author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Fri, 19 Jul 2019 17:25:29 +0800
changeset 4763 184c64c81528
parent 4268 d5a2cc19903f
child 4363 a2fdbece7ce1
permissions -rw-r--r--
prune: spell --successor flag without any unnecessary shortcuts If a user wants to spell out -s, it makes sense to allow that. Before this patch, prune would complain that --successor is not a recognized option. Obviously people don't usually need to spell --successors by hand thanks to shell completion (at least for Bash) using debugcomplete to see all available flags, so this patch doesn't bring any need for more typing. And thanks to Mercurial understanding shortened forms of command-line flags as long as they are unambiguous, the old-style `--succ` flags still work normally, and there are tests that use them. But two tests now use the full form to demonstrate that both ways work.

Tests for changing and clearing topics

  $ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/topic_setup.sh"
  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [experimental]
  > # disable the new graph style until we drop 3.7 support
  > graphstyle.missing = |
  > evolution=createmarkers, allowunstable
  > [phases]
  > publish=false
  > [alias]
  > glog = log -G -T "{rev}:{node|short} \{{topic}}\n{desc}  ({bookmarks})\n\n"
  > EOF

About the glog output: {} contains the topic name and () will contain the bookmark

Setting up a repo

  $ hg init topics
  $ cd topics
  $ for ch in a b c d e f g h; do touch $ch; echo "foo" >> $ch; hg ci -Aqm "Added "$ch; done

  $ hg glog
  @  7:ec2426147f0e {}
  |  Added h  ()
  o  6:87d6d6676308 {}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  5:825660c69f0c {}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  4:aa98ab95a928 {}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  3:62615734edd5 {}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  2:28ad74487de9 {}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  1:29becc82797a {}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  0:18d04c59bb5d {}
     Added a  ()

Clearing topic from revision without topic

  $ hg topic -r . --clear
  cleared topic on 0 changesets

Clearing current topic when no active topic is not error

  $ hg topic
  $ hg topic --clear

Setting topics to all the revisions

  $ hg topic -r 0:: foo
  switching to topic foo
  changed topic on 8 changesets to "foo"
  $ hg glog
  @  15:05095f607171 {foo}
  |  Added h  ()
  o  14:97505b53ab0d {foo}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  13:75a8360fe626 {foo}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  12:abcedffeae90 {foo}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  11:1315a3808ed0 {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  10:1fa891977a22 {foo}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  9:a53ba98dd6b8 {foo}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {foo}
     Added a  ()

Clearing the active topic using --clear

  $ hg topic
   * foo (8 changesets)
  $ hg topic --clear
  $ hg topic
     foo (8 changesets)
Changing topics on some revisions (also testing issue 5441)

  $ hg topic -r abcedffeae90:: bar
  switching to topic bar
  changed topic on 4 changesets to "bar"
  $ hg glog
  @  19:d7d36e193ea7 {bar}
  |  Added h  ()
  o  18:e7b418d79a05 {bar}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  17:82e0b14f4d9e {bar}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  16:edc4a6b9ea60 {bar}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  11:1315a3808ed0 {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  10:1fa891977a22 {foo}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  9:a53ba98dd6b8 {foo}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {foo}
     Added a  ()

Changing topics without passing topic name and clear

  $ hg topic -r .
  abort: changing topic requires a topic name or --clear

Changing topic using --current flag

  $ hg topic foobar
  $ hg topic -r . --current
  active topic 'foobar' grew its first changeset
  (see 'hg help topics' for more information)
  changed topic on 1 changesets to "foobar"
  $ hg glog -r .
  @  20:c2d6b7df5dcf {foobar}
  |  Added h  ()

Changing topic in between the stack

  $ hg topic -r 9::10 --current
  5 new orphan changesets
  changed topic on 2 changesets to "foobar"
  $ hg glog
  o  22:1b88140feefe {foobar}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  21:c39cabfcbbf7 {foobar}
  |  Added b  ()
  | @  20:c2d6b7df5dcf {foobar}
  | |  Added h  ()
  | |
  | *  18:e7b418d79a05 {bar}
  | |  Added g  ()
  | |
  | *  17:82e0b14f4d9e {bar}
  | |  Added f  ()
  | |
  | *  16:edc4a6b9ea60 {bar}
  | |  Added e  ()
  | |
  | *  11:1315a3808ed0 {foo}
  | |  Added d  ()
  | |
  | x  10:1fa891977a22 {foo}
  | |  Added c  ()
  | |
  | x  9:a53ba98dd6b8 {foo}
  |/   Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {foo}
     Added a  ()
  $ hg rebase -s 11 -d 22
  rebasing 11:1315a3808ed0 "Added d" (foo)
  switching to topic foo
  rebasing 16:edc4a6b9ea60 "Added e" (bar)
  switching to topic bar
  rebasing 17:82e0b14f4d9e "Added f" (bar)
  rebasing 18:e7b418d79a05 "Added g" (bar)
  rebasing 20:c2d6b7df5dcf "Added h" (foobar)
  switching to topic foobar

