foo} draft c_f
| | |
| | x 14 default {foo} draft c_e
| |/
| * 13 default {foo} draft c_h
| |
| * 12 default {foo} draft c_g
| |
| x 11 default {foo} draft c_D
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
$ hg rebase -s 'desc("c_f") - obsolete()' -d 'desc("c_e") - obsolete()'
rebasing 15:77082e55de88 "c_f" (foo)
switching to topic foo
1 new orphan changesets
switching to topic foobar
$ hg rebase -s 'desc("c_g") - obsolete()' -d 'desc("c_D") - obsolete()'
rebasing 12:0c3e8aed985d "c_g" (foo)
switching to topic foo
rebasing 13:b9e4f3709bc5 "c_h" (foo)
rebasing 16:4bc813530301 "c_e" (foobar)
switching to topic foobar
rebasing 18:4406ea4be852 "c_f" (tip foo)
switching to topic foo
switching to topic foobar
$ hg up
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg log --graph
o 22 default {foo} draft c_f
@ 21 default {foobar} draft c_e
o 20 default {foo} draft c_h
o 19 default {foo} draft c_g
o 17 default {foobar} draft c_D
o 2 default {foo} draft c_c
o 1 default {} public c_b
o 0 default {} public c_a
XXX: The following should show single heads
XXX: The behind count is weird, because the topic are interleaved.
$ hg stack
### topic: foobar
### target: default (branch), 3 behind
s2@ c_e (current)
^ c_h
s1: c_D
s0^ c_c (base)
$ hg stack -v
### topic: foobar
### target: default (branch), 3 behind
s2(ea0f882ce093)@ c_e (current)
^ c_h
s1(d2f548af67ab): c_D
s0(8522f9e3fee9)^ c_c (base)
$ hg stack --debug
### topic: foobar
### target: default (branch), 3 behind
s2(ea0f882ce093a2ad63db49083c5cb98a24a9470e)@ c_e (current)
^ c_h
s1(d2f548af67ab55b08452a3e00a539319490fcd5b): c_D
s0(8522f9e3fee92d4ec4e688ac3fbd2ee0f8fd5036)^ c_c (base)
$ hg stack foo
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch), ambiguous rebase destination - topic 'foo' has 3 heads
s4: c_f
^ c_e
s3: c_h
s2: c_g
^ c_D
s1: c_c
s0^ c_b (base)
case involving a merge
$ cd ..
$ hg init stack-gap-merge
$ cd stack-gap-merge
$ echo aaa > aaa
$ hg commit -Am 'c_A'
adding aaa
$ hg topic red
marked working directory as topic: red
$ echo bbb > bbb
$ hg commit -Am 'c_B'
adding bbb
active topic 'red' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ echo ccc > ccc
$ hg commit -Am 'c_C'
adding ccc
$ hg topic blue
$ echo ddd > ddd
$ hg commit -Am 'c_D'
adding ddd
active topic 'blue' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg up 'desc("c_B")'
switching to topic red
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ echo eee > eee
$ hg commit -Am 'c_E'
adding eee
$ echo fff > fff
$ hg commit -Am 'c_F'
adding fff
$ hg topic blue
$ echo ggg > ggg
$ hg commit -Am 'c_G'
adding ggg
$ hg up 'desc("c_D")'
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic red
$ hg merge 'desc("c_G")'
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg commit -Am 'c_H'
$ hg topic blue
$ echo iii > iii
$ hg ci -Am 'c_I'
adding iii
$ hg log -G
@ 8 default {blue} draft c_I
o 7 default {red} draft c_H
| o 6 default {blue} draft c_G
| |
| o 5 default {red} draft c_F
| |
| o 4 default {red} draft c_E
| |
o | 3 default {blue} draft c_D
| |
o | 2 default {red} draft c_C
o 1 default {red} draft c_B
o 0 default {} draft c_A
$ hg stack red
### topic: red
### target: default (branch), 6 behind
s5: c_H
^ c_G
^ c_D
s4: c_C
s1^ c_B (base)
s3: c_F
s2: c_E
s1: c_B
s0^ c_A (base)
$ hg stack blue
### topic: blue
### target: default (branch), ambiguous rebase destination - topic 'blue' has 3 heads
s3@ c_I (current)
^ c_H
s2: c_D
^ c_C
s1: c_G
s0^ c_F (base)
Even with some obsolete and orphan changesets
(the ordering of each branch of "blue" change because their hash change. we
should stabilize this eventuelly)
$ hg up 'desc("c_B")'
switching to topic red
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 6 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test2
7 new orphan changesets
$ hg up 'desc("c_C")'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test2
$ hg up 'desc("c_D")'
switching to topic blue
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test2
$ hg log -G --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")'
@ 11 default {blue} draft c_D
| * 8 default {blue} draft c_I
| |
| * 7 default {red} draft c_H
| |\
| | * 6 default {blue} draft c_G
| | |
| | * 5 default {red} draft c_F
| | |
| | * 4 default {red} draft c_E
| | |
| x | 3 default {blue} draft c_D
|/ /
x / 2 default {red} draft c_C
| * 10 default {red} draft c_C
x 1 default {red} draft c_B
| o 9 default {red} draft c_B
o 0 default {} draft c_A
$ hg stack red
### topic: red
### target: default (branch), ambiguous rebase destination - topic 'red' has 3 heads
s5$ c_H (orphan)
^ c_G
^ c_D
s4$ c_C (orphan)
