prune: spell --successor flag without any unnecessary shortcuts
If a user wants to spell out -s, it makes sense to allow that. Before this
patch, prune would complain that --successor is not a recognized option.
Obviously people don't usually need to spell --successors by hand thanks to
shell completion (at least for Bash) using debugcomplete to see all available
flags, so this patch doesn't bring any need for more typing.
And thanks to Mercurial understanding shortened forms of command-line flags as
long as they are unambiguous, the old-style `--succ` flags still work normally,
and there are tests that use them. But two tests now use the full form to
demonstrate that both ways work.
Testing topics on cases when we have multiple topics based on top
of other.
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/"
$ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
> [experimental]
> evolution = all
> [ui]
> interactive = True
> logtemplate = {rev} - \{{get(namespaces, "topics")}} {node|short} {desc} ({phase})\n
> [extensions]
> show =
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
Test to make sure `hg evolve` don't solve troubles out of current stack:
$ hg init repo1
$ cd repo1
$ for ch in a b c; do
> echo $ch > $ch
> hg ci -Am "added "$ch --topic foo
> done;
adding a
active topic 'foo' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
adding b
adding c
$ echo d > d
$ hg ci -Am "added d" --topic bar
adding d
active topic 'bar' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg up -r "desc('added c')"
> echo cc >> c
switching to topic foo
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg amend
1 new orphan changesets
$ hg log -G
@ 4 - {foo} 0cc68cbf943a added c (draft)
| * 3 - {bar} 94b12ff0f44a added d (draft)
| |
| x 2 - {foo} 9c315cf1e7de added c (draft)
o 1 - {foo} ead01932caf0 added b (draft)
o 0 - {foo} 853c9ec0849e added a (draft)
$ hg stack
### topic: foo
### target: default (branch)
s3@ added c (current)
s2: added b
s1: added a
As expected, evolve should deny to evolve here as there is no troubled csets in current stack:
$ hg evolve --all
nothing to evolve on current working copy parent
(1 other orphan in the repository, do you want --any or --rev)