  $ hg glog
  @  27:a1a9465da59b {foobar}
  |  Added h  ()
  o  26:7c76c271395f {bar}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  25:7f26084dfaf1 {bar}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  24:b1f05e9ba0b5 {bar}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  23:f9869da2286e {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  22:1b88140feefe {foobar}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  21:c39cabfcbbf7 {foobar}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {foo}
     Added a  ()
Amending a topic

When the changeset has a topic and we have different active topic

  $ hg topic wat
  $ hg ci --amend
  active topic 'wat' grew its first changeset
  (see 'hg help topics' for more information)
  $ hg glog -r .
  @  28:61470c956807 {wat}
  |  Added h  ()

Clear the current topic and amending

  $ hg topic --clear
  $ hg ci --amend
  $ hg glog -r .
  @  29:b584fa49f42e {}
  |  Added h  ()

When the changeset does not has a topic but we have an active topic

  $ hg topic watwat
  marked working directory as topic: watwat
  $ hg ci --amend
  active topic 'watwat' grew its first changeset
  (see 'hg help topics' for more information)
  $ hg glog -r .
  @  30:a24c31c35013 {watwat}
  |  Added h  ()

Testing changing topics on public changeset

  $ hg phase -r 8 -p

Clearing the topic

  $ hg topic -r 8 --clear
  abort: can't change topic of a public change

Changing the topic

  $ hg topic -r 8 foobarboo
  abort: can't change topic of a public change

Testing the bookmark movement

  $ hg bookmark book
  $ hg glog
  @  30:a24c31c35013 {watwat}
  |  Added h  (book)
  o  26:7c76c271395f {bar}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  25:7f26084dfaf1 {bar}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  24:b1f05e9ba0b5 {bar}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  23:f9869da2286e {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  22:1b88140feefe {foobar}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  21:c39cabfcbbf7 {foobar}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {}
     Added a  ()
On clearing the topic

  $ hg topic -r . --clear
  clearing empty topic "watwat"
  active topic 'watwat' is now empty
  cleared topic on 1 changesets

  $ hg glog
  @  31:c48d6d71b2d9 {}
  |  Added h  (book)
  o  26:7c76c271395f {bar}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  25:7f26084dfaf1 {bar}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  24:b1f05e9ba0b5 {bar}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  23:f9869da2286e {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  22:1b88140feefe {foobar}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  21:c39cabfcbbf7 {foobar}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {}
     Added a  ()

On changing the topic

  $ hg bookmark bookboo
  $ hg topic -r . movebook
  switching to topic movebook
  changed topic on 1 changesets to "movebook"
  $ hg glog
  @  32:1b83d11095b9 {movebook}
  |  Added h  (book bookboo)
  o  26:7c76c271395f {bar}
  |  Added g  ()
  o  25:7f26084dfaf1 {bar}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  24:b1f05e9ba0b5 {bar}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  23:f9869da2286e {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  22:1b88140feefe {foobar}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  21:c39cabfcbbf7 {foobar}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {}
     Added a  ()
Changing topic on secret changesets

  $ hg up 26
  switching to topic bar
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (leaving bookmark bookboo)

  $ hg phase -r . -s -f
  $ hg phase -r .
  26: secret

  $ hg topic -r . watwat
  switching to topic watwat
  1 new orphan changesets
  changed topic on 1 changesets to "watwat"

  $ hg glog
  @  33:894983f69e69 {watwat}
  |  Added g  ()
  | *  32:1b83d11095b9 {movebook}
  | |  Added h  (book bookboo)
  | |
  | x  26:7c76c271395f {bar}
  |/   Added g  ()
  o  25:7f26084dfaf1 {bar}
  |  Added f  ()
  o  24:b1f05e9ba0b5 {bar}
  |  Added e  ()
  o  23:f9869da2286e {foo}
  |  Added d  ()
  o  22:1b88140feefe {foobar}
  |  Added c  ()
  o  21:c39cabfcbbf7 {foobar}
  |  Added b  ()
  o  8:86a186070af2 {}
     Added a  ()
  $ hg phase -r .
  33: secret