s1^ c_B (base)
s3$ c_F (orphan)
s2$ c_E (orphan)
s1: c_B
s0^ c_A (base)
$ hg stack blue
### topic: blue
### target: default (branch), ambiguous rebase destination - topic 'blue' has 3 heads
s3$ c_I (orphan)
^ c_H
s2$ c_G (orphan)
^ c_F
s1@ c_D (current orphan)
s0^ c_C (base orphan)
more obsolescence
$ hg up 'max(desc("c_H"))'
switching to topic red
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test3
$ hg up 'max(desc("c_G"))'
switching to topic blue
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test3
$ hg up 'max(desc("c_B"))'
switching to topic red
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test3
$ hg up 'max(desc("c_C"))'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test3
$ hg up 'max(desc("c_D"))'
switching to topic blue
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg commit --amend --user test3
$ hg log -G --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")'
@ 16 default {blue} draft c_D
| * 13 default {blue} draft c_G
| |
| | * 12 default {red} draft c_H
| | |\
| | | | * 8 default {blue} draft c_I
| | | | |
| | +---x 7 default {red} draft c_H
| | | |/
| +---x 6 default {blue} draft c_G
| | |
| * | 5 default {red} draft c_F
| | |
| * | 4 default {red} draft c_E
| | |
+---x 3 default {blue} draft c_D
| |
x | 2 default {red} draft c_C
| * 15 default {red} draft c_C
x 1 default {red} draft c_B
| o 14 default {red} draft c_B
o 0 default {} draft c_A
$ hg stack red
### topic: red
### target: default (branch), ambiguous rebase destination - topic 'red' has 3 heads
s5$ c_H (orphan)
^ c_G
^ c_D
s4$ c_F (orphan)
s3$ c_E (orphan)
s1^ c_B (base)
s2$ c_C (orphan)
s1: c_B
s0^ c_A (base)
$ hg stack blue
### topic: blue
### target: default (branch), ambiguous rebase destination - topic 'blue' has 3 heads
s3$ c_I (orphan)
^ c_H
s2$ c_G (orphan)
^ c_F
s1@ c_D (current orphan)
s0^ c_C (base orphan)
Test stack behavior with a split
get things linear again
$ hg rebase -r s1 -d default
rebasing 16:1d84ec948370 "c_D" (tip blue)
switching to topic blue
$ hg rebase -r s2 -d s1
rebasing 13:3ab2eedae500 "c_G" (blue)
$ hg rebase -r s3 -d s2
rebasing 8:3bfe800e0486 "c_I" (blue)
$ hg stack
### topic: blue
### target: default (branch)
s3: c_I
s2: c_G
s1@ c_D (current)
s0^ c_A (base)
making a split
(first get something to split)
$ hg up s2
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg status --change .
A ggg
$ echo zzz > Z
$ hg add Z
$ hg commit --amend
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg status --change .
A ggg
$ hg stack
### topic: blue
### target: default (branch)
s3$ c_I (orphan)
s2@ c_G (current)
s1: c_D
s0^ c_A (base)
$ hg --config extensions.evolve= --config ui.interactive=yes split << EOF
> y
> y
> n
> c
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
adding Z
adding ggg
diff --git a/Z b/Z
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'Z'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
record change 1/2 to 'Z'? [Ynesfdaq?] y
diff --git a/ggg b/ggg
new file mode 100644
examine changes to 'ggg'? [Ynesfdaq?] n
continue splitting? [Ycdq?] c
$ hg --config extensions.evolve= obslog --all
o dde94df880e9 (21) c_G
| @ e7ea874afbd5 (22) c_G
x b24bab30ac12 (20) c_G
| rewritten(parent, content) as dde94df880e9, e7ea874afbd5 using split by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
x 907f7d3c2333 (18) c_G
| rewritten(content) as b24bab30ac12 using amend by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
x 3ab2eedae500 (13) c_G
| rewritten(parent) as 907f7d3c2333 using rebase by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
x c7d60a180d05 (6) c_G
rewritten(user) as 3ab2eedae500 using amend by test (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000)
$ hg export .
# HG changeset patch
# User test3
# Date 0 0
# Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
# Node ID e7ea874afbd5c17aeee366d39a828dbcb01682ce
# Parent dde94df880e97f4a1ee8c5408254b429b3d90204
# EXP-Topic blue
diff -r dde94df880e9 -r e7ea874afbd5 ggg
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ggg Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
$ hg export .^
# HG changeset patch
# User test3
# Date 0 0
# Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
# Node ID dde94df880e97f4a1ee8c5408254b429b3d90204
# Parent f3328cd199dc389b850ca952f65a15a8e6dbc79b
# EXP-Topic blue
diff -r f3328cd199dc -r dde94df880e9 Z
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Z Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
Check that stack ouput still make sense
$ hg stack
### topic: blue
### target: default (branch)
s4$ c_I (orphan)
s3@ c_G (current)
s2: c_G
s1: c_D
s0^ c_A (base)